Hi Lorna,
thank you very much for your fine letter, that I recieved today!
I went to the Council at the One Stop Shop, with the letter, but they
said that they needed
a tenancy-agreement.
A new tenancy agreement, as I understand it, since the one from 2006
was to old, as I've
understood it, from when I went there in December.
So I was hoping that you could please send me a tenancy-agreement as
I haven't heard anything about the boiler and the washing-machine, and
the stove is also
not working by the way, and the owen on the bath-room, hasn't been
working at all, since
I moved in, but I didn't want to make any fuzz about it, so now I mention
everything at the
same time.
Sorry about all these problems!
Yours sincerely,