>Topic: 'File a Complaint Against PayPal'
>Sub Topic: 'File a complaint aganst PayPal (not a buyer/seller
>acct_type: 'business_account_with_less_than_1mil_GBP_in_sales'
>message: 'Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
>We're transferring money from your PayPal balance to your bank account
>Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> Thu, Jan ##, #### at #:## AM
>To: "service@paypal.co.uk" <service@paypal.co.uk>
>I haven't recieved this payment yet, on my Barclays account.
>I've contacted Barclays but they tell me to contact you since you have
sent the money.
>I need this money to buy the goods and send the packet to the customers.
>Can you please tell me what's going on?
>Best regards,
>Erik Ribsskog
>On Sat, Jan #, #### at ##:## PM, service@paypal.co.uk
<service@paypal.co.uk> wrote:
>We're transferring money from your PayPal balance to your bank account
># Jan #### ##:##:## GMT
>Dear Godtebutikken.net,
>You asked us to transfer 15.80 GBP from your PayPal balance to your
bank account, and we're processing it now. It usually takes #-#
working days for transfers like this to be processed, so you should
see the money in your bank account by ## Jan ####. Please refer to
the PayPal User Agreement (accessible via the Legal Agreements
footer on most pages on www.paypal.co.uk) for further information.
>Here are the details:
>Total amount transferred 15.80 GBP
>Bank account BARCLAYS BANK PLC x-####
>Transaction ID 40C521427E6985507
>Yours sincerely,
>Help Centre | Resolution Centre | Safety Advice
>Please do not reply to this email because we are not monitoring this
inbox. To get in touch with us, log in to your account and click
"Contact Us" at the bottom of any page.
>Copyright &####; #### PayPal. All rights reserved.
>PayPal (Europe) S.&####; r.l. et Cie, S.C.A.
>Soci&####;t&####; en Commandite par Actions
>Registered office: ##-## Boulevard Royal, L-#### Luxemburg
>RCS Luxemburg B ### ###
>PayPal Email ID PP###'