igår, så brøyt politiet seg inn i leligheten min.
De har vært på døra mi, kanskje 20-30 ganger, de siste par månedene.
De sier at jeg har brutt en ‘bail’.
Men det er bare tull og tøys.
Og en tidligere ‘solicitior’, har rådet meg, til å ikke slippe de inn.
(Jeg har også bedt ambassaden om råd om dette.
Siden jeg også er i HV).
Men politiet knuste døra, og arresterte meg, for noe komplett oppspinn.
(At jeg skal ha sendt slibrige e-poster til en byråkrat, hos arbeidsformidlingen her).
Dette har de sagt kjempemange ganger nå.
Og det er bare tull.
Og jeg slipper alltid ut igjen, uten å måtte dra, til ‘prison’.
Så dette er testosteronmomber og gorillarer uten kontroll, som synes at det er litt for artig, å være cowboyer, virker det som.
Jeg ble nektet å ringe ambassaden, fra St. Annes Street politiestasjon, i går.
De dro meg inn der, rundt klokken 15, (var det vel).
Og jeg ba om å få snakke med en ‘solicitor’, og ambassaden.
(Siden dette var tull og tøys).
Da de begynte å tulle, rundt e-poster, (som jeg liksom skal ha sendt), i desember 2012.
Så ringte jeg en Bjørndal, hos dere, og varslet.
har tidligere besøkt dere i London, og prata med ambassaderåd
Sommerstad, (i 2006), og levert noen papirer til Øvermo, (terrroristen
Breivik sin stemor), i 2007.
Men ei mørkhåra dame, med en slags pasje-klipp, som het Richards, og var kraftig bygget, med store ‘ballonger’.
Hu sa det, at ambassaden bare var åpen fire dager i uka, til klokka fire, (eller noe sånt).
(Ei politidame, på St. Annes Street politistasjon, i Liverpool).
Jeg ba også om å få prate med en solicitor.
(Jeg har klaget på min gamle, (Linskills), siden de har tøysa med noen brev, med ‘apointments’.
Og siden de ga dårlig råd, da jeg ble dømt skyldig!, for dette tøyset, på fredag.
Men straffen skal gis meg i september.
Så jeg er fortsatt på bail).
Døra hadde en sikkerhetslås, en sikkerhetslenke og en vanlig lås.
Nå virker bare sikkerhetslåsen.
Så den er nesten ulåst, må man vel si.
the Jobcentre skylder meg mer enn £1200 i arbeidsledighetstrygd, siden
januar, (de skylder meg, for mer enn 100 dager, så cirka for annenhver
dag, hittil i år, og som en tidligere Rimi-butikksjef, så må jeg si det,
at de er korrupte, for så mye surrer ikke jeg med sånt, vil jeg si, og
man må jo få penger til livsopphold, mener jeg, som i Norge.
Her er liksom JCP både arbeidsformidling og sosialen.
Og de banner meg fra mine frem nærmeste kontorer.
Så det er som at de forsøker å henrette meg, vil jeg si.
Og jeg må si at det er kun på grunn av tull og tøys.
Jeg var arbeidsledig i 2008 og 2009, uten problemer.
Men kom på Sencia-program, i 2010, og da gikk det skeis, fra dag en, og det har bare vært tull siden).
Politifolka sa at de skulle bruke ‘the big red key’, på døra mi.
Men jeg hørte på råd fra advokat, og åpnet ikke.
Jeg fikk ringe advokat, etter cirka ti timer, (rundt midnatt, altså for cirka søtten timer siden).
Og vanligvis tar det bare en time.
Det var advokat Eddie Steel, fra firmaet Criminal Defence Law.
anbefalte meg å gå til motanmeldelse, siden at dette ble sløsing av min
og politiet sin tid, med alle disse grunnløse påstandene om
trakasserende e-poster, fra meg.
Men hvis jeg går til politiet, for å anmelde noe, så nekter de å ta imot anmeldelsene mine, (både i England og i Norge).
Og IPCC nekter å ta imot e-postene mine.
Så hvis dere kan sende kopi av denne e-posten til IPCC, som en klage på Merseyside-politiet.
Kanskje dere kan hjelpe meg med et nødlån, siden jeg ikke har penger til mat, siden jeg ikke får arbeidsledighetstrygd.
Så jeg har nesten sultet ihjel, både i mai og i juli.
har måttet lete etter mynter på gata, for å få nok penger, til tre
fjerdedeler av en pakke spagetti, som jeg har spist hver dag, når jeg
har sultet, siden de pakkene bare koster 20 pence, på Tesco.
Men jeg må ha til masse andre ting, av andre levekostnader, enn spagetti.
Men blir bare tullet med.
Har mista passet mitt, for noen år siden, og er låst fast her i Walton, må jeg si.
(Når jeg blir tulla med sånn).
lot meg såvidt gå nå, (jeg måtte tilbringe natten og dagen i går, og
dagen i dag), i forskjellige celler, på St. Anne Street politistatsjon,
og i kjelleren, på Liverpool & Knowsley Magistrates Court.
Så disse forkjellige tingene ville jeg gjerne klage på.
Erik Ribsskog
Jeg sender med noen bilder, om dette.
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 5:16 PM
Subject: Update/Fwd: To: Huyton
Jobcentre/Fwd: Yet another complaint against the Jobcentre/Fwd: New
complaint about Huyton Jobcentre/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Complaint to Jane
Finn, Manager Birkenhead Benefit Centre, Ref.: SG270967D/Fwd: More
impersonation-emails/Fwd: Your Email Enquiry
To: Contact-Us < Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>
Cc: CONTACT-US < CONTACT-US@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>, DWP ICE gateway team < ice@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>, “ post@nav.no” < post@nav.no>
here is the proof of postage-receipt, to show, that I’ve also sent these signing forms, in the post.
(Since there has been a big problem, with that you haven’t gotten the letters I’ve sent you, earlier).
Erik Ribsskog
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 2:20 PM
Subject: To: Huyton Jobcentre/Fwd:
Yet another complaint against the Jobcentre/Fwd: New complaint about
Huyton Jobcentre/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Complaint to Jane Finn, Manager
Birkenhead Benefit Centre, Ref.: SG270967D/Fwd: More
impersonation-emails/Fwd: Your Email Enquiry
To: Contact-Us < Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>
Cc: CONTACT-US < CONTACT-US@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>, DWP ICE gateway team < ice@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>, “ post@nav.no” < post@nav.no>
I’m now sending you about my jobseeking, from 1/8 to 14/8, (see attachments).
reason that I’m sending this on 12/8, is that you sometimes tell me,
that I should send you these files, on Tuesday, when my signing day is
(You’ve also told me, in a letter, (which I mis-read, and
later has thought was alienating since it uses your date and not mine
date), that you need these forms, within five days, of my signing day.
Your address is also in Wolverhampton, (on your envelope).
And your office is in Huyton, in Merseyside, in another part of Britain.
So one have to had worked at both the Post Office, Royal Mail and the Jobcentre, to get this right, I think.
So why not use the customers date, instead of the ‘communist’/your date.
Just something I thought about).
I’ve earlier written to you, that you owe me around £1067 for 103 days missing jobseeking allowance.
With these fourteen new days.
It’s now 117 days missing jobseeking allowance.
So you now owe me around £1211, I checked on the calculator here.
send me these money as soon as possible since I need them for living
expenses and to pay back debt, that I’ve gotten, since you haven’t sent
me the money, that was meant to cover my living expenses, for 117 days,
since January, (which is a lot of days, I have to say, so this is
serious, like you are trying to kill me or something, I have to say).
Erik Ribsskog
Also, now I’ve
run out of jobseeking diary-forms, (so I send screen-shot-picutures
from my Universal Jobmatch-log, that I also print out and send with the
signing form.
Also I only have around one signing form left.
also only around one prepaid envelope, (for your Wolverhampton address,
for the post handling site, that JCP have there, I can see, on your
envelope), left.
Please send me more of these forms/envelopes, so that I can send you about my jobseeking, around forthnightly.
PS 2.
Also, when I lived in Norway, I was part time-unemployed, for some months, after serving my conscription service, in 1993.
And there one just sent cards, in the post, and tick for the days, that one have done jobseeking.
And one doesn’t have to send them so that the Norwegian Jobcentre gets them, by some date.
The Norwegian Jobcentre just process the cards when they get
them, and send the money, within a number of days, (according to their
in-house-routines, I guess that number of days was).
So that would perhaps be something to learn from.
Also in Norway, if we didn’t get money from Arbeidsformidlingen,
(the Norwegain Jobcenter), then one could always go to ‘Sosialen’, and
get money there.
Citizen Advice have been messing with me, here in the UK.
So I can only get money from the Jobcentre here, (for living expenses), as far as I’ve been informed.
So please send the money you owe me now, and please stop trying to get my to starve to death, in this brutal way, that you have.
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 11:38 PM
Subject: Yet another complaint
against the Jobcentre/Fwd: New complaint about Huyton Jobcentre/Fwd:
Update/Fwd: Complaint to Jane Finn, Manager Birkenhead Benefit Centre,
Ref.: SG270967D/Fwd: More impersonation-emails/Fwd: Your Email Enquiry
To: Contact-Us < Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>
Cc: CONTACT-US < CONTACT-US@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>, DWP ICE gateway team < ice@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>
wanted to complain about, that I haven’t gotten my jobseekers-allowance
this week, (for the days 18/7 to 31/7), that I should have gotten,
around Tuesday.
It’s now more than £1000, that the Jobcentre owes me, in missing jobsseking allowance-payments, since January.
The missing jobseeking allowance payments, are for the dates:
31/1 to 21/2.
8/3 to 30/3.
23/5 to 9/6.
20/6 to 3/7.
3/7 to 17/7.
And 18/7 to 31/7.
This adds up to 103 days, that I haven’t gotten my allowance for, I’ve calculated here.
And it adds up to around £1067 now, (that the Jobcentre owes me).
So this, (that you now owe me more than a thouand pounds), have made life miserable, the last months.
I have to sometimes go and look for coins, on the street, in periodes.
And I have to try to get credit-cards, (even if these credit-cards
have a high interest, so this is expensive, and makes me get
I wonder when I’m going to get these more than a thousand pounds.
At the same time the Jobcentre are taking me to court, for crime, that I haven’t done.
So this is like you frame me, (for some reason), and then stops my allowance.
that I should look dum in court, with old shoes and I have to walk to
the city centre, instead of taking the bus, and in the lunch-break I
can’t afford to buy a sandwich, because then my food-budget is going to
last a shorter time, since I only can afford to shop at budget
supermarkets now, to make the small credit card credit-limit last as
long as possible.
This isn’t fine I think.
Please stop messing with me.
You mess with me both in court, and when you stop my allowance all the time.
This I wanted to complain about.
Erik Ribsskog
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 1:52 PM
Subject: New complaint about Huyton
Jobcentre/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Complaint to Jane Finn, Manager Birkenhead
Benefit Centre, Ref.: SG270967D/Fwd: More impersonation-emails/Fwd: Your
Email Enquiry <<#22175-394099#>>
To: Contact-Us < Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>
Cc: CONTACT-US < CONTACT-US@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>, DWP ICE gateway team < ice@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>
today I went for a Personal Adviser Interview at Huyton Jobcentre.
(I haven’t really asked for a Personal Adviser.
And I really want a Jobseeking-adviser.
If I have to have an advisor.
And not a Personal Adviser, (I’m not sure how this title should be interperated)).
I gave the letter to a woman there, in her 50’s perhaps with brown hair.
(I didn’t see her name.
She wasn’t wearing a name-sign.
But an ID-sign, around her neck.
And she wasn’t that tall, so the id hang a bit low, so I didn’t manage to read what it said.
Name-signs would be more customer-friendly, I think, than the ID-bracelet.
I’m an earlier Store Manager who is used with checking that the staff wore their name-signs at work, by the way).
At Huyton Jobcentre it was chaos.
The brunette went and chatted with some other staff, about my letter, and punched on several computers, I think.
She said it wasn’t on the system, (to a collegue, I think), I overheard.
And I overheard that someone in the queue, (I hadn’t been asked to
sit down), had a meeting with the same adviser, (Lynn), around the same
time, as me.
I was then asked to sit down, (after around ten minutes).
I had barely sat down.
And then a security-guard told me to go to a screened room, I think they called it.
Like I’m a criminal, or something!
Then I got to speak with a Gary, in room 4.
He said a mistake had happened.
So that I couldn’t have the meeting today.
(He said Lynn wasn’t at work.
But I guess he lied.
Since I overheard that Lynn was having another meeting, while I was queuing).
So I took two buses, for a total of one and a half hours, (each way), for no reason at all.
It was like the first meeting I had, at Huyton Jobcentre, earlier this year.
The Royal Airforce-guy, (I’m not sure if it was Gary), just didn’t want to speak with me, the first day, that I went there.
I had to go back, the next week.
And then the
earlier Royal Airforce-guy, (at least he claimed to have worked for
them), squezed two meetings into one apointment, it seemed like, to me.
Lynn wasn’t available, Gary said, by the way.
Gary said he had to speak with my other adviser.
(I hope this doesn’t mean that Sarah Bamber is working with my files still.
After she has taken me to court, with some false acusations about me).
Gary didn’t way any name, just ‘other adviser’.
Gary also asked me if I was alright, at the beginning, of the meeting.
I don’t know why he became personal.
I think this is a bit personal.
I asked him, if he was alright, (so to not be patronised myself).
Gary said he had felt better.
So perhaps Gary needs a holiday, one could think.
He didn’t looked like he had shaved this morning eighter, I think.
(I’ve served me conscription-service in the Norwegian infantry, and have worked as a store manager.
So I’m a bit aware of things like this).
Gary wasn’t that clear, regarding how and when, I was going to hear, from the Jobcentre, next time.
I wanted to know how I should go forward.
But Gary couldn’t even say, if I was going to get a letter, in the post, from JCP, or not.
So this was poor customer-service, I think.
How should I go forward now, I was wondering.
The Jobcentre have around five times, the last months, stopped my claim, by mistake.
And then you have punished me, for _yours_ mistakes.
And you haven’t paid me jobseekers-allowance, for a random number of
weeks, (it seems), to do with these mistakes you’ve done, when you
stopped my claim.
Even if I’ve every time this has happend, has ASAP explained to you, that my claim hasn’t really ended.
Then you at JCP should have cleaned up your mistake.
But no, you just tell me my claim has ended.
I have to file a rapid reclaim.
No cleaning up here.
No appologizes for that you’ve done mistakes.
But you make me almost starve to death, (by stopping my
allowance, for a month or more, at a time), instead of cleaning up your
This reminds me, about something, that my
Assistant Manager Kjetil Prestegarden once said, (when I was Store
Manager, at Rimi Kalbakken, in Oslo, where I worked in 2000 and 2001).
It’s ok to make mistakes Prestegarden said.
But not _only_ mistakes.
I could say the same, I think.
The Jobcentre is only making mistakes.
Also when you say I’ve sent harrassing e-mail, to your staff, Sarah Bamber.
I haven’t done this at all.
But you wont realize this.
And also make more mistakes, like banning me from my five closest jobcentres.
And when I go to Edge Hill or Williamsson Square Jobcentre.
Then the staff there mess with me.
They don’t like the route
I’ve walked there, (a staff at Edge Hill said, he said I would have had
to walk past Williamsson Sq Jobcentre, to get to Edge Hill Jobcentre,
from Walton. But that’s a lie. It’s possible to walk from Walton to Edge
Hill Jobcentre without walking past Williamsson Sq. jobcentre. So this
was just a provocation, I think, from John or Jimmy, at Edge Hill
Mistakes upon mistakes upon mistakes.
And when are you going to send me the money you owe me?
You owe me almost £900 in missing jobseeking allowance-payments, since January.
31/1 to 21/2.
8/3 to 30/3.
23/5 to 9/6.
20/6 to 3/7.
And 4/7 to 17/7.
I was never sanctioned, in any way, when I worked for twelve years, in Rimi/ICA, in Norway, from 1992 to 2004.
So how come I get all these missing payments, from the Jobcentre, this year?
The answer is, that I’m being messed with, in an organised way, it seems to me, by some e.g. underworld, at the Jobcentre.
So this I wanted to complain about.
If you do a mistake, try to clean it up, as soon as possible.
is something I tried to have, in the back of my mind, when I worked as a
retail-manager, at Rimi/ICA, for around ten years, from 1994 to 2004.
Maybe the Jobcentre should think a bit like that themselves, and
stop being so arrogant and descending, (if I may say, a bit moderated
version, of what I think).
Thanks in advance for the fast cleaning-up, of all of these your mistakes, mentioned above.
Erik Ribsskog
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 9:53 PM
Subject: Fwd: Update/Fwd:
Complaint to Jane Finn, Manager Birkenhead Benefit Centre, Ref.:
SG270967D/Fwd: More impersonation-emails/Fwd: Your Email Enquiry
To: CONTACT-US < CONTACT-US@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>
Cc: Contact-Us < Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>, DWP ICE gateway team < ice@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>, Henrik Wedell-Wedellsborg < ww@bruunhjejle.dk>, “emb.london” < emb.london@mfa.no>, HRW UK < hrwuk@hrw.org>, amnestyis < amnestyis@amnesty.org>, Politikk Høyre < politikk@hoyre.no>, Phso Enquiries < phso.enquiries@ombudsman.org.uk>, post < post@mfa.no>, Akademikerforbundet < post@akademikerforbundet.no>, LHT Customer Service < csc@lht.co.uk>, Bjørn Ribsskog < bribsskog@gmail.com>, she < she@topdanmark.dk>, “hv-02.kontakt” < hv-02.kontakt@mil.no>, “anne-kathrine.skodvin” < anne-kathrine.skodvin@ica.no> , post < post@spesialenheten.no>, “ EUteam@amnesty.org” < EUteam@amnesty.org>, “ SCT@amnesty.org.uk” < sct@amnesty.org.uk>, hofmarskallatet < hofmarskallatet@kongehuset.dk>, Liverpool Direct < liverpool.direct@liverpool.gov.uk>, Vernepliktsverkets kontaktsenter ved Wenche Molstad < vpv.kontakt@mil.no>, post < post@slottet.no>, Runcorn Office < runcornoffice@taroe.org>, Info < info@tpas.org.uk>, Benefits Service < benefits.service@liverpooldirectlimited.co.uk>, “ steve.rotheram.mp” < steve.rotheram.mp@parliament.uk>, LO Postkasse LO < lo@lo.no>, rcjchancery.judgeslisting@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk, “ president@ansa.no” < president@ansa.no>, Google Press < press@google.com>, post@canica.no, kelo02@handelsbanken.co.uk
today I got a text-message from you.
You say I’ve ended my claim.
Have you gone insane?
I’ve almost starved to death, twice this year.
First in May and then in July.
Since you stop my allowance all the time.
And now this.
(I also almost starved to death once last year.
You haven’t sent me my money, that I should have gotten last week.
And I haven’t eaten properly, the last days, and don’t feel very strong.
And now this).
You have also invented that I send harassing e-mails to your staff.
And now this.
You’ve also taken me to court and banned me from my five closest jobcentres.
And now this.
You’ve also refused to speak with me, at your other jobcentres.
And informing me there, that I need to be seen in a ‘screened room’.
(A room with a screen?).
And now this.
You’ve also told me you don’t have capasity to let me register at Edge Hill Jobcentre.
And now this.
Plus plus.
It’s like people should just kill themselves if they become unemployed, I think.
With these horrible people working at JCP/DWP.
Erik Ribsskog
Date: Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 2:31 PM
Subject: Update/Fwd: Complaint to
Jane Finn, Manager Birkenhead Benefit Centre, Ref.: SG270967D/Fwd: More
impersonation-emails/Fwd: Your Email Enquiry
To: Contact-Us < Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>
Cc: CONTACT-US < CONTACT-US@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>, tim < tim@packagingeurope.com>
I’ve now checked up on the dates, regarding the missing jobseekers allowance-cases.
The missing payments, are for the days:
31/1 to 21/2.
8/3 to 30/3.
23/5 to 9/6.
And 20/6 to 3/7.
The first of these cases is with ICE now.
I was wondering if you could please update me regarding when I’m going
to receive the Jobseekers Allowance, for the dates 8/3 to 30/3, 23/5 to
9/6 and 20/6 to 3/7.
Thanks in advance for any help with this!
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 2:20 AM
Subject: Complaint to Jane Finn,
Manager Birkenhead Benefit Centre, Ref.: SG270967D/Fwd: More
impersonation-emails/Fwd: Your Email Enquiry
To: Contact-Us < Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>
Cc: CONTACT-US < CONTACT-US@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>, tim < tim@packagingeurope.com>
I’m refering to your letter from 4/7, which I received in the post, a few days ago.
(Which I attach a scanned copy of).
You write that: ‘We have also decided that you have
not shown good cause for the delay in making your claim from 23 May
2014 to 9 June 2014’.
But, like I explain in the forwarded e-mail.
What happened, was that someone impersonated me, and said I’d gotten a job, with Packagaing Europe, again.
that was just a case of criminal impersonation, like I informed you
ASAP, when I heard about this fraud, from the Liverpool City Council, on
So how can you say that there has been a delay.
When I informed you as soon as possible.
think it’s strange that you stopped my claim, when I informed you, that
this was just someone impersonating me, (like I think Packaging Europe
should be able to confirm).
And now you say I have delayed making my new claim.
When I didn’t really stop my old claim.
(It was a hoax by a group of scum-bags, like they say, in the papers).
So I want you to please send me the missing jobseekers allowance, from the days 23/5 to 9/6.
Also, I haven’t gotten the jobseekers allowance from 31/1 to 21/2, (this case is with ICE).
not from 6/3 to around 28/3, (this case should be with the
Jobcentre/DWP, but I haven’t heard anything about this case, in months).
And also, I haven’t gotten the jobseekers allowance, from 20/6 to
3/7, (I should have gotten this payment, on Tuesday last week, on 8/7,
that’s almost a week delayed now).
Also, JCP is taking me to court for having sent harassment e-mails to one of your staffs work-email-address.
(I’m not sure if that would have been a crime since it’s to someones work e-mail address).
But anyway, I haven’t sent these e-mails.
They are also hoax-e-mails, sent by a group of scumbags, (like you say here in the UK).
Like the ‘funny’ one about Packaging Europe, from May.
I’m not sure when JCP are going to realize this.
Or if you just pretend you don’t understand this.
As a complaint and update.
Erik Ribsskog
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, May 27, 2014 at 3:45 PM
Subject: More impersonation-emails/Fwd: Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-394099#>>
To: Colin Simber < colin.simber@linskills.co.uk>
Cc: Mervyn Pilley < enquiries@businessmanagement.org.uk>, Henrik Wedell-Wedellsborg < ww@bruunhjejle.dk>, “emb.london” < emb.london@mfa.no>, HRW UK < hrwuk@hrw.org>, amnestyis < amnestyis@amnesty.org>, Politikk Høyre < politikk@hoyre.no>, Phso Enquiries < phso.enquiries@ombudsman.org.uk>, post < post@mfa.no>, Akademikerforbundet < post@akademikerforbundet.no>, LHT Customer Service < csc@lht.co.uk>, Pia Ribsskog < pia@nfunorge.org>, Bjørn Ribsskog < bribsskog@gmail.com>, she < she@topdanmark.dk>, “hv-02.kontakt” < hv-02.kontakt@mil.no>, “anne-kathrine.skodvin” < anne-kathrine.skodvin@ica.no> , post < post@spesialenheten.no>, “ EUteam@amnesty.org” < EUteam@amnesty.org>, “ SCT@amnesty.org.uk” < sct@amnesty.org.uk>, hofmarskallatet@kongehuset.dk, Liverpool Direct < liverpool.direct@liverpool.gov.uk>, Vernepliktsverkets kontaktsenter ved Wenche Molstad < vpv.kontakt@mil.no>, post@slottet.no, Runcorn Office < runcornoffice@taroe.org>, Lars Aasen < lbf@lbf.no>, Info < info@tpas.org.uk>, Benefits Service < benefits.service@liverpooldirectlimited.co.uk>, “ steve.rotheram.mp” < steve.rotheram.mp@parliament.uk>, LO Postkasse LO < lo@lo.no>, rcjchancery.judgeslisting@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk, CONTACT-US < CONTACT-US@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>, Contact-Us < Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>
now someone have written an
e-mail to Liverpool City Council, in my name, (it sems, from an e-mail I
got from Liverpool Direct today).
And someone impersonating me, have told the Jobcentre I’m no longer unemployed.
But I haven’t worked for Packaging Europe since 2008.
And that job never paid £470 a week.
It didn’t even pay that in a month, (if I remember it right).
So this is like something from some ‘comedians’, (or terrorists), who are doing terror and monitoring me.
Something like that.
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Liverpool Direct <Liverpool.Direct@liverpool.gov.uk>
Date: Tue, May 27, 2014 at 10:29 AM
Subject: Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-394099#>>
To: eribsskog@gmail.com
Your email reference number is: 394099
Dear Erik
Thank you for your e-mail about starting a job.
Unfortunately, we cannot help you with this matter because is does not come within the remit of Liverpool City Council. May we suggest you contact:
Department of Works and Pensions as you will need to stop your Job Seekers Allowance.
If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below
Kind regards
Liverpool Direct Limited
P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you
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— Original Message —
From: Erik Ribsskog < eribsskog@gmail.com>
Received: 23/05/14 14:32:58 o’clock UTC
To: < contact-us@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>, < contact-us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>
CC:< liverpool.direct@liverpool.gov.uk>, < benefits.service@liverpooldirectlimited.co.uk>
Subject: Update
I just thought that I should update you, that I got a job today, working from home for Packaging Europe.
(I also worked for them, some years ago)
I earn 470 pounds a week, and have started, in the new job, today.
Just an update, since I have received jobseekers allowance, until now.
Erik Ribsskog
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