now I've received an e-letter from Karen Swindells where she's quoting you.
You seem to say, that I want several investigations, but I haven't asked for that.
I've just asked for my four complaints not to be jammed together.
I think I have a case consisting of four complaints against Scottish Power.
Where as you think I have a case consisting of one complaint against Scottish Power.
This is where we disagree.
Mr. Swindells also quote you in a way that make you seem prejudice, I think.
You say you've had a lot of complaints like these against all major electricity-providers.
I think you really free Scottish Power already, before the investigation.
It seems to me, that you at the Ombudsman think it's ok for companies, to mess with the customer as much as they want, if there is a problem with late payments involved.
This I think is uncivilised, if I have understood you right.
Also, when I send an e-mail to the superiour of Karen Swindells, then I don't expect to get an answer from Karen Swindells, since I really complain about her.
Then I think this is harassment from you, when I still end up getting an answer from Karen Swindells and not her superior.
I would have wanted to get an answer from Karen Swindells manager, to make it clear if this is something she says, or her manager says.
I think that's really normal standards for organisations to have the person receiving the correspondence, sign the answering-letter.
Hope this is alright!
Best Regards,
Erik Ribsskog
———- Forwarded message ———-
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 5:03 PM
Subject: To the Superior of Complaints Manager Karen Swindells
To: enquiries@energy-ombudsman.org.uk
I wanted to please complain about your Complaint Manager.
I have a _case_ against Scottish Power, which I think consists of five _complaints_.
But your organisation says it is a _case_, that consists of one _complaint_ that consists of many _elements_.
I have studied Object Orientation as part of an IT-degree at University-level in Norway, and I think this doesn't add up.
It should be one case, that consists of five complaints.
You just jam all the complaints together, so that one lose the overview.
I wanted to please complain about this.
(Also, Swindell, (or 'svindel'), means fraud in Norwegian.
Just to joke a bit).
But I think this should be one case that consists of five complaints, I think it's irrelevant if all of them were triggered by an occourence or not, since I think that means you think it's ok for a company to treat people bad, if they pay the bill to late, (or something like this).
I don't think you or a company have the right to judge me, so I can't agree with this, I think it should be five complaints.
I'm looking forward to receiving your updated case, consisting of five complaints, (and 'elements' jamed together).
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog