Debatten om forholdet mellom Norge og Island, fortsetter på YouTube

johncons123 (1 day ago)


Well, he does that because he says that Norways relationship with Europe is special, but he forgets that Iceland have the same relationship with EU, (as have the other EFTA-countries, thats Liectenstein and Switzerland).

Also, Norway is one of the richest countries in the world, and a lot of the people on Iceland, have Norwegian anchestors, from the Viking-age, but still, Iceland has to borrow money from Russia and the EU.

torzukki (1 day ago)


i wasnt talking specifcally about him, i was talking about normal norwegians.. take me for example, i love iceland and i wish i could go there all the times and i know that alot of people agree with me

johncons123 (1 day ago)


Ok, I'm also from Norway.

But I think that Jagland, in the video, pretends that Norway have a special agreement with the EU.

But this is the EEA-agreement, that Iceland and Liectenstein also have.

But it could be that I've misunderstood what Jagland says in the video, since this is not my field.

Don't you think it's strange that Iceland has to borrow money from Russia, when Iceland has a rich Norway as a brother-country?

torzukki (28 minutes ago)


yea, i do but i think the reason that norway doesnt borrow money to iceland is the fact that iceland does not have alot of money at time, so maybe norway wants to hold up and see how the situation is before they choose to do anything..

but im not going to say anything more about this case, because i dont know a whole lot about this topic just gonna stay out of it.

johncons123 (35 seconds ago)


Yeah, but how much money is it Iceland needs?

Maybe one percent of our big oil-fond.

Should we not help out brother-country with a loan, when we have so much money?

Then Norway and Norwegians really don't care about out brother-country.

Maybe Norwegians and Norway have become to spoiled and stuck up?