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Erik Ribsskog
Erik Ribsskog
Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 7:09 PM
I was in your shop in Kirkdale today, (in Walton Road, I think the street is).
I got a voucher from my landlord, last year, (since I sent back a form, that they sent me), and started shopping at your chain.
I used to buy spicy chicken wiglets, around 700 grams, which were priced at £2.50, but were at a sales-campaign, (last year), and sold for £2.
This is a lot of food, for two pounds, and it has both protein, (from the chicken), and carbo-hydrates, (from the ‘batter’), and I weight around 100 kilo, so I used to eat one 700-gram pack, as a dinner, in two servings.
Then I really got feed up, I remember.
But now, you only have the 27 chicken-fingers pack, (which also weighs around 700 gram).
These doesn’t taste as spicy and good, as the spicy chicken wiglets, I think.
It’s seems to me the spicy chicken wiglets, have been discontinued, (in your shops), right after they were on a big sales-campaign, (with reduced price, from £2.50 to £2).
It seems strange to me, (who is an earlier Store Manager, from the Rimi-chain, (owned by ICA), in Norway), that you discontinue a product right after it has been on a big sales-campaign.
Which would have created ‘more-sale’, (‘mersalg’ we call it, in Norway).
The young woman at the check-out, at Farmfods in Walton Road today, said you didn’t have these, ‘at the minute’.
But these have been gone for months now.
(So they’ve been gone more than ‘a minute’, I think).
So that’s why I thought I’d send an e-mail to you about this.
Since the staff probably just said something, (since she called months for minutes, I reackon she just invented a reply, without really being aware of that this problem was discontinued).
Something like this.
So I wondered if you could tell me exatly what happened with the good-tasting dinner Spicy Chicken Wiglets, (around 700-750 gram packs).
Thanks in advance for help with finding out more about this!
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog