yes, I didn't understand the routine, to get on the conference.
But, I haden't seen the exhipition yet, Reap and Pillage, so I just went to Chester that day, but the train was a few minutes early, so I got there a bit late.
And then I spoke with the people working there, at the museum, who got me in there, after the first break.
I understood it like that one only had to register at the museum, from your website.
But now I understand, that I should have ordered a ticket.
This wasn't clear to me, from reading your website.
But, this is just a hobby for me, with the viking-stuff on the Wirral, so I read about it like I would have read an online newspaper etc.
But next time I'll make sure to contact the hosts before I go to a conference like that.
Sorry about that misunderstanding again!
It sounds very fine about the video of the conference.
I'll update you if I hear more from the Norwegian Maritime Museum, about the Vikingship, under the pub, Railway Inn, in Meols.
Thanks again for arranging the fine viking conference!
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 3:03 PM, Stephen Harding <Steve.Harding@nottingham.ac.uk> wrote:
Thanks Erik. We are waiting to receive the video material (and
permissions) on the conference and hopefully you should be able to
catch up on the Introduction and the other talks you missed at the start.
This will also be of benefit to others, particularly the many people
who wanted to attend but were unable to get tickets.
Paa gjensyn,
that is, I don't want to have this as a life-style, with football-games
at the Wirral and be mate with the Icelandic guy from the Scandinavian Church,
I only care about the viking-stuff on the Wirral etc.
Because I have a lot of different interests, like blog, genealogy,
web-design, etc., etc.
So I haven't got that much spare-time.
So this isn't about the community-stuff, this is just about the
vikingship and the conference.
Hope you include the questions from the audience, (from me and
others), in the summary, since I brought up about the vikingship in Meols
Hope this is alright, don't mean to be to direct/inpolite.
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
Maybe I'll go on a movie, or something, part of the Nordic festival,
but I haven't got the time to go there all the time, unfortunately.
I thought about going on Max Manus, (the Norwegian was-movie), in the
Scandinavian chruch last year.
And I asked a young Swedish woman, Amanda, who works at Netto,
Weaverthree, if she had been at the Scandinavian Church, but she hadn't.
Also, I have an employment-case, against Bertelsmann Arvato Microsoft
Scandinavian Product Activation:
you know someone at the University of Nottingham, who could help me with this
case, as a pro-bono-case, because this case involved/involves many
Scandinavians living in Liverpool.
(My alumumni, at University of Sunderland, haven't replied).
Also, some of the employees there, had a lot to do with the Scandinavian
Church, (and are included in the case), an Irish/Swede called Michael
O'Shaughnessy etc., so I'm a bit vary about the Scandinavian Church, to be
So I think I'll only keep this at the level it's been at, that I only
go to the odd trip/event at my own choice.
Hope this is alright!
———- Forwarded message ———- From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 1:53 PM Subject: Re: Viking DNA book – Apologies for
problems with Amazon link, now resolved To: Stephen Harding <Steve.Harding@nottingham.ac.uk>
ok, perhaps I'll do that!
Thank you very much for your help!
I'll update you as soon as possible, if I hear something more from the
Vikingship-experts in Norway.
Thank you very much again for your reply!
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 10:22 AM, Stephen Harding <Steve.Harding@nottingham.ac.uk> wrote:
We'll put a summary up
soon on http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/-sczsteve and may be able to
include some videos of the talks – including the Intro – once we
have permission from the speakers. If you like I can also put you in touch with Ingi
Thor Jonsson – like yourself a resident Livepudlian – who runs the
annual NICE (Nordic Cultural Events) Festival, I think you and Ingi
would get on very well. There will eventually be a book based
on the Conference but that won't be for some
Ha det
thank you very much for you e-mail!
I've now sent about the Vikingship in Meols, to the Norwegian
Maritime Museum, at Bygdøy, in Oslo.
They are also experts on vikingships, and the conserving of
these, like Cultural Historical Musum, in Oslo are.
I'll update you more, if and when I hear back from them.
Has anyone written a summary from the viking-conference, which I
could write about on my blog, since I have a travel-blog etc., where I
write about my short travels from Liverpool to different Norwegian Viking
places in the Wirral.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 2:23 PM, Stephen Harding
<Steve.Harding@nottingham.ac.uk> wrote:
Dear all,
Firstly apologies for the bulk nature of
this email again and secondly apologies to those who have had difficulty
accessing the book (with its marvellous foreword by Michael Wood)
through amazon.co.uk.:
Although because of the demand (many
thanks!) the site says "Out of Stock" if you click on the "2 new" you
should be able to order the book immediately and in time for
Christmas. Thirdly apologies if you have no interest in
the Vikings!
All best wishes
Steve, Turi and Mark
From: Harding
Stephen Sent: 02 December 2010 14:41 To: undisclosed
recipients Subject: Viking DNA book
Dear Colleagues (including many of you who took
part in the genetic survey of northwest England, 2002-2007, or the
Nordic Festival in 2008)
Apologies if you get this message more than once!
We are writing to bring to your attention a publication we have
just produced. It focuses on the first part
of a genetic survey of northern
England – the Wirral and West Lancashire project
in the northwest – and explains the
basis behind the DNA method to probe ancestry, the use of
surnames to help to localize volunteers to specific regions of the
country, and how genetic methods are being used in conjunction with
historical, archaeological and linguistic evidence to learn about Viking
ancestry. It also gives some examples from
individual results and from comparing populations of people to help show
what these new technologies can achieve.
Publication of the book has been supported by one of the UK
Research Councils who have been supporting the study (the Biotechnology
and Biological Sciences Research Council) – and Nottingham University
Press in conjunction with Countyvise Limited have very kindly produced
this for us and indeed done a splendid job. We
would like to stress that we as authors are not taking any Royalties or
The book is introduced with a
brilliant foreword by famous UK/BBC historian/broadcaster
Michael Wood after which we set out to show as clearly as
we can, with the help of full colour illustrations – what DNA is and how
DNA methods can be used to probe both individual and population
ancestry. For probing Viking ancestry it shows the
importance of using DNA in conjunction with historical, linguistic,
place name and archaeological evidence – again with the help of
many colour illustrations, and explains how DNA can be used to
probe paternal ancestry and maternal ancestry either for individuals or
for populations of people, explaining also some of the sometimes
complicated jargon that scientists use.
A major problem in studying
population ancestry is the large population movements that have occurred
since the Industrial Revolution. However there is a
strong link between surnames and paternal DNA ancestry and the book
explains how information such as Henry VIII’s tax rolls, , and even
criminal records (including someone accused of killing a dog in 1348 ….
found not guilty!) can be used to help establish the volunteer base for
specific regions of northern England. Using these
methods significant Scandinavian ancestry (up to 50% of the mixture of
DNA from the old populations) has been shown for Wirral and West
Lancashire. One youngster from Wirral was so
impressed with the results for her father she wrote a
School project “My Viking Dad and his Viking Dog”! The book finishes
with a look towards the current testing of other regions of Northern
England and the research currently being undertaken with
colleagues in Norway to study the genetic profile of Scandinavia in
the Viking Age.
This broadcast on BBC
Radio 4 gives some more information about the survey: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/history/making_history/making_history_20080520.shtml (after
the first minute or so)
So we think it will be a useful read for anyone interested
in DNA ancestry and, after seeing what we have done in the North West,
give people from other regions an idea of how their own past could be
researched. The book is 150 pages long and
extensively illustrated in colour. The
book has just become available in all good
bookshops in the north West or from Amazon.co.uk *and would make an excellent Christmas
Steve Harding, Mark Jobling and Turi King

Stephen Harding DSc(Oxon) Professor of Applied
Biochemistry NCMH Laboratory, University of Nottingham Sutton
Bonington LE12 5RD,
steve.harding@nottingham.ac.uk *in case of difficulty contact us on this email
address, and we will put you in contact with Nottingham University Press
or Countyvise
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