Google Mail – Enquiery about Didrik Galtrup Gjedde Nyholm, judge in Cairo, from Denmark/Fwd: FW: About Diderik Galtrup Gjedde Nyholm, judge in British imperial Egypt
Erik Ribsskog
Enquiery about Didrik Galtrup Gjedde Nyholm, judge in Cairo, from Denmark/Fwd: FW: About Diderik Galtrup Gjedde Nyholm, judge in British imperial Egypt
Erik Ribsskog
Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 4:00 AM
I'm a Norwegian citizen, living in the UK.
I was adviced by the University of Cambridge, to contact you.
It's regarding my ancestor, Didrik Galtrup Gjedde Nyholm, from Denmark, who was my grandmother, Ingeborg Ribsskog's grand-uncle.
He worked in an international court in Cairo, and I was just wondering if I have illuminists/kabalists, in my family, so I was wondering if he stated any interests in old egyptian religion etc., when he got the job as a judge in Cairo?
Since I have so many 'New Age'-people in my family, and my grandmother was also 'New Age', so I was wondering if the judge was 'New Age', since the judge's brother, my grandmoters grandfather, the general Anders (Gjedde) Nyholm, was in charge of all of Denmarks war-forces, (chief of the generalkommando), in the 1920's, so I was wondering if he or someone in my family, where 'New Age "spies"'.
Here is more about Didrik Galtrup Gjedde Nyholm:
DIDRIK GALTRUP GJEDDE NYHOLM (Denmark). Member of the International Mixed Tribunal at Cairo since 1896 and Vice-President of that body since 1916; Justice of the Court of Appeals at Copenhagen; member of the Perma-
nent Court of Arbitration at The Hague; author of one of the draft schemes for an International Court of Justice used by the Committee of International Jurists as a basis for the scheme finally adopted by the League.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
———- Forwarded message ———- From: J.P. Slight <>
Date: Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 12:07 PM Subject: Re: FW: About Diderik Galtrup Gjedde Nyholm, judge in British imperial Egypt To:
Dear Erik,
My PhD supervisor Dr. Harper forwarded your email to me.
I think you should visit the National Archives in person and explain to them the person you are looking for – the staff are very good and you may find something there.
In Egypt, and many parts of the British Empire, non-British Europeans often filled positions such as judges. The British were only concerned to exclude natives of the country they were ruling (at least until the later nineteenth century). Particularly in the Egyptian case there was a long precedent of Europeans holding positions of power (Egypt's ruler in the early nineteenth century Muhammad Ali was Albanian, and many Europeans were employed in the finance ministry, the judiciary, the police force, and especially the Army). I hope this answers your question.
With best wishes,
John Slight
From: Erik Ribsskog []
Sent: 28 October 2009 05:54
Subject: About Diderik Galtrup Gjedde Nyholm, judge in British imperial
I'm a Norwegian citizen, who's living in the UK, (due to
problems with my family etc., without that I've done anything wrong, that I
know of, at least, in Norway), and I have a late grandmoter from Denmark,
Ingeborg Ribsskog, who said that she was from the Danish noble-family Gjedde.
But I've later found out, on the internet, that they weren't noble after all,
so this was a lie, I think I have to say.
And, in her family, was eg. her grandfather, her mothers father, Anders Gjedde
Nyholm, who was Chief of the Generalkommando, that's the general with control
on all of Denmarks war-forces, in the 1920's.
And her grand-uncle, was Diderik Galtrup Gjedde Nyholm, who
was a judge, for the British imperial courts, in Cairo, and then later a judge
in the International Court, in Hague, in the 1920's.
I wonder why they would lie about the noble backgroud.
Anders Gjedde Nyholm, only wrote A. Nyholm, I've seen, as a signature, on
official portrait-photographs in the Danish military-archives.
And their grandfather, was a farmers son, I've read on
Thisted Museum's, in Denmark's, website.
So they weren't noble, but they maybe used the Gjedde-name
to get prestige, because of the famous Admiral and colonisator
of Tharambangdi, in India, for Denmark-Norway, Ove Gjedde, was famous, and
maybe they pretended to be from the same family?
I've tried to serch the British National Archives online,
about this, but I got no result, so I didn't know how to try to find out about
this, other than contacting a good university.
I was wondering why the British Imperial Courts in Cairo,
would let a Dane, (my grandmothers grand-uncle), Diderik Galtrup Gjedde Nyholm,
be a judge, in the British Empire?
Isn't this a bit strange, weren't this positions normally given to people from
the British Empire?
I hope you have the chance to answer about this, or that you
know of someone who might know about this!
I hope it's alright to ask about this, and I apologise, if
it isn't.
Man kan se i den e-posten ovenfor at min mormors grandonkel, ‘den falske Gjedden’, Didrik Galtrup Gjedde Nyholm, faktisk var den som skrev et forslag, til hvordan den internasjonale domstolen i Haag, skulle bli konstruert.
Det var sikkert flere som skrev forslag, men min mormors grandonkels forslag, ble det som de valgte, å ta utgangspunkt i, for hvordan den internasjonale domstolen i Haag, skulle bli bygget opp, (sånn som jeg forstår det).
Så en danske, må man vel si, konstruerte den internasjonale domstolen i Haag.
Også tenker vi på det, at på 30-tallet, var det vel, så var det den samme domstolen, som dømte i favør av Danmark, i striden mellom Norge og Danmark, og Grønland, eller Øst-Grønland.
Så det var vel litt merkelig, man må vel nesten kunne kalle denne domstolen i Haag, for dansk.
Og jeg mener å huske at det var minst en dansk dommer, som skulle dømme, husker jeg at min mormor sa på telefonen ifjor.
At hennes grandonkel døde, noen dager før den saken om Grønland, skulle opp, men så ble han erstattet av en annen danske.
For min mormor husket at det stod i de danske avisene, (siden hun, Ingeborg Ribsskog, bodde i Danmark til like etter krigen, siden hun var dansk, men giftet seg med min norske morfar, Johannes Ribsskog, like etter krigen, som sagt), ‘blir det Nyholm eller blir det N.N.’, altså et annet navn, som jeg ikke husker hva var.
Så jeg lurer på om man kan si det sånn, at Norge ble utsatt for juks, når det gjelder dommen om Øst-Grønland?
Jeg synes ihvertfall det er rart, at norske aviser ikke skriver noe om ‘de falske Gjeddene’ og hva som foregår rundt meg.
For jeg har også blitt utnyttet, på den måten, etter at jeg ble konstruert oppsagt, fra Bertelsmann/Microsoft, hvor nordiske folk ble utnyttet.
(Bertelsmann er forresten et stort tysk firma).
Etter det så ble jeg også utnyttet, av et firma i Norwich, (siden jeg ikke fikk noen vanlige jobber, av en eller annen grunn), som fikk meg til å ringe til firma i emballasjebransjen, i Norden, og spørre om alt mulig, hva de produserte osv., (nesten gratis jobbet jeg for de, for jeg fikk ikke noen annen jobb. Packaging Europe, het den nettsiden deres. Positive Publications, het vel firmaet).
Så jeg ble utnyttet, av Positive Publications, vil jeg si, siden jeg måtte jobbe på lav lønn.
Og nordiske firma ble også utnyttet, vil jeg tippe på, siden all informasjonen om disse firmaene, nå ligger i en database i Norwich da, men eierfirmaet er tysk, (ved navn Ball, eller noe, mener jeg det var), husker jeg.
Så her er det tyskere som har utnyttet meg, både hos Bertelsmann og Positive publications, vil jeg si, og de har også utnyttet andre nordiske folk og nordiske firma innen emballasjesektoren da, sånn som jeg ser det.
Så jeg synes at nordisk presse, kanskje er litt naive, siden de ikke skriver om dette.
Så dette lurer jeg litt på.
Så sånn er det.
Bare noe jeg kom på.
Erik Ribsskog