Murdered Norwegian in London 2.

Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 10:22am
To explain a bit more why I suspect this.

When I was on summer-school in Brighton and Weymouth in the eighties, then we were on day-trips and weekend-trips to London.

Then the young people in Oxford St. etc., were wearing ‘the Smiths’ t-shirts.

When I was in London, now last year, I was walking through Oxford St. again, and now the t-shirts are saying ‘Allahs Warrior’, and things like that.

So I guess it could be that the Police in London are under control by some muslim mafia, for all that I know.

Like it seems to me that it has been or still is in Norway.

Or that there at least is some type of cooperation going on, between the mentioned parties.

I wouldn’t find this so unlikely, that it wasn’t worth mentioning.

So that’s why I’m mentioning this now.

Hope this is alright, and thanks in advance for any replies!

Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 10:07am
Where as, the probable murderer, deleted his facebook-page, right after the murder.

And then went on a privat-jet to Jemen.

I think that it seems like all this was planned.

And possibly coordinated with the Police and the media.

Here is the link: (In Norwegian).

Andreas H Nilsen wrote
at 10:05am
Dont we have some Yemeny members of this group who can gather some intel on his whereabouts?
Doesnt hurt to know where he is staying just in case..
Message – Report

Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 10:01am
From this Norwegian link, it says that the pictures printed of the victim in the British newspapers after her death, were pictures the papers had found on the victims facebook-page.

And the victims family, says that the pictures aren’t representative of her.

They were taken at parties etc.

Like I see it, she wore clothes on these pictures that are less revealing than most or many British women wear when they are going clubbing each Saturday.

I’ve been out in Sunderland, Newcastle, Liverpool and London, and I think women wear more clothes when they go out in Norway, than they do in Britain, generally.

But on the other days of the week, it’s the other way around, then British women wear more clothes.

This is how I see it from living in both Norway and Britain.

So people in Norway wouldn’t want pictures like that being in the press, like in typical Saturday night out clothes that women wear in Britain.

Because sometimes they even go out in their underwear here.
