Doug(Tumblr Support)
Sep 09 05:05 pm (EDT)
Hi Erik,
Bullying and harassment are issues that Tumblr takes very seriously. We also highly value freedom of expression and freedom of speech, which we try to protect as much as possible.
Sometimes another blogger creates content that may be mean-spirited or upsetting, but not rise to the level of threats, bullying, or harassment. In such cases, in order to maintain freedom of expression, we cannot remove that material.
You can and should stop viewing content from an offending blogger. You can also Block a blogger at This prevents that blogger from sending you messages via Tumblr. If you Block someone, stop viewing his or her blog, and don't otherwise initiate contact, that individual will have no way of communicating with you on Tumblr.
That said, we will not tolerate explicit threats, bullying, harassment and other illegal speech on Tumblr. If your safety has been threatened, if your personal photos have been posted, or if your private contact information has been posted, we will do our best to help you. In order for us to provide assistance, you should send us “post permalinks” or screenshots of the specific content at issue to help our investigation and response.
Post permalinks are permanent links (URLs) to individual posts, and instructions on how to find permalinks can be found at
Please list each post permalink on a new line in your email response. Putting each permalink on its own line will allow us to more quickly look into your request.
Information on how to take a screenshot can be found at:
Finally, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services maintains a website with information you can use to help stop online bullying:
Thank you for taking the time to share your concern with us.