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Date: Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 11:40 AM
Subject: Your reply from E.ON
To: eribsskog@gmail.com
Account number: 012373289370
Dear Mr Ribsskog
I am sorry that our email system makes you feel uncomfortable and that you do not feel we use a proper email address.
Our offices email address is DirectorofCustomerService@eonenergy.com. This information is provided down the right hand side of the summary page on your quarterly statement.
I am disappointed to hear you are now leaving us however I wish you the best of luck with your new supplier. We have received notification from British Gas and they are in the process of transferring you over to them. This transfer is anticipated to be complete around 9 May 2010.
I am sorry to hear you were not happy with the calls you received from our agent Andrea on Good Friday and the Tuesday which followed.
She did not call you outside of office hours, as we are open normal working hours on bank holidays along with Saturdays. I have listened to the calls to ensure she was not upset and I can assure you she was not sad or nearly crying on her phone call, nor did she intend to sound like that. I would howver like to thank you for your concern.
It was agreed on the phone call you had with her on 30 March 2010 that she would call you back on the following Friday. It was then agreed on Friday, she would call you again on Tuesday to discuss the payment of your account further. I am sorry for any confusion caused during these phone calls.
My colleague Danielle Gobbett has emailed you in response to your previous query about your payment plan. She has logged a complaint on your account and will continue to deal with this through to resolution.
If you wish to view our complaint procedures please click on the link below:
Kind regards
Joanne Grummett
Directors' Office
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If you'd like to email us please visit http://www.eonenergy.com/contact/. By emailing us through our website we can guarantee your information remains secure. Thanks.
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