Ich been Erik, der sonne aus Karen, die swechter aus Ellen.
Kan Sie erindrung mich?
Ich been in Basel, mit meine swester Pia, und ihre 'daughter' Rahel, we mit der 'bus' fahren aus ihre 'house/castle'.
Sie ge-kören aus Aech mit der tranvestitten in der auto.
Kan sie das erindrung?
Ich habe nur eine frage einmal.
Bist sie in der Malteser-ordnung?
Aber, maine father, Arne Mogan Olsen, "fraue" Haldis Humblen, 'daughter' Christell Humblen, 'half'-brutter, Bjørn Humblen, einmal in der Johanitter-ordnung, 199? – 2008 oder 2009.
Keine in der Johanitter-ordnung einmal.
Ach ach.
So das est danke schön.
Rahel sage das Ihre 'daughther #2" name est Solveig Savoldelli.
Habe sie 1, 2, 3, 4? Norwegische frauen?
Ellen Ribsskog Savoldelli, unt ein oder zwei 'more'?
Danche schön for 1987.
Aber nicht essen?
Nur 'drive'.
Aber danche schön 'anyway'.
Erik Ribsskog
Hallo Erik, ich erinnere mich leider nur undeutlich an Dich. Zu deinen Fragen: Ich kenne niemanden, der dem Malteserorden angehört. Ich natürlich auch nicht. Wieso denkst du das? Das würde mich interessieren.
Ausser Rahel habe ich noch zwei weitere Töchter. Eireen ist bald 20 Jahre alt, und Solveig wurde soeben 18. Ihre Mutter, mit der ich zusammenlebe, ist in Bayern aufgewachsen (Deutschland). – Auch hierbei würde es mich interessieren, wieso du denkst, dass ich mehrere norwegische Frauen "haben" soll ??? Strange.
Anyway, wie ich sehe, lebst du in Liverpool, in der Beatles-Stadt. Ich bin Lehrer für Ausländerkinder in Basel und wünsche Dir alles Gute.
Reto Andrea Savoldelli

danke fur ihre mail.
I write in English, if that's ok.
I saw a picture of you, with medals on, so I thought it could be the Knights of Malta, since I have them in my fathers family.
I've overheard in Oslo, in 2005, that I'm being followed by the 'mafian' there, so I'm a refugee now, and lives in Liverpool, that's right.
I remember you visited my grandmother and grandfather, in Nevlunghavn, in the 70's, and you did a trick, magic, and a Norwegian coin, came out of your ear.
Wasn't that you?
Then you had several women there, that's why I wondered if you had a lot of Norwegian women.
Because I thought that Solveig was only a Norwegian name, but when I studied in Sunderland, then a German student there was named Berit, after the Norwegian skier Berit Aunli, so I guess it's fashonable, in Europe to use Norwegian names.
Ingeborg, of course, died last summer, but I don't get my inheritance, from Ellen and Martin.
I was hiding, on Martin and Grete's farm, in 2005, but someone tried to kill me there, so I ran to Liverpool.
Ellen don't want to help me with getting my suitcase, which was on the farm, sent to Liverpool.
Martin I don't speak with any more, because I think he must have been involved.
So I basiclly just trying to understand what's going on.
So that's why I asked you if you were in that order.
I'll find that picture again, so that you can see what I mean.
Thank you very much for your reply again.
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog


in July i visited my daughter Rahel in Berlin. She was not lucky having to go for a short filmshooting in a old Park and leaving me alone. Suddenly she said, "I've got an idea. I know that they are looking for some older men to shoot a Kaiser Wilhelm II scene with Kanzler Bismarck and some Nobilities. Come with me." – So the day ended me playing Kaiser Wilhelm, and some women toasting to me: "Hoch lebe der Kaiser. Hoch, hoch, hoch!" And i didn't have to do much and was payed and so i could finance my staying in Berlin. Someone from the set took a picture of me and i thought it would be funny enough to use it for some time on my homepage. But if it is too weird for some others i am thinking of it again.
So, you remember my magic coin trick. I liked to do it specially for young boys in my classes and it seems that I managed to impress even Erik at that time. The coin vanishes into the arm and it seems, that you can pull it out from anywhere, from the shoes, may be even from the ear (i don't remember that one). The trick is quite simple and it is the only magic trick i am able to produce, besides some card tricks as quite everybody does.
Yes, Solveig gets quite common in german as a prename. My Suli (how she uses to call herself) knows several other Solveigs. (Thanks to Ibsen's Peer Gynt).
I came with Ellen to visit your Grandparents. I had no other women around. There was for two, three days a visit of a common friend of us, i don't even remember her name now. Leash your phantasy dear Erik.
I am very surprised to read the other strange things you are mentioning. I am sure that again it's your phantasy playing some tricks on you.
best regards,
Reto Andrea Savoldelli

I think that's the problem with both you and Rahel, that none of you have the feet on the ground.
It's one thing pulling out coins from the shoes, but try to keep them on the ground as well.
I guess you are in the Bavarian Illuminati, since your new wife is from there.
It's right, your old wife Ellen, played Solveig's song, by Grieg, from the music to Peer Gynt, by Ibsen, in my mothers cremation.
Your daughter Rahel, sat on the other side of the church, than us, btw.
I wasn't aware of, that Solveig was such a common name in Germany, or that Peer Gynt was that popular there.
I thought you liked Beethoven etc.
But anyway.
Ellen said she chose Grieg, when I asked her, to Ingeborg, since 'then the Norwegians would be happy'.
So I guess Ellen is Swiss now.
But anyway.
I remember a woman being with you in Norway, in the 70's.
But this was no big deal.
I was only curious.
I got confused, since your daughter's name is Solveig.
Solveig sounds very Norwegian to me.
Your other daughters name sounds English, by the way.
But I guess that's a common name in what ever you call Germany/Austria and the German-speaking part of Switzerland.
Bavaria, is close to Italy, so I guess you are catholics?
Savoldelli, also sounds Italian, are you catholics then.
If I'm alowed to ask?
Rahel went to Rudolf Steiner-school.
Are you in the Rudolf Steiner-organisation/movement?
Sorry if I'm asking a lot of questions, but we didn't speak, when I visited your castle(?), in 1987.
There were to many people there I guess.
I don't know where you've got it from, that I have a habit of imaginating things.
This must have been something you have dreamt dear Reto.
Maybe your transvestite friend can help you with this, did I say something strange, when I sat in the back-seat of your car, with my sister Pia, in 1987, when you drove us from your mansion to aunt Ellen in Aesch?
Good luck with trying to recall your vague memories!
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
Han tidligere fille-onkelen min, Reto Savoldelli, han hadde visst problem med det, at jeg skrev om Facebook-samtalene våre, på bloggen.
Han prater om ‘privacy’.
Men jeg mener det, at vi hadde jo ikke noe privat forhold vi.
Vi sa jo bare ‘hei’, til hverandre, en gang på 70-tallet og en gang på 80-tallet.
Da jeg var sånn fem år og 17 år gammel da.
Så dette her syntes jeg var feige greier.
Skal man ha samtaler med tidligere fille-onkler, som ikke tåler offentlighetens lys da?
Nei, det synes jeg blir litt for klamt, isåfall.
Så sånn er det.
Og dette er jo mine private Facebook-samtaler, så de kan jeg poste om på min blogg, hvis jeg ønsker det.
Jeg ser ikke noe galt i det, egentlig.
Men men, hvis folk har noe å skjule så.
Men men, jeg har jo kutta ut Rahel og Ellen og Martin, og søstera mi, og alle i min mors familie.
Så da er det kanskje like greit, å ikke være på talefot med min mors tidligere svoger, Reto Savoldelli også.
Jeg kan ikke noe for det, men det virker som om det er noen ‘ugler i mosen’, i forbindelse med han, vil jeg si at jeg synes.
Hvis han blir trist, så kan han jo bare trøste seg, med han transvestitt-vennen sin også.
Så de har det sikkert koselig.
Men men.
Bare for å fleipe litt da.
Jeg tror at han Reto liker best kvinner egentlig, for han hadde en del damer på det tunet sitt, like ved Basel, i 1987, mener jeg å huske.
Men men, jeg skjønte ikke helt hvordan familieforholdene egentlig var der, skal jeg være ærlig.
Men men, man kan vel ikke skjønne alt.
Så vi får se hva som skjer.
Vi får se.
PS 2.
Her er mer om dette:

PS 3.
Hvordan kunne han Reto Savoldelli, i Sveits eller Tyskland, vite om bloggen mine, forresten?
(Siden de er på norsk, mener jeg).
Det var vel litt ‘raritet’.
Men men.
Så vi får se hva som skjer.
Vi får se.
Erik Ribsskog