Her er en bloggpost, som jeg skrev i går, om at en musikkvideo, som diskoteket, ved siden av der jeg bor, spiller hele tiden, var av en gruppe som heter ‘Freemasons’.
Jeg kikka litt på YouTube, på kommentarene, for å se hva dette var for noe, en gruppe som het, oversatt til norsk, frimurerne.
Da skrev en kar der, at dette hadde med Illuminati å gjøre, og at folk måtte våkne opp.
Eller han skrev, at ‘the sheeple’, måtte våkne opp.
Jeg har forresten også sett en rap-video, som heter Illuminati, så det er tydelig at det er noe som foregår, i undergrunnen, men som ikke kommer helt opp til overflaten, til avisene og slikt.
Så hva de driver med, det er ikke godt å si.
Jeg fant definisjonen, for sheeple, i Urban Dictionary.
Også poster jeg bloggposten fra i går, med Freemason-videoen.
Så skal jeg se om jeg finner den rap-videoen, som heter ‘Illuminati’ også.
Vi får se.
Med vennlig hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
Her kommer de nevnte videoene og blogpostene osv:
Freemasons Uninvited ft Bailey Tzuke (Sang som diskoteket utenfor spiller hele tiden), med YouTube-kommentar. (Blogpost, skrevet i går kveld).
algomat (4 days ago)
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A GROUP CALLED FREEMASONS. WHAT the FUCK people?!?!?! Wake the fuck up it´s right in front of your FACES!!! Illuminati everywhere. Sheeple wake THE FUCKING FUCK UP.
Definisjon på ‘sheeple’ fra Urban Dictionary
1. |
Sheeple |
People unable to think for themselves. Followers. Lemmings. Those with no cognitive ablilities of their own. All the teens were wearing bell-bottoms because they were sheeple. by Naegling Oct 2, 2003 email it 0 comments |
2. |
sheeple |
A individual that forfits their right to choose in favor of inclusion in groupthink and what is viewed as popular or elete group. Allowing the influences of different forms of media and group members to hold great sway in the formation of attitudes, behavoir and opinion. In 2003 American President Bush states that the need to invade Iraq is imperative because it it was a supporter of islamic terrorism and developer of Weapons of Mass Destruction that would threaten the United States. Although no evidence was given in support of such statements the american sheeple supported the war despite evidence to the contrary. by candyflip Jan 27, 2004 email it 0 comments |
3. |
Sheeple |
The hoi polloi. Those who follow triends blindly. Portmanteau of "sheep" and "people", derived as sheep follow their flock and shepherd seemingly mindlessly. The sheeple cheered as Britney Spears’ replacement girl-group singer came onto the stage after hearing she was featured in Teen magazine. |
4. |
sheeple |
The compression of two words, sheep and people, to form one word meaning a mass of ignorant, unoriginal humans that herd together and follow mindlessly. The sheeple, who fully relate to the president’s sheer mundanity and retarded mentality, mill in a sort of vacuous excitability outside the White House, hoping to catch a glimpse of their hero. by groundless Sep 11, 2003 email it 0 comments |
5. |
Sheeple |
People who have no mind or free will of their own and go with the flow. Hollywood is full of midless sheeple. sheep-le sheep people mindless band wagon dumb |
6. |
sheeple |
plural of: a person who follows trends mindlessly, see also towniepikeytrendy. Originates from ‘sheep’- a dumb animal that follows all the other sheep around. "Look at all the sheeple wearing exactly the same clothes" by JimmyK Sep 12, 2003 email it 0 comments |
7. |
sheeple |
sheep people: those who follow like a sheep every trend and fad. My!!, this whole mundo-trasho world is full of trashisocrats,steerage-class and sheeple who only need the ‘baah,baah’ sound effest effect to complete the task! by hytham_hammer Aug 29, 2005 email it 0 comments |
Prodigy – Illuminati