Måned: mars 2009
Jens Chr. Hauge bygget opp en norsk mafia. (In Norwegian)
Hvorfor jeg ikke får så mye hjelp fra min nærmeste familie gjennom disse problemene som er. (In Norwegian)
Det er fordi at moren min er død. Faren min liker bare å drikke. Søstra mi liker bare å røyke hasj. Og broren min liker bare å være tøffing på byen. Så jeg har ikke så mye til felles med min nærmeste familie egentlig. Jeg er fra en sånn ‘white trash’-familie, kan man kanskje si….
Job-seeking in England: It can sometimes be boring not to have a job, but I found an offer with Sky-bet, four free bets if you bet five pounds!
PS. Here’s the conversation, (that I pasted in a text-file): 15:08:00 http://media.skybet.com/chat/bet/vegas_mar10cb_new.html15:08:05 Phil has joined this session!15:08:05 Connected with Phil15:08:05 Hi Erik Ribsskog, my name’s Phil. How can I help you today?15:08:13 hi there, yes please15:08:25 Can I take your User ID please?15:08:33 i thought that when i opened the account, that i got four…
Job-seeking in England: I sent an e-mail to TranslationDirectory.com explaining about the problems with the domain-naming job
27March 2009 13:56 PS. Here are the links to the attached MSN-conversations: Tusenspill: https://johncons-blogg.net/2009/03/tusenspill.html Tusenspill2: https://johncons-blogg.net/2009/03/tusenspill2.html Email: https://johncons-blogg.net/2009/03/email.html
Job-seeking in England: Bit of problems with the domain-naming job
Never give out your password or credit card number in aninstant message conversation. Eriksays: Hithere, did you get my e-mail? Sebsays: hey,I did Sebsays: Ican’t give you a pay-slip for 10 euros Sebsays: itwould be weird Sebsays: youcan create an invoice however Sebsays: andaddress it to me if you like Eriksays: Ok,I’ll send you an…
Klage til spesialenheten på politiet i Drammen. (In Norwegian)
27March 2009 13:16