I’m refering to your letter from 29/7, which I received today, (from
someone with a signature, that isn’t easy to read I think, perhaps you
should start typing the names as well, just to complain a bit more,
while I’m at it, so to speak).
(I attach scanned copies of this letter).
You write in the letter, that I can contact you, if I have something
more to add, about this case.
What I really need is an overdraft.
Untill I’ve managed to sell a property, which I co-own, in Norway.
So if I could have an overdraft of around £10.000, please?
(I’ve gotten a credit-card with a small credit-limit from Vanquis, and
a new check-book-account, from Barclays.
But RBS is my main-bank, since I switched to you, in 2007, so I think
its a bit strange, if I don’t get like an overdraft, with you, when I
get credit-cards and check-books, from other banks, that aren’t even
my main-bank.
Even if RBS is Scottish and my mother used to say, (during my
upbringing), that Scots were ‘gjerrige’, (like we say in Norway), for
some reason.
The problem is that the Jobcentre aren’t civilised you see.
They ‘never’ pay me my jobseekers-allowance these days.
The owe me around £900 since January, in missing jobseekers-allowances.
And many of the payments I’ve gotten this year, have also been delayed.
So JCP have been notourioulsy irreliable, this year, I have to say.
They have also framed me, and are taking me to court, for having sent
harasment-emails, which I haven’t sent at all.
So it’s like I live in a war-zone in Africa, or something, I’d say, in 2014.
So I can trust JCP, so if I could please have an overdraft.
So that I can get bye, untill I’ve gotten my property sold in Norway,
(I need a landline-phone I think, because Drammen Tingrett don’t reply
to e-mails, and sometimes don’t even reply to my phone-calls, they
just pretend to be closed, during opening hours, (this is a local
court in Drammen, Norway, who are supposed to sell properties that are
co-owned, when one of the owners ask for them to do it, I asked them
to sell the property in 2011, but they still haven’t sold it).
I attach some files about this property as well.
Since it’s a bit tirering, to having to walk around on the streets, to
look for coins, like I sometimes have to do, here in Walton.
Since the JCP mess with me this much.
Thanks in advance for helping me with this over-draft!
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: ~ RBS Customer Relations <Customer.Relations@rbs.co.uk>
Date: Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 2:09 PM
Subject: RE: Complaint
To: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Dear Sir / Madam,
Thank you for your recent email.
The reference number of your Complaint is 23045014.
I am sorry you are unhappy with the service you recently received, but
grateful you have taken the time to explain why.
I have reviewed your complaint and have passed your details on to the
relevant department who we feel are best placed to deal with the
issues you have raised. They will investigate the case carefully and
will contact you within the next 10 working days, if possible with a
full response. If the team needs more time to investigate, they will
tell you why and what they have done so far.
We hope you will understand that we do not normally send our full
response by e-mail, as it may include confidential information that
could be read by other people.
If you would like to contact us in the meantime, please e-mail us.
Ruchi Malhotra
—–Original Message—–
From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
Sent: 23 July 2014 18:10
To: ~ RBS Customer Relations
Cc: complaint.info
Subject: Complaint
yesterday I was at your branch in Bootle, at Merseyside.
I opened a student-account with Barclays, in Sunderland, in 2004.
And in 2007, I switched to RBS.
So this is initially a student account.
And in 2009, I got my degree, from my home university, (Oslo
University College).
And I now don’t get my jobseekers allowance, (for some strange reasons).
So I wondered if I could have an overdraft for graduates.
(To get money for clothes for job-interviews and travel to
job-interviews, etc.).
I spoke with a brunette Cashier there, (Paula or something?), and a young clerk.
The clerk said I only have three years to get an overdraft for graduates.
But I’m from Norway, so I haven’t understood about these overdrafts,
until recently.
And my grandmother died in 2009, and it’s been like a horrible
inheritance-brawl, in the years since this.
And I still haven’t gotten my inheritance, (even if my mother died in
1999, so I should have gotten some inheritance, after my mothers
So I try to send a complaint about this.
Since I think you are a bit un-flexible.
I think RBS could be a bit more flexible, (since I’m in a difficult
economical situation, now in this hot summer-weather as well), so I
hope that you can offer me some type of overdraft or emergency-loan or
at least a check-book.
My account is with your branch in Dale St., in Liverpool.
So you can contact them, if you need more information, about my account.
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
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