Jeg sendte en ny anmeldelse til Politiet i Drammen

Gmail – thank you for placing your order Erik Ribsskog, i will get back to you asap 🙂


Erik Ribsskog


thank you for placing your order Erik Ribsskog, i will get back to you asap 🙂

Erik Ribsskog


Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 7:36 AM



noen har bestilt skittent undertøy fra ei blondinne fra Bristol
Det er sikkert de nazistene som søstera mi, Pia Ribsskog, var i samme gjeng som, i Drammen.
Jeg ønsker gjerningsmannen tiltalt og straffet.

Erik Ribsskog

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 7:33 AM
Subject: Re: thank you for placing your order Erik Ribsskog, i will get back to you asap 🙂


I have not ordered used underware from you.

Some nazi's are following me, and do things like this agaist me.
I'm not interested in your dirty underware unfortunatly,

Erik Ribsskog
On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 1:11 AM, <> wrote:

hi Erik Ribsskog, i have received your order form, thank you 🙂

you can pay for your order by direct bank transfer or even over the counter at any branch of the halifax.

if you want to do this then i will let you have my bank details.

you can send cash or a cheque through the post or pay with paypal as a gift. i can send you a paypal invoice that can be paid with a credit card even if you dont have a paypal its up to you just how you pay.

as soon as you have decided how you would like to pay me, let me know asap and i will send the details you require straight back to you 🙂

if your order is over £15 then UK postage is free, otherwise please add £2 P+P

x x x thank you for your order lotti 🙂 x