Hi Erik,
We would like to investigate this potential abuse on Facebook further. Please provide the web address (URL) to the page containing the offensive content. Please also provide the exact name and networks of the person responsible, and if possible, the web address (URL) to his or her profile page or search listing. We will then review the material and take appropriate action based on our Terms of Use. Rest assured that this report will be kept confidential.
Thanks for contacting Facebook,
User Operations
—–Original Message to Facebook—–
From: Erik Ribsskog (eribsskog@gmail.com)
To: info@facebook.com
Subject: Complaint.
I wanted to try to complain about a couple of things:
A person on a Facebook-group, says I'm insane (the person writes this in
I wondered if it would be possible for you to remove this please:
'Lena wrote at 11:52pm on April 25th, 2008
Gale Erik!
Har ikke du ei egen gruppe om dette da? Du plager og trakasserer folk! Hold
deg til din egen gruppe.
Her er mer info om Gale Erik http://galeribsskog.blogspot.com/'.
Also, another person, in the same link, says that he has contacted Facebook,
and Facebook decided to
ban me from a group.
I was wondering if you could explain what you have done regarding this
please, since I haven't been informed,
by you, regarding this:
Issmat wrote at 11:33am on April 27th, 2008
Dear Group Members,
Due to an overwhelming number of complaints against the postings of Erik
Ribsskog, I have sent a request to Facebook and asked them to review his
postings and determine, according to Facebook policies, if the postings will
qualify to ban him from the group.
A number of complaints arrived directly from close friends of Martine. I
explained that although I am the administrator, I do not have the ability to
ban any members and will have to report the issue to Facebook.
For the meantime, I believe that Erik can no longer post in the group, but
he can access and read any information that is posted on the group.'.
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
—–End Original Message to Facebook—–