thank you for your e-mail!
It’s fine that you have fixed this, I think.
And by the way, last year, I contacted the Council, regarding some fly-tipping, of garbage, in Keith Avenue.
And I took a digital photo of this, to show the Council.
And on that photo I noticed some grafiti, on a type of box, on the pavement.
The Council sorted the problem with the garbage fly-tipping.
But they didn’t want to sort the grafitti-problem.
They told me this street-furniture, (like they called it), belonged to Scottish Power.
And they wanted me to contact Scottish Power about this.
This was really just some secondary stuff, that I noticed by co-incident, when I reported about the garbage fly-tipping.
So I thought the Council could have sorted about the grafitti, as well.
(Since I guess you rent this ‘street furniture’, from the Council).
So this was poor customer-service, from the Council, (I think I have to say).
I tried to write about this anyway, on your Facebook-page, (because
I’ve had some mix-up-problem with your e-mail-address, untill I found
the right one again, (the one you are writing from), recently, in one of
your folders, that you sent me, I think).
I’m don’t react that much on grafiti, (I’ve lived in Oslo, for fifteen years).
So I don’t remember if the grafiti is still there.
But if I should guess, I think it still is.
So I thought I could try to report about this (again) now, while I’m corresponding with you.
I hope this is alright!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog