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Erik Ribsskog
Great-grandmother Bergit Tovsdotter Mogan
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 1:56 PM
Dennis Herbranson <rollagtorollag@sbcglobal.net>, Rollag Bibliotek <Rollag.Bibliotek@rollag.kommune.no>
Hi, my great-grandmother Bergit/Birgit/Bergith Tovsdotter Mogan lived in
North Dakota in the 1880’s with her foster-parents Gullik Gulliksen
and Aase Levorsdatter. (See attached file from the Norwegian National-library and a file that
Rollag library sent me from Rollag Bygdebok). Do you have any information about when these people lived in
North-Dakota, I was wondering.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Yours sincerely, Erik Ribsskog PS. Gullik Gulliksen was my great-grandmothers uncle. Her parents were Jøran/Jorand Gulleksdotter Gulleksrud and Tov Pedersen. They also lived in America. (But not with their daughter, it seems, from Rollag Bygdebok). Perhaps you have any information about these Rollag-people, I was also
Thanks in advance for any help! ———- Forwarded message ———-From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 10:50 PM
Subject: Great-grandmother Bergit Tovsdotter Mogan
To: rollagtorollag@sbcglobal.net Hi,
I was wondering if you have any information, about my
great-grandmother Bergit, (or Birgit), Tovsdotter Mogan, who went to
the USA, as a foster-child, her uncle, Gullek Gulleksson Toeiet
(Gulleksrud), and his wife, Åse Levorsdotter. They went to America, around 1885, from Rollag, in Norway, probably to
Rollag, Minnesota, I’d say. I went to the USA myself, in 2005, after I’d overheard that I was
followed, by the ‘mafian’, (I don’t really know who they are. I was a
shop-manager in Oslo). Then I went to Detroit, in 2005, but was sent right back to Europe,
without doing anything wrong. So maybe my family are in this ‘mafian’ and told the USA
immigrant-police lies, when they called my family in Norway? I try to dig up things about my family, and has found out that my
great-grandmother, on my fathers side, was brought up in the USA,
before returning to Norway, something my family in Norway has never
told me. So it’s like they’ve tried to cover up stuff for me. I think they probably are like the criminals in the movie ‘Fargo’. Where there many criminals among the Norwegians moving to Rollag, Minnesota? My great-grandmothers parents where her mother Jøran Gulleksdotter
Gulleksrud, and her husband, Tov Pedersen Toeiet (Mogan). ‘Toeiet’ means two-own, that is, owns to places. So it could be that it means that they own both in the USA and in Norway. Gulleksrud is a placename, in Rollag, Norway, I think it must be. And Gulleksdotter, means ‘daughter of Gullek’. So she had the same father, as the foster-father, who was her brother,
Gullek Gulleksson (Toeiet) Gulleksrud. Gullek is a name, that’s not that common, in Norway, I think. ‘Gull’ in Norwegian, means ‘gold’. I hope you have the chance to answer me about this! Thanks in advance for any help! How do I order the Rollag to Rollag-book? If you don’t know this, then I maybe I should read about this in your book. But thanks in advance if you know anything about this! Yours sincerely, Erik Ribsskog
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