Session Start: Tue May 26 00:00:04 2009
Session Ident: #blablabla
[01:00] * jc_away is now known as john_cons
[01:02] * Ghoulem has joined #blablabla
[01:02] * Ghoulem has left #blablabla
[02:52] * Ghoulem has joined #blablabla
[02:52] * Adriano^_ has joined #blablabla
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[02:54] * Ghoulem is now known as Habas
[02:54] * Adriano^_ has joined #blablabla
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[02:59] * Adriano^_ has joined #blablabla
[03:01] * Adriano^_ is now known as Weishaupt
[03:04] <Habas> Weishaupt ??????? , 2495
[03:04] <Habas> Das krieg is ner.
[03:05] <john_cons> was est das
[03:05] <Habas> ??????
[03:05] <Habas> Nebel
[03:06] <john_cons> was sags du doch helga
[03:06] <Weishaupt> nebel und nacht
[03:06] <Weishaupt> soon, very soon
[03:06] <john_cons> midtgardsormen
[03:06] <john_cons> armageddon
[03:06] <Habas> Nein.
[03:06] <john_cons> harmageddon/ragnarokk
[03:06] <john_cons> jah helga
[03:06] <Habas> Nein.
[03:06] <john_cons> das est richtich
[03:07] <Habas> Nicht Helga
[03:07] <Habas> Nebel.
[03:07] <john_cons> we habe der harmageddon unt der ragnarokk
[03:07] <john_cons> unt der midtgardsormen unt der fenrisulven
[03:07] <Habas> Loke.
[03:07] <john_cons> jaja
[03:07] <Habas> Nebel is Loke.
[03:07] <john_cons> nebel is loke?
[03:07] <john_cons> moses hess is loke?
[03:08] <Habas> Moses Hess is judenmeister.
[03:08] <john_cons> was est das?
[03:08] <Weishaupt> shhh
[03:08] <Weishaupt> you speak too much Habas
[03:08] <Weishaupt> best keep quiet about these things
[03:08] <Habas> He needs to know.
[03:08] <john_cons> sie est judenmeister?
[03:08] <Habas> He is in danger.
[03:08] <Weishaupt> it's too much
[03:08] <Weishaupt> he is not ready
[03:08] <Weishaupt> not yet
[03:08] <Habas> There is not enough time.
[03:09] <john_cons> ok shus helga
[03:09] <Habas> He needs to know about the disciples.
[03:09] <Weishaupt> shh!
[03:09] <john_cons> Habas is * R. Cloak
[03:09] <john_cons> Habas on #virrvarr #blablabla @#kaballah @#illuminati.norway @#pyramiden
[03:09] <john_cons> Habas using ATMAN, Warsaw, Poland
[03:09] <john_cons> Habas actually using host
[03:09] <john_cons> habas End of /WHOIS list.
[03:09] <john_cons> –
[03:09] <john_cons> Weishaupt is * Adrian d(-_-)b
[03:09] <john_cons> Weishaupt on #blablabla #kaballah @#illuminati.norway #pyramiden @#slutz_only
[03:09] <john_cons> dere er jo norske jo, idioter
[03:10] <Habas> We are on proxy. We thought you would like Norway.
[03:10] <Weishaupt> do not mind the proxy
[03:10] <john_cons> tror ikke noe p? dere
[03:10] <john_cons> who are you then?
[03:10] <Weishaupt> believe whatever you want to believe
[03:10] <john_cons> hvem er dere
[03:10] <Weishaupt> I told you he was not ready, Habas
[03:11] <Habas> I am Habas Ghoulem of Turkey Underground against Kurds and Aliens
[03:11] <john_cons> really?
[03:11] <Habas> Yes.
[03:11] <john_cons> aliens?
[03:11] <john_cons> please explain
[03:11] <Habas> Mostly Kurds.
[03:11] <Habas> Which also are alien subordinates.
[03:12] <john_cons> i think that sounds a bit strange
[03:12] <john_cons> with that they are alien subordinates
[03:12] <Habas> They made the kurds their disciples.
[03:12] <john_cons> oh
[03:12] <Habas> They said they came from God.
[03:12] <Habas> But they don't.
[03:12] <john_cons> ok, i didn't know that
[03:12] <john_cons> ok
[03:13] <john_cons> the aliens made the kurds their disciples
[03:13] <john_cons> where does that go with the illumiati?
[03:13] <Habas> The illuminati is aliens. Repitlians.
[03:13] <john_cons> are you two with the illuminati?
[03:13] <john_cons> ok i see
[03:13] <Habas> No, we are resistance.
[03:13] <john_cons> i've heard about the expression reptilians
[03:13] <Habas> On earth.
[03:13] <john_cons> ok
[03:13] <Habas> In turkey
[03:13] <john_cons> ok
[03:13] <Habas> We built a bunker.
[03:14] <john_cons> really?
[03:14] <Habas> and make info.
[03:14] <Habas> from the internet.
[03:14] <Habas> So we are ready.
[03:14] <john_cons> okey, why does your mate call himselves weishaupt
[03:14] <Habas> To confuse the illuminati.
[03:14] <john_cons> if you are the resistance?
[03:14] <john_cons> okey
[03:14] <Habas> They don't think a friend is an enemy.
[03:14] <john_cons> ready for the comet?
[03:14] <john_cons> okey
[03:15] <Habas> But enemies sometimes are friends.
[03:15] <Habas> And friends are sometimes enemies.
[03:15] <Habas> and sometimes friends is friends.
[03:15] <john_cons> i thought that illuminati were the rotchilds etc
[03:15] <Habas> Rothchilds are not dead?
[03:15] <Habas> You have new infos?
[03:15] <john_cons> and rockefeller etc
[03:15] <Habas> Those are only disciples in the Amerikwa.
[03:16] <john_cons> okey
[03:16] <Habas> Do you trust l33t|BNC?
[03:16] <Habas> Or is it robot?
[03:16] <john_cons> yeah, it's a bot
[03:16] <john_cons> i don't know whos
[03:16] <Habas> Who controls robot?
[03:16] <john_cons> this used to be my channel
[03:17] <john_cons> i don't know unfortunatly
[03:17] <Habas> WHO IS ROBOT?!
[03:17] <Habas> No.
[03:17] <Habas> It could be them.
[03:17] <Habas> We must not speak
[03:17] <Habas> Here.
[03:17] <Habas> I will contact you.
[03:17] <Habas> By mail.
[03:17] <john_cons> i think this sounds a bit strange
[03:17] <Habas> I will explain in mail.
[03:17] <john_cons> ok, that's cool
[03:17] <Habas> Make sure no one gets it.
[03:17] <Habas> Before you.
[03:17] <Weishaupt> In time, it will all make sense
[03:18] <john_cons> I publish everything on my blog
[03:18] * Weishaupt has left #blablabla
[03:18] <Habas> The envelope must be intact when you open.
[03:18] <Habas> Or you must burn it.
[03:18] * Habas has left #blablabla
Jeg lurer på om de folka der var fra Simon Wisental-senteret.
Når de har gått tom for nazister å jage, fra 2. verdenskrig, så jager de vanlige folk.
Noe sånt:
«Nacht Und Nebel» Wiesenthal Center
Dette kan være fordi at morfaren min, Johannes Ribsskog, var dommer eller advokat, i landsvikerprosessene, etter krigen.
Kanskje de ikke syntes at han var streng nok, eller noe, og jager hans familie ennå?
Hvem vet.