Gmail – Welcome to The Essential Guide to Liverpool

Erik Ribsskog
Welcome to The Essential Guide to Liverpool
Erik Ribsskog
Sat, Feb 26, 2011 at 5:30 PM
this is a hoax.
The password is set to 'mafian', and I've overheard in Oslo, in 2003 and 2004, that I'm being followed by the 'mafian'.
I'm sending about this to the Police in Norway, since the Merseyside Police are calling me 'Miss' in letters, which I've reported to the IPCC, a couple of years ago, but which they haven't investigated.
Til Politiet i Norge:
Jeg sender også dette til Spesialenheten, siden dere ikke svarer.
Jeg ønsker gjerningsmannen tiltalt og straffet.
———- Forwarded message ———- From: <>Date: Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 10:17 PM Subject: Welcome to The Essential Guide to Liverpool
Welcome to The Essential Guide to Liverpool.
Please keep this email in a safe place, it contains your username and password which you will need to login to the site.
Your UserName is: johncons
And your password is: mafian
If you've received this email in error and didn’t register on View Liverpool, please forward it onto so we can investigate.