Session Start: Wed May 27 21:51:01 2009
Session Ident: #wikimedia-ops
[21:51] * Now talking in #wikimedia-ops
[21:51] * Topic is 'Welcome to the home of the Wikimedia chanops | Ops in various Wikimedia channels are voiced here | dircbot: [[m:IRC bots/dircbot]] | ASM: [[m:IRC bots/AntiSpamMeta]] | [[m:IRC Group Contacts]] | If you have a private message for ops, please /join #wikimedia-ops-internal'
[21:51] * Set by Brownout on Mon Mar 09 20:33:12
[21:51] -ChanServ- [#wikimedia-ops] Welcome to the home of the Wikimedia chanops. Questions, requests and the like can be filed here and we'll try to help. To find an operator for a particular channel, type "/quote chanserv access #channel list".
[21:51] * Rjd0060 has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:51] <john_cons> I was muted on wikipedia-no, just for talking there about wiki-stuff (that the son of a former minster, flums, tried to stop me from writing about a norwegian pizza brand, grandiosa, since one of his employers, stabburet, told him to stop me. another admin, Jeblad, then covered this up, explained it as a 'practical joke')
[21:51] <john_cons> i try to bring up this case on wikipedia-no, but am just being muted
[21:52] <john_cons> wondering what to do
[21:52] * jdelanoy is now known as JD|food
[21:54] <Marybelle> /msg ChanServ access #wikipedia-no list
[21:54] * Rjd0060 has joined #wikimedia-ops
[21:54] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Rjd0060
[21:54] <Marybelle> Find a channel operator for that channel and discuss the matter with them.
[21:54] <Mike_lifeguard> john_cons: I've asked that an op from #wikipedia-no join us, but they don't seem very interested in doing so.
[21:54] <john_cons> ok i'll try that then, thanks
[21:54] <john_cons> no, they don't want to deal with it
[21:54] <john_cons> they just cover it up, it seems
[21:55] <john_cons> it's the son of the former minister who has control
[21:55] <Marybelle> Well, conspiracies are what IRC was made for.
[21:55] <john_cons> so noone dears to stand up, it seems
[21:55] <john_cons> well, like you know, on wikipedia, things are documented
[21:55] <Marybelle> "On Wikipedia."
[21:55] <john_cons> ..
[21:55] <Marybelle> There are a lot of Wikipedias.
[21:56] <Marybelle> ¿¿
[21:56] <john_cons> yes, well my point is that there isn't any conspiracy
[21:56] <john_cons> but anyway
[21:56] <john_cons> i wanted to escalate it from wikipedia norway
[21:56] <john_cons> is it anyway i could to that you think?
[21:57] <Prodego> john_cons: well they don't want to do anything about it
[21:57] <Prodego> and we have no authority on that channel
[21:57] <Marybelle> Well.
[21:57] <Marybelle> You're sure it's an IRC dispute?
[21:57] <Prodego> if you feel it is a big issue, you can talk to seanw or James_F|Away
[21:57] <Prodego> as they are in charge of all #wikipedia- channels
[21:57] <john_cons> ok, thanks, ill just send a msg to them then
[21:58] <john_cons> okey i'll just msg a short summary
[21:58] <john_cons> since i'm not comfertable with the situation there
[21:58] <john_cons> thanks for the help!
[21:58] * PeterSymonds2 has joined #wikimedia-ops
[21:58] <Huib> Beter do a memo..
[21:58] <Marybelle> Anytime.
[21:58] * Huib has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:58] <Syn|busy> …
[21:59] * ChanServ sets mode: +v PeterSymonds2
[21:59] * Huib has joined #wikimedia-ops
[21:59] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Huib
[22:00] <Huib> Why does peer always reset me on a bad timing
[22:00] <Martinp23> it's evil 🙁
[22:01] * john_cons is now known as jc_away
[22:01] * PeterSymonds has quit IRC (Nick collision from services.)
[22:02] * THO|Away is now known as Thehelpfulone
[22:03] * Synergy has joined #wikimedia-ops
[22:03] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Synergy
[22:04] * Syn|busy has quit IRC (Nick collision from services.)
[22:05] * PeterSymonds2 is now known as PeterSymonds
[22:07] * Huib has quit IRC ("jmIrc destroyed by the OS")
[22:08] * Huib has joined #wikimedia-ops
[22:08] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Huib
[22:18] * GDonato_ is now known as gdonato
[22:19] * JD|food is now known as jdelanoy
[22:24] <Huib> Night
[22:25] * Huib has quit IRC ("")
[22:28] * Luna-San has joined #wikimedia-ops
[22:28] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Luna-San
[22:31] * Yamakiri{s} is now known as SkyWolf
[22:34] * Dratini has joined #wikimedia-ops
[22:42] * Jake_Wartenberg is now known as JW|AFK
[22:45] * Dratini is now known as Bladguer
[22:45] * Bladguer is now known as Dratini
[22:45] * Emachman has joined #wikimedia-ops
[22:45] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Emachman
[22:56] * ekimmargni has joined #wikimedia-ops
[22:56] * ChanServ sets mode: +v ekimmargni
[22:57] * Mike_lifeguard has quit IRC (Nick collision from services.)
[22:57] * chb has joined #wikimedia-ops
[22:57] * ChanServ sets mode: +v chb
[22:59] * jdelanoy is now known as JD|AFK
[23:01] * JW|AFK is now known as Jake_Wartenberg
[23:29] * Emachman has quit IRC ("Leaving…")
[23:35] * JD|AFK is now known as jdelanoy
[23:40] * jc_away is now known as john_cons
[23:41] * Disconnected
Session Close: Wed May 27 23:41:55 2009