Det er noen som prøver å ødelegge ryktet mitt, på irc, og sikkert også andre steder. (In Norwegian)

Google Mail – Denne gangen var det noen i #New_World_Order

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog


Denne gangen var det noen i #New_World_Order

Erik Ribsskog


Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 8:38 PM


Jorunn Frosch <>


dette var veldig merkelig.
Det virker som om det er noen som prøver å ødelegge ryktet mitt, av en eller annen anledning.
Men mange takk for å sende dette, jeg skal poste det på bloggen!

Med vennlig hilsen
Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 8:26 PM, Jorunn Frosch <> wrote:

17:41:26 *** john_cons has joined #New_World_Order

17:42:26 *** mode/#new_world_order [+v john_cons] by NAZI

17:42:38 < john_cons> I'm being followed by the 'mafia' or 'mob'

17:42:10 <+groest> yea

17:42:16 <+groest> fucking pisses me off

17:44:26 <+john_cons> My Grandfather, Johannes Ribsskog, was followed by the elite in the Norwegian Labour Party

17:44:29 *** mars_ has quit [Ping timeout: 506 seconds]

17:44:44 <@bernace> why?

17:44:59 <+milly> because he was a political opponent

17:45:03 <+john_cons> Because he applied for the position of Sysselmann at Svalbard, I was told

17:45:15 <+milly> norway has a BAD history of illegal monitoring of political opponents

17:45:18 <+bertel> hm. another crazy norweigian. tsk tsk =)

17:45:24 * bernace nod off

17:45:25 <+john_cons> I've explained more about this at my blog

17:45:32 <+milly> oh

17:46:26 <+john_cons> I'm being followed by Bertelsmann as well, and denied my rights

17:46:54 <+bertel> that's a messy page. i'm too chilled to make head and tails there.

17:47:25 <+horse> what u mean ur being followed? how?

17:47:29 <+john_cons> Also, some idiots I don't know have made a hate 'fan club' blog and are harrassing me

17:47:33 <+milly> it's nice to see you post and email on your blog.. saying the following "I haven't been on IRC in weeks, besides, I'm banned from most IRC-channels for advertising"

17:47:45 <+milly> and = an

17:47:46 <+john_cons>

17:50:36 <+milly> ok, I've read the first page of your blog

17:50:38 <+horse> is an all seeying eye following you?

17:50:43 <+milly> is it ok if I laugh a bit?

17:50:48 <+john_cons> something like that

17:51:01 <+horse> is it a pyramid, or a square?

17:51:12 <+john_cons> I believe it's the 'mob' or 'mafia'. I overheard I was followed by the 'mafia', in 2003

17:52:01 <+john_cons> It's the New World Order/Bilderberg

17:52:18 <+milly> ok, for the fun of it..

17:52:24 <+milly> WHY are you being followed?

17:52:28 <@bernace> yeah

17:52:34 <+milly> and don't name your dad…. because that has got nothing to do with YOU

17:53:12 <+milly> what did -you- do? or what info have -you- got? or what danger do -you- posess to the rulin elite/mafia/nwo/bilderberg?

17:53:33 <+john_cons> I don't know

17:53:37 <+john_cons> That's the problem

17:53:39 <+milly> danger possess? danger do you rpesent perhaps..

17:53:46 <+john_cons> I'm being followed for no reason

17:54:01 <+john_cons> I'm a normal guy from Berger in Norway

17:54:02 <+horse> u got pics of ppl following u? like mobile phone, video cam, etc?

17:54:17 <@bernace> good ?

17:54:17 <+milly> then you're either a) imagining things or b) making it up

17:54:46 <+john_cons> Why should I make it up? I feel you are patronizing me now

17:55:03 <+milly> because….

17:55:04 <+milly> 2 sec

17:55:18 <@bernace> attention?

17:55:35 <+milly> I find it hard to belive taht a normal guy from Berger in Norway would be followed by a ruling elite with total power

17:55:46 <@bernace> same.

17:55:52 <+milly> you see, that's what we call 'hard to believe'

17:56:06 <+john_cons> I find it hard too but it's happing. You'll find all the evidence on the blog

17:56:08 <+milly> now… had you had some info… or presented some kind of threat to the ruling elite.. sure I could believe you

17:56:29 <+milly> WHAT evidence? I read your blog and reeks of paranoia

17:56:39 <+milly> I'm sorry, but I found no -evidence- on your blog

17:56:48 <+john_cons> My father apparently sold me to the 'mafia', to use me as a slave, in the 80s

17:57:00 <+milly> then you should go ask your father

17:57:19 <+john_cons> no, he's calling me day and night, even if I've told him I want nothing to do with him

17:57:48 <+john_cons> I believe he's working for the mafia

17:57:55 <@bernace> sunset: wtf, I commented on that headline…

17:58:00 <+john_cons> My mother and sister worked for the Illuminati

17:58:23 <@sunset> what?

17:58:24 <+john_cons> They've been planning this since the 80s, it's some kind of 'plot'

17:58:38 <+horse> what kind of plot?

17:58:46 <+john_cons> against me, to deny me my rights

17:58:53 <+milly> what rights?

17:59:14 <+john_cons> I want to live a normal life without being followed by the NWO/mafia

18:00:32 <@sunset> rofl

18:05:32 <+horse> i guess the mafia got john_cons

18:05:54 <@bernace> too bad.

18:10:28 *** indian has joined #New_World_Order

18:10:39 <@bernace> john_cons, they don't do that type of thing on an individual level unless you're some sort of threat.

18:10:40 <+milly> another one? wtf?

18:11:00 <@bernace> that's more of a whole society type of thing

18:11:01 <+milly> another norwegian joined…. 100$ he's got some connection to john_cons

18:11:09 <@bernace> wtf

18:12:37 <+milly> but john_cons reeks of paranoia/attention-seeker

18:13:00 <+horse> i think he equates his dad with illuminati

18:13:12 <+horse> which is good, if ure a father-hata

18:13:15 <+milly> w/e it is, he should go talk to his dad

18:13:24 <+milly> since he seems to be the center of it all

18:14:56 <+milly> oh, indian = harryw and he was here before john_cons..

18:15:04 <+milly> guess he's cool then 🙂

18:17:14 <@bernace> 10-4

18:17:18 <+john_cons> I've had enough. You guys are harrassing me and you probably are working for the 'mafia'

18:17:30 <@bernace> LOL