Murdered Norwegian in London 7.

Linda Brendstuen wrote
at 5:08pm
All my sympathy is with Martines family. They are now going trough a terrible time. To loose someone close is always difficult, and in this i dont think anyone that hasnt experiences it know.
I do trust the police that they will find the truth one day.

And about the last comment here…if it really is so that this mr Ribskog that has made so many strange comments that does not belong in a group like this, if he has made copies to his own blog, he shoulf after my opinion be banned from Facebook. Its not the right way to use it.
Well only my opinion this.

RIP Martine. Hope your family will be able to hold your funeral soon.
Message – Report

Sara Jennifer (New York, NY) wrote
at 2:38pm
Mary-Jo, that is very interesting about Erik. I think someone should really look into that.

Anyone google Farouk lately…You will see there are no updates…Maybe that is because he has contacted Scotland Yard and proved or proving his innocence.

Habiba, you seem like you are on the right track here. Thank you.

Mary-Jo Jones wrote
at 10:52am
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Why dos Erik Ribsskog publish » The wall » from 2 International hunt for the truth about the murder of Martine Vik Magnussen» AT HIS HOMEPAGE ?? When I write something here its not ment for Ribsskogs homepage..