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Erik Ribsskog
Client Reference 1105539
Erik Ribsskog
Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 1:11 PM
Support Counsellor <>
«» <>, DWP ICE gateway team <>, CONTACT-US <>, amnestyis <>, specialistsupport <>, gbrlo <>, «mail.gva» <>, «hv-02.kontakt» <>, Melanie Wright <>
It’s an attack on my freedom of speech, I think.
The Jobcentre are hopeless.
They don’t know how to communicate by e-mail like eg. you, the Council and other organisations do.
It’s like they live in the stone-age.
And I’ve been starved due to this.
And have to apply for a crises-loan now.
But this loan is also from the Jobcentre, so it’s a bit hopeless I think.
I don’t know how to make them stop.
So if you could try to please reason with them, and tell them that I have a budget set up in co-operation with you, that they mess with.
Then perhaps they’ll understand what they are doing.
It’s sending e-mails to a church-yard, trying to send to the Jobcentre.
So I try different stuff to get them to stop being this horribly inhumane.
Thank you for your reply!
Best regards,
to your emails.