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Dear Mr. Ribsskog,
Thank you for your e-mail about housing benefit.
Please could you contact housing benefit on 0151 233 3009 so that we may assist you further. We need to ask you some security questions before we can discuss your housing benefit with you.
If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below
Kind regards
Liverpool Direct
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— Original Message —
From: Erik Ribsskog <
Received: 18/02/11 13:35:31 o'clock GMT
To: Liverpool Direct <
Subject: Complaint to Line-manager J. Sack
I'm refering to the letter received in the post today, ref: 10055749.
I have not requested my housing benefit to be sent to my landlord at all.
J. Sack is a lying b*stard.
I want to complain about this decition.
(Due the already mentioned reasons about disrepair from the landlord that the council has inspected about, etc).
Angry regards,
Erik Ribsskog
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