thank you for your e-mail!
So who within the Council, will answer my complaint about Jet.
(Within two weeks, like it says in your Complaint Procedure)?
I think it's a bit confusing, that the Council runs Jet.
Because then JET is both the Council and Jet.
It would have been easier to keep the overview if Jet was an independant organisation I think.
But now it's not clear for me what's going to happen.
Is someone employed by the Council going to look at my complaint against Jet?
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 8:29 PM, Liverpool Direct <Liverpool.Direct@liverpool.gov.uk> wrote:
Your unique reference number is: 69051
Please include your unique reference number in all email communication.
Dear Mr. Ribsskog,
Thank you for your e-mail about your complaint about JET.
Liverpool City Council provides the JET service so you can use the council's complaints procedure.
Details of our official complaints procedure can be found HERE – you can also submit your formal complaint online via the Have Your Say form.
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Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail? Go to www.liverpool.gov.uk and complete the easy online registration form.
— Original Message — From: Erik Ribsskog < eribsskog@gmail.com> Received: 20/09/10 18:46:57 o'clock BST To: liverpool.direct@liverpool.gov.uk
Subject: Complaint about JET/Fwd: CV
I wanted to please complain about JET.
It seems they only accept complaints, that has to do with rasism.
Other than that, one can only send evaluation-forms.
I think they're then ignorant, as an organisation, and that they are degrading their clients.
I think Jet should have a proper complaint-procedure, like I know the Liverpool City Council and the Local Government Ombudsman has.
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
———- Forwarded message ———- From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 6:40 PM Subject: Fwd: CV To: Lorraine.Elliott@liverpool.gov.uk
Hi again,
I read the e-mail from your collegue Mr. Birch again now, from 17/8, the one you refered to.
I think, that if you only accept complaints, in the form of evaluation-forms.
Then I think you really don't accept complaints.
So then I don't see any use, to go on with this.
You accept complaints that has to do with rasism, it seem to me.
So I think you are ignorant, as an organisation, if I can say my opinion.
So I don't think there's any use for me to go on with this.
I have already given you my feedback, in e-mails.
And if I'm only alowed to give feedback, but not to complain, then I think that sounds a bit strange.
It's like I'm being ridiculed then, I think.
I think you should have a complaint-process, like most organisations, like I know the Local Government Ombudsman has.
I see you are part of Liverpool City Council, so I think I can use their complaint procedure.
I'll have a think about this.
Sorry that I'm writing many e-mails.
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
———- Forwarded message ———- From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 6:27 PM Subject: Re: CV To: "Elliott, Lorraine" <Lorraine.Elliott@liverpool.gov.uk>
your college said she was going to send me an application-form.
And then I receieved the evaluation-form.
So it wasn't obvious what the evaluation-form was about.
But I reacon now, that it was regarding my meeting, with the Employability Team.
Anyway, it was after my contact with Naric, that I thought I had to complain, and not after the meeting there.
So this with that one only can complain, when one reseve your form, that doesn't really make any sense to me.
It didn't say, when I received the form, what it was regarding.
I think you should have sent a letter with it, to explain.
Since I was in continuous contact with JET, so it really didn't make any sense to me, at the time, unfortunately.
But thank you very much for informing me about this.
I'm going to Employment Zones now, so I can try to bring these issues up with them.
But I'll have a look at the e-mail from your collegue, from 17/8 again, and see what it says.
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 2:42 PM, Elliott, Lorraine <Lorraine.Elliott@liverpool.gov.uk> wrote:
Dear Mr Ribsskog,
Thank you for your email.
Please be directed to the email sent to you by my colleague, Gary Birch, dated 17th August. I understand that you were sent an evaluation form to complete and return in the pre-paid envelope as your opportunity to comment on the standard of service you feel you have received. Gary’s e-mail also made clear what you should do if you believe you have been treated unfairly in any of your contacts with JET or more specifically the BME Employability Team.
Given the above actions undertaken by my colleagues, I am now no longer in a position to enter into written correspondence with you concerning the issues you raise.
Yours sincerely
Lorraine Elliott (Nee Hammond)
JET Manager
Liverpool East JET Service
Neighbourhood Employment Services
Job Bank
4 Tunnel Road
L7 6QD
0151 233 6177
0151 233 6117
07834 843648
From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
Sent: 10 September 2010 15:47 To: Walsh, Claire (Jet Centre) Cc: Elliott, Lorraine
Subject: Re: CV
thank you very much for your e-mail!
As I explained in one of the e-mails I sent yesterday.
Now, it's with the University of Sunderland.
I just got an e-mail from the University of Sunderland Alumni, telling me that they have passed my CV on to the right department, (the department who gives advice on careers etc).
So maybe we should wait untill I've heard from the University of Sunderland, about the assessing of my IT-skills.
Because I'm not that good at that myself.
You write that you haven't got founds for clients.
But when Working Links sent me to Jet, (last year, I think it was).
Then it was because you said you could found my course.
And I haven't received a statement from Naric.
That was just what it said on their website, that my Norwegian degree, was comparable with, in the UK.
But that was just about my degree.
I've also studied for two years, on a second 'home university', in Norway.
(And also in Sunderland).
So I've studied at three universities.
So that's why it's complicated, regarding if I'm at level 5 or 6.
I think I'm at level 6 really.
But my degree is only level 5.
This is a big differnce when one apply for work.
Because level 6-degrees, (Bachelor Degrees), are much more well known by employers, I think.
Therefore, I would have wanted a statement form Naric, telling me I'm at Bacehlor degree-level.
Because then I would easier get a job, I think.
Gillian told me, that you could found my course in Web-design, with Liverpool Community College.
But you write now, that 'do not have any funding available to offer clients'.
I suspect that you are lieing.
So I send this complaint to the manager for Jet, which I think is Lorraine Elliott.
I also want Jet to call Liverpool Community College, and ask why they haven't contacted me about the course that starts in October.
Is this some mob-activity?
I hope Lorraine Elliot cleans this up.
You others at Jet should be ashamed!
On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 10:09 AM, Walsh, Claire (Jet Centre) <Claire.Walsh@liverpool.gov.uk> wrote:
Hi Erik
In reply to the previous emails you have sent to my Guidance Officer (Gillian Hartley) regarding your CV, I would like to invite you in to the Jet office on Breck Road in order to go through your CV and to ensure that you are happy with the finished product.
It is my understanding that we do have a statement from Naric explaining that your qualification is equivalent to a Higher National Diploma. Unfortunately, we are unable to pay for any further services from Naric as at present as we do not have any funding available to offer clients.
If you can come in and see me, I will happily go through the CV with you and discuss how we can move forward and if we are able to offer you any further assistance.
I am available on Monday or Tuesday next week at the Breck Road Office. Please let me know when you are available to come and see me and what time?
Claire Walsh
Guidance Team Coordinator
Liverpool Jet Service
Neighbourhood Employment Services
49b County Road
L4 3QA
Tel: 0151 233 4027
Fax: 0151 233 4025
Mob: 07736883823
Email: claire.walsh@liverpool.gov.uk
Web: www.liverpool.gov.uk
2010 Year of Health and Wellbeing
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