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From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 7:23 AM
Subject: New complaint about Jobcentre Plus, Williamson Sq.
To: DWP ICE gateway team <ice@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>
I got a letter from Jeremy Groombridge, on behalf of the Jobcentre Plus Chief Executive, earlier this week.
I think you should have a look at this, as well.
It includes a number of mix-ups, from the Jobcentre.
To do with Employment Zones.
I only got a Pretemps-folder, before the initial Employment Zone meeting, with Mrs. Smart.
I didn't get the Jobcentre Employment Zone litterature, or the Reed litterature or the Sencia litterature.
I was only given the Pretemps-litterature, in a sign on meeting a forthnight before the Employment Zone meeting.
I saw that it said 'Church St', I think it was, on the litterature from Pretemps, so I went back and spoke to the woman 'with the scars from the pimples on her chin', and then she just kept the Pretemps-litterature, and I was given no litterature at all, before the Employment Zone meeting.
So I had to go back for a second Employment Zone-meeting, since I got the litterature, in the first meeting.
(So I felt socially alienated, since I didn't know what the first meeting was about).
In the second Employment Zone-meeting, I said I chose Sencia, since it was close to my home address.
(Also, I have an employment case, where Reed is included, and I didn't want to go to Pretemps, after the incident with the woman with the scars from the pimples on her chin).
But in the Sencia-litterature, there is written three addresses, so I went to the wrong address!
I then called Sencia, who told me to contact the Jobcentre, to get a new appointment.
(This was on 1/7).
Where I explained about what had happened.
When I went to the Jobcentre at 14/7, then the Jobcentre-manager, Mr. Winter, almost attacked me, while I was standing at the Jobseeker-machine.
And then he wanted me to have a meeting with him and Gary, who's also working there.
I had no idea that the Jobcentre-manager wanted to discuss what had happened on 1/7, on 14/7.
I hadn't recieved any letter abou this.
But after the meeting I complained because, I thought they were like trying to freak me out.
They constructed things.
Like they complained I hadn't been there at 9.30, even if I was told, on 1/7, (by Mrs. McCarthy there), to meet at 11.15 on 14/7.
This Mr. Winter and Gary constructed to make me nervous it seemed to me.
They also 'roasted' me, and asked about details about what had happened, on this and this date, (even if I hadn't been told about the meeting, so I wasn't prepared for this interregation/hearing).
It was like when Oliver North was on TV, regarding the Iraq-Contra-scandal in the USA, (in the hearing in the congress there).
Something like this.
Also, I complained about that Mr. Winter was ignorant, since I had really explained on 1/7, in my e-mail, about why I didn't meet at the right Sencia address.
So my complaint is:
1. I wasn't given the Employment Zone litterature, before the meeting.
2. The Sencia-littarture was confusing, since it had three different addresses in it.
3. I had to explain about what happned on 1/7, on 14/7, at the Jobcentre, even if I had explained about this from before, in my e-mail from 1/7.
4. The Jobcentre manager, Mr. Winter, didn't write a letter about, that I had to explain about what happened on 1/7, on 14/7, so I was unprepared for that meeting.
5. On 14/7, I had to have a meeting with both Mr. Winter and Gary, at the same time.
(I think I only should have had a meeting with one of them, at a time, since else it can be difficult to keep the overview for the client).
6. The Jobcentre-manager, Mr. Winter, was ignorant, and ignored my explanation, in the e-mail, from 1/7, so I had to explain about this again, on 14/7.
7. The woman, at the Jobcentre, 'with the scars from the pimples on her chin', didn't give me the complete Employment Zone information pack, when I complained that I hadn't been given this, in the sign-on meeting, a forthnight before the first Employment-Zone meeting with Mrs. Smart.
I think it's right that you at ICE also look at this, since there have been several other complaints, about this Jobcentre, from me, that I've sent to you, (or at least tried to get sent to you).
Hope this is alright!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog