The funny thing here is that the Illuminati, who controls the major media, will be putting lots of money in their pockets thanks to the idiotic Americans who checked the box on their tax return to allot public funds for presidential campaigns. This money will go straight to the Illuminati when the candidates buy those TV commercials. So, they put their puppets in office and make themselves richer while America follows their advice like good sheeple to not vote for anyone who may look out for the best interests of the voters.
Since the Illuminati has done a masterful job of making the general public think they do not even exist by virtue of laughing publicly at «conspiracy theorists» and having the newsmen who work for them at major media outlets mock «conspiracy theorists», most people who read this will laugh at me as a «conspiracy theorist».
I’ll be wasting my vote for Ron Paul since I am a conspiracy theorist. My favorite conspiracy is the one about Thomas Verstraeten telling us all that thimerosal caused the autism epidemic and then rewriting his paper until it looked like he had screwed up with his first paper. The medical industry who poisoned our kids loves to point out that Verstraeten screwed up but they don’t like to admit that we’re curing our autistic kids by believing what Verstraeten told us the first time. So yes, that makes me a conspiracy theorist.
John T Kelly said…
Good day. Some years ago I read ‘The River’ by Edward Hooper. He explains how the oral polio vaccine is the cause of AIDS. The evidence he presents is startling. Some time after I read the book I noticed that Hooper’s book was lumped in with other ‘Conspiracy Theories’ as a way of debunking it.
I have also read that there was no Multiple Sclerosis before the measles vaccine and that remants of measles can be found in the spines of Multiple Sclerosis victims. It seems that ‘Vaccines’ have been the cause of more deaths and disease than they could ever have prevented. Although I’m unsure about the malaria vaccine I would certainly refuse to participate in any other.
Councillor John Kelly, Tameside, Manchester, England.