jeg har anmeldt faren min, Arne Mogan Olsen, for omsorgssvikt, så jeg har ikke noe kontakt med han lengre.
Men han sender e-poster likevel, som jeg leser, men ikke svarer på, for da sier han at jeg må på sinnsykehus som min mor, Karen Ribsskog.
Jeg ser du er interessert i norsk kultur, som langrenn.
Er du interessert i å hjelpe å grave opp et norsk vikingskip, (evt. norrønt skip), som er klinkebygget, på ihvertfall 30 fot vel, som jeg har funnet, (ved hjelp av å spørre noen lokale), under parkeringsplassen, til en pub, i England, på the Wirral, i Meols.
Puben heter Railway Inn.
Jeg har sendt om dette til Vikingskipmuseet, og mange andre, men ingen er interessert.
Jeg synes det er for ille, at jeg må sende det til Danmark.
Britene tror skipet vil råtne, hvis man graver det opp, så norsk ekspertise må til, for å forklare hvordan skipet bør bevares.
Jeg tenkte at det beste hadde vært å bygd et museum på Meols, hvor det finnes masse andre norske vikingeting, som steiner med norrøne mønster fra vikingtiden, og en kirke som heter St. Olave's church, etter Olav den hellige, i Chester osv., navngitt av norske vikinger da overveiende sannsynligvis.
Og kanskje også noen feriereiser, for nordmenn/skandinaver, noen viking-reiser, for å se vikingskip og vikingsteiner og steder med vikingnavn, som Thorstenston, osv.
For det er litt for ille å måtte sende dette til danskene, synes jeg.
Et prosjekt, med svenske eksperter, blant annet, har rådet britene til å la skipet ligge.
Men de svenske vikingene dro jo til Russland osv., så jeg synes det blir litt dumt, at svensker skal gi råd om norske vikinger i England.
Håper på positivt svar angående støtte til å grave opp viking/norrønt-skip, (klinkebygget), og muligens vikingmuseum osv., i England.
Her kan man se at min far, (som jeg tar til retten for omsorgssvikt, men likevel), Arne Mogan Olsen, foreslo dette:
Arne Mogan Olsen <arnemogan@gmail.com> |
5 December 2010 17:57 |
hvorfor kan du ikke ha en normal kontakt med meg,så skal du få en mengde familieopplysninger av meg. jeg har blandt annet slekta til ågot
skrevet ned tilbake til begynelsen av 1700 tallet. den gangen jeg var gift med karen leste jeg en slektsbok om om familien til ingeborg
der det også omhandler jernverket. karen og jeg kjørte forbi der i 60 åra en gang. de lagde blant annet kanoner der. kan du ikke sende meg en epost
slik at du kan spørre meg om familie istedet for å ringe idar i bergstø. det er bedre enn å være avisene til familien. jeg kan også hjelpe deg med
dette vikingskipet ved å kontakte musset på bygdøy. det skulle ikke forundre meg om ikke røkke eller en annen riking kan sponse.
med ærbødigst hilsen din far arne mogan olsen
———- Forwarded message ———- From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: 2011/1/3 Subject: Fwd: Råd om å grave opp vikingskip i England/Fwd: Råd i forbindelse med utgravingen av et antagelig norsk vikingskip, (langskip), på the Wirral, i England/Fwd: Anmeldelse av trakassering/Fwd: Viking DNA book – Apologies for problems with Amazon link,
To: roskildemuseum@roskilde.dk
hvordan er det i Danmark, har dere noen mulighet til å gi meg råd om dette?
Hverken Kulturhistorisk Museum, Norsk Sjøfartsmuseum, eller andre, har muligheten.
Jeg er kvart dansk, etter min mormor Ingeborg Ribsskog f. Heegaard, som var etter Løvenbalk, (og dermed også etter f.eks. Gange-Rolf og Odin), etter sin mormor Mary Eva Carla Fog.
På forhånd takk for eventuell hjelp!
———- Forwarded message ———- From: Atle Thowsen <Atle.Thowsen@bsj.uib.no>
Date: 2011/1/3 Subject: RE: Råd om å grave opp vikingskip i England/Fwd: Råd i forbindelse med utgravingen av et antagelig norsk vikingskip, (langskip), på the Wirral, i England/Fwd: Anmeldelse av trakassering/Fwd: Viking DNA book – Apologies for problems with Amazon link, now
To: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>, "bergens.sjofartsmuseum@bsj.uib.no" <bergens.sjofartsmuseum@bsj.uib.no>
We here at the Bergen Maritime Museum have neither the
resources nor the competence to assist you in this matter.
Med vennlig hilsen Stiftelsen Bergens Sjøfartsmuseum Atle
Thowsen direktør mobil: 9511 8556 telefon: 55 54 96 00 hjemmeside:
Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2011 9:30 PM To:
bergens.sjofartsmuseum@bsj.uib.no Subject: Råd om å grave opp
vikingskip i England/Fwd: Råd i forbindelse med utgravingen av et antagelig
norsk vikingskip, (langskip), på the Wirral, i England/Fwd: Anmeldelse av
trakassering/Fwd: Viking DNA book – Apologies for problems with Amazon link, now
har dere noe råd om å grave opp vikingskip, i England, i Bergen, for jeg
fikk råd om at jeg kunne høre med diverse sjøfartsmuseer osv., om det her, på
Jeg fant et vikingskip, som er klinkebygget, og er et langskip, under
parkeringsplassen, til en pub, på the Wirral.
Da en lokal 'innfødt' tipset meg om dette skipet.
Jeg lovet de som jobbet på puben, at jeg skulle prøve å ta opp det her, på
min blogg osv., i Norge.
Tar gjerne imot tips om konserveringen av skipet, for britene tror at
skipet vil råtne straks det blir gravd opp, og noen svensker har rådet de til å
la skipet bli under leira.
Så det trengs noen norske rådgivere, siden dette nok er snakk om et norsk
vikingeskip, siden det er i den delen av the Wirral hvor den norsk-irske
vikinghøvdingen Ingemund, dro til, etter å ha blitt jaget av irene fra Dublin
På forhånd takk for eventuell hjelp!
Erik Ribsskog
———- Forwarded message ———- From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 11:33 AM Subject: Råd i forbindelse med utgravingen av
et antagelig norsk vikingskip, (langskip), på the Wirral, i England/Fwd:
Anmeldelse av trakassering/Fwd: Viking DNA book – Apologies for problems with
Amazon link, now resolved To: kundeservice@niku.no
jeg har startet arbeidet med å prøve å få hjelp til å grave opp et
vikingskip, som jeg har blitt gjort oppmerksom på, her i England.
Jeg gikk for å se på vikinghavnen i Meols, og da sa en brite, som jogga
forbi, at under puben the Railway Inn, så lå det et viking langskip.
The Wirral var et gammelt, norsk vikingland, (omtrent som Isle of Man), så
dette er nok snakk om norske vikinger.
Skipet er klinkebygget, fant man ut, da man tilfeldigvis fant
Det ligger under leire, og er godt bevart.
Skipet er vel unikt i Storbritannia, hvor man ikke har
vikingskipmuseum, såvidt meg bekjent.
Engelske forskere, som en professor, ved National Museums Liverpool, som
holdt foredrag på en vikingkonferanse, som jeg var på, i Chester, for noen uker
sider, sier at skipet vil råtne, med en gang det blir gravet opp.
Stemmer dette, lurer jeg.
Det finnes jo vikingskip i museer i Norge og i andre land i Norden, så
det høres rart ut, å si at skipet bare vil råtne, synes jeg.
Hvordan løses dette i Norge?
Hva bruker man på treverket, for at det ikke skal råtne, når man graver
opp vikingskip?
Erik Ribsskog
Jeg prøver også å finne organisasjoner i Norge, som kan hjelpe til, med
midler/personell til utgravingen, for man mangler midler i England, (hvor de
kanskje er mest glad i romersk arkeologi).
PS 2.
Jeg håper dere kan hjelpe, for de neste på lista til Riksantikvaren, er
Roskilde i Danmark, og det her er snakk om norske vikinger, så det blir litt
dumt å kontakte Danmark.
PS 3.
Her er Riksantikvarens e-post om dette:
From: Haustveit, Gunvor <gunvor.haustveit@ra.no>
Subject: Svar på spørsmål "hjelp med å grave opp vikingskip i
To: eribsskog@gmail.com
Hei og takk
for e-post.
Det er flere
kompetansesentra og forskere som er dyktige på feltet
vikingskip. Anbefaler først og fremst: Kulturhistorisk museum
med Vikingskipshuset, dernest Norsk Maritimt Museum og Norsk Institutt
for kulturminneforskning. I Danmark er det kompetanse ved Roskilde
Lykke til!
Gunvor Haustveit Informasjonsseksjonen
Postboks 8196
0034 Oslo
———- Forwarded message ———- From: Frode Kvalø <Frode.Kvalo@marmuseum.no>
Date: Mon, Dec 13, 2010
at 8:56 AM Subject: RE: Anmeldelse av trakassering/Fwd: Viking DNA book –
Apologies for problems with Amazon link, now resolved To: Erik Ribsskog
<eribsskog@gmail.com> Cc: Per Gisle Galåen <Per.Gisle.Galaen@marmuseum.no>, "emb.london@mfa.no" <emb.london@mfa.no>, "gunvor.haustveit@ra.no"
<gunvor.haustveit@ra.no>, "post.sondre.buskerud@politiet.no" <post.sondre.buskerud@politiet.no>, Stephen Harding <Steve.Harding@nottingham.ac.uk>
Erik Ribsskog and associates
have involuntarily been drawn into in this unpleasant e-mail correspondence and
I have no interested in being a part of it!
there is a ship of Nordic design dating to the Viking period in a Pub somewhere
in England that is a fascinating story. However, I’m content that our
British colleges have the knowledge and skills to deal with such finds.
is not something the Norwegian Maritime Museum will prioritize to get involved
Please, do not contact me concerning this matter again!
Frode Kvalø
of Archaeology
Norwegian Maritime Museum
Thor Jonsson, along with Wirral and Liverpool’s cultural ambassador Mike
McCartney has done a tremendous amount of work over the last 4 years in
strengthening the links between Merseyside/ the North West and the Nordic
countries through the annual Nordic Cultural Events (NICE) Festival, and the
suggestion of you making contact was made because of the (mistaken) impression
you may wish to contribute to these efforts. With respect to the Viking
Conference at Chester and the splendid exhibition provided for the public to
enjoy the regions great Viking Heritage this was all provided completely free
of charge – as was the buffet – thanks to the tremendous efforts of the
staff of the Grosvenor Museum, and all the feedback we have had – apart from
your comment – has been very positive. As a Wirral man going back very many
generations I am very proud of what has been achieved. The food provided
was free and if you did not like it there were other places to buy food nearby.
If you missed the start of the meeting and the introduction so you did not
know who the speakers were this was not the fault of the organisers.
Nontheless we appreciate your interest in the Vikings in our region but if you
wish to communicate with us in future please refrain from using offensive
language otherwise your emails will be blocked. The talks will be posted
on the website as soon as we can,
Steve Harding
the Icelandic guy
you said I'd get along well with is gay you b*stard.
Now I don't wan't
to update you anymore.
Good luck with the
Pakistani Samosa food on the Viking-conference.
I think you must
be a muslim guy mobbing me.
Don't want
anything more to do with you.
Forwarded message ———- From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> Date: Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 5:17
PM Subject: Re: Viking DNA book – Apologies for problems with Amazon link,
now resolved To: Stephen Harding <Steve.Harding@nottingham.ac.uk>
yes, I didn't
understand the routine, to get on the conference.
But, I haden't
seen the exhipition yet, Reap and Pillage, so I just went to Chester that day,
but the train was a few minutes early, so I got there a bit
And then I spoke with the people working there,
at the museum, who got me in there, after the first break.
I understood it
like that one only had to register at the museum, from your
But now I
understand, that I should have ordered a ticket.
This wasn't
clear to me, from reading your website.
But, this is just
a hobby for me, with the viking-stuff on the Wirral, so I read about it like I
would have read an online newspaper etc.
But next time
I'll make sure to contact the hosts before I go to a conference like
Sorry about
that misunderstanding again!
It sounds very
fine about the video of the conference.
I'll update
you if I hear more from the Norwegian Maritime Museum, about the Vikingship,
under the pub, Railway Inn, in Meols.
Thanks again for
arranging the fine viking conference!
On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 3:03 PM, Stephen
Harding <Steve.Harding@nottingham.ac.uk> wrote:
Thanks Erik. We are waiting to receive the video material (and
permissions) on the conference and hopefully you should be able to
catch up on the Introduction and the other talks you missed at the start.
This will also be of benefit to others, particularly the many people
who wanted to attend but were unable to get tickets.
Paa gjensyn,
Sent: 10
December 2010 14:16 To: Steve.Harding@nottingham.ac.uk Subject: Fwd:
Viking DNA book – Apologies for problems with Amazon link, now
that is, I don't
want to have this as a life-style, with football-games at the Wirral and be
mate with the Icelandic guy from the Scandinavian Church,
I only care
about the viking-stuff on the Wirral etc.
Because I
have a lot of different interests, like blog, genealogy, web-design, etc.,
So I haven't
got that much spare-time.
So this
isn't about the community-stuff, this is just about the vikingship and the
Hope you
include the questions from the audience, (from me and others), in the summary,
since I brought up about the vikingship in Meols etc.
Hope this is
alright, don't mean to be to direct/inpolite.
Maybe I'll
go on a movie, or something, part of the Nordic festival, but I haven't got
the time to go there all the time, unfortunately.
I thought about
going on Max Manus, (the Norwegian was-movie), in the Scandinavian chruch last
And I asked
a young Swedish woman, Amanda, who works at Netto, Weaverthree, if she had
been at the Scandinavian Church, but she hadn't.
Also, I have an
employment-case, against Bertelsmann Arvato Microsoft Scandinavian Product
Perhaps you know
someone at the University of Nottingham, who could help me with this case, as
a pro-bono-case, because this case involved/involves many Scandinavians living
in Liverpool.
(My alumumni, at
University of Sunderland, haven't replied).
Also, some of
the employees there, had a lot to do with the Scandinavian Church, (and are
included in the case), an Irish/Swede called Michael O'Shaughnessy etc., so
I'm a bit vary about the Scandinavian Church, to be frank.
So I think
I'll only keep this at the level it's been at, that I only go to the odd
trip/event at my own choice..
Forwarded message ———- From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> Date: Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 1:53
PM Subject: Re: Viking DNA book – Apologies for problems with Amazon link,
now resolved To: Stephen Harding <Steve.Harding@nottingham.ac.uk>
ok, perhaps I'll
do that!
Thank you very
much for your help!
I'll update you
as soon as possible, if I hear something more from the Vikingship-experts in
Thank you
very much again for your reply!
On Fri, Dec 10,
2010 at 10:22 AM, Stephen Harding <Steve.Harding@nottingham.ac.uk> wrote:
Thanks Erik
We'll put a summary up soon on http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/-sczsteve and may be able to
include some videos of the talks – including the Intro – once we
have permission from the speakers. If you like I can also put
you in touch with Ingi Thor Jonsson – like yourself a resident
Livepudlian – who runs the annual NICE (Nordic Cultural Events) Festival,
I think you and Ingi would get on very well. There will eventually be a
book based on the Conference but that won't be for some
Ha det bra
thank you very
much for you e-mail!
I've now
sent about the Vikingship in Meols, to the Norwegian Maritime Museum, at
Bygdøy, in Oslo.
They are
also experts on vikingships, and the conserving of these, like Cultural
Historical Musum, in Oslo are.
I'll update
you more, if and when I hear back from them.
Has anyone
written a summary from the viking-conference, which I could write about on
my blog, since I have a travel-blog etc., where I write about my short
travels from Liverpool to different Norwegian Viking places in the
Thanks in
advance for any help!
On Tue, Dec 7,
2010 at 2:23 PM, Stephen Harding <Steve.Harding@nottingham.ac.uk> wrote:
Firstly apologies for the
bulk nature of this email again and secondly apologies to those who have had
difficulty accessing the book (with its marvellous foreword by Michael Wood)
through amazon.co.uk.:
Although because of the
demand (many thanks!) the site says "Out of Stock" if you click on the "2
new" you should be able to order the book immediately and in time for
Christmas. Thirdly apologies if you have no interest in the
From: Harding Stephen
Sent: 02 December 2010
14:41 To: undisclosed recipients Subject: Viking DNA
Dear Colleagues (including many of you who took part in the
genetic survey of northwest England, 2002-2007, or the Nordic Festival in
Apologies if you get this message more than once! We are
writing to bring to your attention a publication we have just
produced. It focuses on the first part of a genetic survey of
northern England – the Wirral and West Lancashire project in the
northwest – and explains the basis behind the DNA method to probe
ancestry, the use of surnames to help to localize volunteers to specific
regions of the country, and how genetic methods are being used in
conjunction with historical, archaeological and linguistic evidence to learn
about Viking ancestry. It also gives some examples from
individual results and from comparing populations of people to help show
what these new technologies can achieve.
Publication of the book has been supported by one of the UK
Research Councils who have been supporting the study (the Biotechnology and
Biological Sciences Research Council) – and Nottingham University Press in
conjunction with Countyvise Limited have very kindly produced this for us
and indeed done a splendid job. We would like to stress that we
as authors are not taking any Royalties or profit!
The book is introduced with
a brilliant foreword by famous UK/BBC historian/broadcaster Michael
Wood after which we set out to show as clearly as we can, with the
help of full colour illustrations – what DNA is and how DNA methods can be
used to probe both individual and population ancestry. For probing
Viking ancestry it shows the importance of using DNA in conjunction with
historical, linguistic, place name and archaeological evidence – again with
the help of many colour illustrations, and explains how DNA can be used to
probe paternal ancestry and maternal ancestry either for individuals or for
populations of people, explaining also some of the sometimes complicated
jargon that scientists use.
A major problem in studying
population ancestry is the large population movements that have occurred
since the Industrial Revolution. However there is a strong link
between surnames and paternal DNA ancestry and the book explains how
information such as Henry VIII’s tax rolls, , and even criminal records
(including someone accused of killing a dog in 1348 …. found not guilty!)
can be used to help establish the volunteer base for specific regions of
northern England. Using these methods significant Scandinavian
ancestry (up to 50% of the mixture of DNA from the old populations) has been
shown for Wirral and West Lancashire. One youngster from Wirral
was so impressed with the results for her father she wrote a School
project “My Viking Dad and his Viking Dog”! The book finishes with a look
towards the current testing of other regions of Northern England and the
research currently being undertaken with colleagues in Norway to study the
genetic profile of Scandinavia in the Viking Age.
This broadcast on BBC Radio
4 gives some more information about the survey: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/history/making_history/making_history_20080520.shtml (after
the first minute or so)
So we think it will be a useful read for anyone interested in DNA
ancestry and, after seeing what we have done in the North West, give people
from other regions an idea of how their own past could be
researched. The book is 150 pages long and extensively
illustrated in colour.. The book has just
become available in all good bookshops in the north West or from
Amazon.co.uk *and would make an excellent Christmas
Steve Harding, Mark Jobling and Turi King

Stephen Harding
DSc(Oxon) Professor of Applied
Biochemistry NCMH
Laboratory, University of
Nottingham Sutton
Bonington LE12 5RD, UK
steve.harding@nottingham.ac.uk *in case of difficulty
contact us on this email address, and we will put you in contact with
Nottingham University Press or Countyvise
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