Erik Ribsskog
Klage/Fwd: You can save on training with NCT
Erik Ribsskog
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From: NCT
Date: 2017-03-23 17:17 GMT+01:00
Subject: You can save on training with NCT
Save on your training with NCT.
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Hi Erik,
Do you know you can get paid to support new parents at the most exciting time in their lives?
Come and train with NCT and take on a new challenge in 2017.
Find out more >
Save up to 70%…
We offer a range of generous financial support packages through grants and bursaries to help you manage the costs of your training.
You can even spread the cost by paying in installments. Plus you may be eligible for travel support.
Visit our website to find out what’s available for you.
What’s available for me >>
Need more information?
Places are filling up so apply now to begin your training with us in September 2017. If you still have any questions about the course please contact our friendly admissions team.
I still have questions >>
“Becoming a practitioner is the ideal way of giving back”
Watch as Madeline, an NCT antenatal teacher, shares what she loves about supporting mums and dads-to-be as they prepare for their new arrivals.
Watch now >>
Family-friendly training
You can study full-time or part-time and much of the course is home based allowing you to conveniently fit it around your busy family life.
Find out more>>
Registered Address: NCT, 30 Euston Square, NW1 2FB
Registered charity no (England and Wales) 801395. Registered charity no (Scotland) SC041592
Registered company no 2370573