siden at IPCC liksom har begått symbolsk harakiri, så sender jeg om britiske politiklager til dere.
I dag ettermiddag, så satt jeg hjemme, og var klar for å dra ned til Liverpool sentrum for å handle ‘kontant-strøm’ og ‘kontant-internett’, osv.
Og rett før jeg skulle i dusjen, så dukka to politifolk opp, på døra mi, og de hentet meg sånn som nazistene hentet jødene under krigen.
Dette har skjedd meg kanskje 20 ganger tidligere, (her i England).
Selv om dette bare er tullesaker, (må jeg si).
Og jeg pleier å legge tingene mine i lomma, før jeg åpner opp døra, (hvis jeg ikke åpner, så sprenger de liksom opp døra, vet jeg fra tidligere år).
Men denne gangen, så begynte politiet å pirke, på de tingene, som jeg hadde, i bukselommene.
Kulepenn var bare tull å ta med, og det samme med høretelefoner til walkman.
Og det samme med lade-nøkkel for kontant-strøm.
Så her har de begynt å pirke, på områder som de ikke pirket på før.
Så her ble jeg trakassert, vil jeg si.
Og dette er muligens noe Jihad-John-greier for å ødelegge jula for folk som ikke er muslimer, mistenker jeg.
Retten lurte på hvorfor jeg ikke møtte opp til den forrige tullesaken.
Men det har jeg vel sendt de e-post om.
Og det samme med hvorfor jeg ikke dro til Probation, (som var stengt, i august, da jeg ble beordret å gå rett dit).
Jeg har jo sendt e-poster, hvor jeg har bedt om råd, om hva jeg skal gjøre, til gud og hvermann, vil jeg si.
Men de skaper seg, og later som at de ikke har oversikten.
Noe sånt.
Så dette må jeg klage på.Jeg burde muligens fått diplomatisk imunitet, siden at jeg er i HV og siden at jeg blir så mye trakassert av britiske myndigheter.
De mener jeg har sendt e-poster med sex-prat til en jobb-senter-rødstrømpe.
Men det har jeg ikke gjort.
Og det ville vel heller uansett ikke vært så dramatisk siden at det er snakk om hu ‘heksa/bestemora’ sin jobb-e-post-adresse.
De vil at jeg nå skal levere passet mitt, (som jeg nokså nylig hentet hos dere), hos politiet.
Men det er noe pakkis-greier det og, mistenker jeg.
Nå har jeg endelig fått pass igjen, etter mange år, og så skal disse jihad-folka stjele det.
Det er ingen av hverken politi, advokater eller dommere som forstår IT.
Så de spiller kanskje Færøyene, (hvor jeg har slekt), eller noe, mistenker jeg.
En dame skulle ta meg med fra fangehullene til retten, men en kar, (med treskalon-tatoveringer), insisterte på å gjøre det.
Snakk om klamt.
Min oldemors onkel/fosterfar fant Tråen-skatten, og der var det bilde av sånne viking-valknuter, som på tatoveringene til den nevnte politimannen.
Var dette noe gateteater?
Dette må jeg klage på.
Jeg har tidligere hatt møte hos dere, (om en britisk arbeidssak), med ei Sommerstad.
Og jeg har også ringt stemora til Breivik, da hu jobba hos dere, (før Breivik ble kjent), om den samme arbeidssaken.
Min onkel Martin, (som tuller med meg), sin eks Helle Biseth er deres diplomat i Kampala vel.
Erik Ribsskog
———- Forwarded message ———- From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>Date: 2017-08-07 19:31 GMT+01:00 Subject: Klage på Merseyside-politiet/Fwd: New update/Fwd: Update/Fwd: New complaing/Fwd: Your complaint about The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc (Our ref: 18610099) To: “emb.london” <emb.london@mfa.no> Cc: admin <admin@lpl-norwegian-consulate.org.uk>, Colin Simber <colin.simber@linskills.co.uk>, info <info@linskills.co.uk>
IPCC har sagt, at de ikke vil ha mine e-poster, så jeg sender om dette til dere.
Jeg ble arrestert, på Lord Nelson hotel, i Liverpool, på lørdag kveld.
Jeg hadde duppet av foran TV-en, (i 22-tida vel), og politiet banka på døra.
To svære politifolk, (to menn og en dame).
Og disse dytta meg inn i politi-vanen, på feil måte, (sånn at jeg slo huet, i taket), vil jeg si.
De brukte muligens en for lav type politibil.
Så dette må jeg klage på.
Det var sånn at jeg var på møte, med Liz Murphy, hos konsulatet i Liverpool, og fikk en reisebekreftelse, i september 2014.
Og så flykta jeg tilbake til Norge, (må jeg si).
Og det var fordi at jeg måtte gå og lete etter mynter, på gata, i Liverpool, i uker/måneder av gangen:
Fordi at the Jobcentre ikke sendte meg min trygd, (det kunne gå måneder mellom hver gang), og fikk meg til å måtte gå lange gåturer, til rettsalen, osv.
Og de skylder meg noe sånt som 2000 pund, fra 2014.
(Noe jeg har oppdatert Liverpool City Council om, for et par år siden).
Og jeg ba om å få prate med advokat og ambassaden.
(De klagde på at jeg ikke møtte opp, i rettsak nr. X., i en tulle-sak, om at jeg skal ha sendt upassende e-poster, til ei Jobsenter-dame.
Mens det nå ihvertfall er kjent i Norge at noen driver med en kampanje mot meg på nettet, for å nedlesse meg i arbeid.
Og disse falske e-postene til jobcenter-arbeideren, kan ha vært del, av den nevnte kampanjen.
(Jeg har sendt om mange hundre/tusen saker til Datatilsynet).
Og folk, (ikke engang advokater), skjønner ikke, at e-poster kan være sendt i en persons navn, uten av e-post-programmet av den grunn, behøver å ha vært hacket).
Jeg ble også holdt der, i cirka 35 timer, (før jeg ble kjørt til rettssalen), og det er for lenge, (vil jeg si).
(De har tulle-arrestert meg mange ganger.
Og 24 timer er vel grensa, hvis jeg ikke tar helt feil).
Så dette må jeg klage på.
Erik Ribsskog
Jeg ble også dømt til å betale over 10.000 i erstatning, for e-postene sendt i mitt navn, og hundre timer gratisarbeid, og meldeplikt en gang i uka i et år hos probation.
Og på toppen av dette, så skal de ha enda en rettsak, om at jeg ikke møtte, i en rettsak, (av en lang rekke), i 2015.
Men den rettsaken har jeg ikke fått brev om, mener jeg.
Saken var da og hos probation.
Men her har jeg blitt ranet, for de har hatt den samme saken på nytt, og nå med mye strengere straff.
Pluss at de skal ha en tulle-sak til.
Og dommeren sa at jeg skulle gå rett til probation, etter dommen, men der var det stengt/låst.
Og jeg måtte ikke dra bort, (mente dommeren), enda jeg jo bor på hotell, og ikke er ordentlig etablert.
Og i en sånn situasjon, så er det vel vanlig, at planene forandrer seg, for å si det sånn.
Så dette må jeg klage på.
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: 2017-08-04 9:35 GMT+01:00
Subject: New update/Fwd: Update/Fwd: New complaing/Fwd: Your complaint about The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc (Our ref: 18610099)
To: “complaint.info” <complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk>
Cc: “emb.london” <emb.london@mfa.no>, admin <admin@lpl-norwegian-consulate.org.uk>, post@finkn.no
I just thought, that I’d send, a new update, about the problems with the banks.
Yesterday I went to RBS in Dale St., (here in Liverpool).
And that was because, that RBS, had sent me three text-messages.
In one of the text-messages, they wrote, that they had changed, my ‘home-number’.
But I had only asked them to change my mobile-number and address.
I went to the bank.
And I had to sit there, for about half an hour.
Because there were no staff, in the information-department there, (or what they call it).
Even if the bank was still open.
(This was at around 3.30 PM.
And RBS close at 4.45 PM, it says, on the RBS website).
After a while, I went over, to the cashiers.
And Anette, (who I remember, that used to work, in the information, a few years back, was sitting there, counting some notes).
So Anettes collegue, (a blond woman I think, in her 40’s), told me that Heather had put my mobile-number where my home-number used to be, (the day before), on their system.
And that was ‘fine’, the RBS-woman said.
But I’ve now checked the internet-banking, and it doesn’t even mention ‘home-number’, as far as I can see.
Anyway I also was, at RBS, on Tuesday, (like mentioned earlier).
And then Anette, (the now cashier), told me, that RBS don’t excange NOK, (Norwegian Kroner).
And that I suspect, can have been, something which perhaps, isn’t true.
Because when I look at the internet, I can see, that RBS publish their echange-rate, for NOK.
And I’ve also earlier changed NOK, in the UK.
(At Barclays and the Post Office, at least).
So this I wanted to complain about.
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: 2017-08-03 7:57 GMT+01:00
Subject: Update/Fwd: New complaing/Fwd: Your complaint about The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc (Our ref: 18610099)
To: “complaint.info” <complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk>
Cc: “emb.london” <emb.london@mfa.no>, admin <admin@lpl-norwegian-consulate.org.uk>, post@finkn.no
I just remembered something more.
When I last year, (I think it must have been), tried to change my RBS-address, (to my Norwegian address).
Then I went to RBS’s office, in Oslo.
(Because RBS had a big neon-sign, on a Oslo city center-building.
So I knew they were around.
Even if they had moved from the ‘neon sign-building’ to a building where Breivik, (and my half-brother), had worked.
It later turned out).
And RBS Oslo couldn’t help me change my address.
They weren’t a proper branch, it seemed.
So this I wanted to complain about.
Also I noticed, in the meetings with Carrie, (at Barclays Lord Street), that she doesn’t use the ‘thouch-method’, when she types.
So is this the candid camera comedy TV-show, or something, I was wondering.
I thought all bank-staff had gone to business-school and learned to type using the thouch-method, (that we learn at business/mercantile-school, (‘handel og kontor’), in Norway, at least).
This I wanted to complain about.
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
Sorry for all the typos, in the last e-mail.
But my hotel-room is a bit dark unfortunatly, (for some reason).
But now there’s more daylight.
So this e-mail should hopefully be better that way, at least.
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: 2017-08-03 7:08 GMT+01:00
Subject: New complaing/Fwd: Your complaint about The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc (Our ref: 18610099)
To: “complaint.info” <complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk>
Cc: “emb.london” <emb.london@mfa.no>, admin <admin@lpl-norwegian-consulate.org.uk>, post@finkn.no
I’ve now moved back to the UK, and I’ve had a bit problems, with RBS and Barclays.
I’ve often used hostells as my bank-address, (the Scandinavian Church hostel in Liverpool, and also International Inn, in Liverpool).
But now RBS and Barclays first didn’t want to accept my hotell-address.
Jayne at RBS said: ‘Things have changed’, (since 2014, I guess).
(This was on Tuesday).
But Anette there wondered if I had gotten my British phone-number.
But the phone-numbers stops working after six months, if one are abroad, Virgin told me, later on Tuesday.
So I got a replacement phone-number.
And I then went back to RBS yesterday.
And Heather there updated my phone-number and address.
At Barclays they said I had the wrong ID, (for updating my address).
Carrie there wouldn’t accept my emergency passport, (I lost my passport, in Liverpool, around 2010, and needed to get a new one, at the airport in Oslo, (with the Police there), on Sunday).
And Barclays wouldn’t accept my driving licence, (from 2002 (1995)).
Even if I must have used that exactly same driving licence, when I updated my address there, (in the same Barclays branch, in Church/Lord Street, in Liverpool), three times, (I think it must have been), in 2012.
So that I wanted to complain about.
Also I had a meeting with Carrie yesterday.
And on Tuesday, I had a meeting first with Carries collegue.
And I remember all the RBS-names.
But not the name of Carries collegues, (in/around the reception there).
RBS-staff have name-signs, but do really all Barclay staff have name-signs I’m wondering.
No, I deer to say that half the Barclays-staff aren’t wearing name-signs, (at least).
So this I wanted to complain about.
Also Barclays-staff #1 wanted my to try my pin-code, on Tuesday.
I hide pin-codes a bit, because I read in a paper, you shouldn’t just write the pin-code in case one are robbed.
So I didn’t get the pin-code right.
(Because I have to Barclays-accounts.
One student-account from Sunderland, in 2004.
And one current-account from Bootle in 2014).
And I didn’t want to try more than two pin-codes.
Because then the card would be blocked.
But even if I explained this to Carrie yesterday, even so she told my to type a pin-code.
With the result that my Bootle-Visa-card was blocked.
So this I wanted to complain about.
I also complained to Carrie that Barclays don’t have a general enquiery e-mail address, on their website.
Then I would have contacted them much earlier.
Because all my stuff was stolen from my, when my bedsit/flat, (in Norway), was robbed, in February 2012.
There was only a bus-ticket and a razor-blade left.
All my clothes and my computer etc., was stolen.
Including a bard reader from Barclays and my Bootle-account cheque-book.
And I hadn’t gotten to report about this, since Barclays don’t use e-mail.
I also have an account with RBS.
(RBS had a promotion, where they gave me £100, in 2007, for switching to them.
And I had recently been a jobseeker then, I those money came in handy).
But for some reason, my sister sent me money, to my UK PayPal-account, last year, (I think it was).
And then I had to use a lot of time, to contact RBS.
Because those money ended up on my RBS-account.
And I had to chat with RBS for many hours, on their web-chat.
(A chat that doesn’t e-mail the custommers a summary of the chat.
For some reason).
And I had to use many hundred NOK, to call RBS, (from my Norwegian mobile).
To change my address.
So that RBS could send me a Visa-card that worked.
Since my RBS Visa-card didn’t work, (last year), even if it hadn’t expired.
So I’ve used a lot of time and money, to contact RBS.
And hadn’t gotten to Barclays yet.
Even if I had thought about that why don’t Barclays have a general enquiery e-mail address, on their website.
Then I would have updated them about the stolen cheque-book etc., much earlier.
I had my Sunderland-account-Visa card.
But it had expired in 2016.
I said to Carrie that they should block the other Sunderland-cards issued after 2014.
Because I reackoned that those cards must have been sent to my old UK address.
And I also reackon that someone else lives there now, (on that address, in L4).
And then Carrie told me that no later cards had been issued/sent in the post, (since 2014).
Even if my old Sunderland-Visa-card expired in 2016.
So what has happened here, I was wondering.
I haven’t gotten to tell Barclays that I’ve moved back to Norway, in 2014.
And still they stop the new card, in 2016.
That wasn’t explained to me, what had happened here.
So that I wanted to complain about.
I deposited some money, (760 pounds), on my Barclays Bootle-account, on Tuesday.
But later the same day, I remembered, that the cheeque-book, for that account, was stolen, in 2015.
And yesterday, I asked Carrie if they could transfer those money to my Barclays Sunderland-account.
Because I thought those money would be safer on the Sunderland-account, because that acount, didn’t have a stolen cheque-book.
But Carrie refused to transfer the money, (to my Sunderland-account).
So that I wanted to complain about.
(The reason I got a Bootle-account, is really because I was there to discuss a co-owned property, which I owned/own, a part of, in Norway.
But Barclays didn’t want to sell this property for me, and instead I ended ut, with a new current-account.
Which I didn’t really need.
So it’s a bit chaos, with my Barclays-banking.
That’s why I’ve gone to Barclays twice, about this, this week).
Also it was chaos at Barclays.
They’ve closed their branches in Water Street and Whitechappel.
And the Church Street/Lord Street one, has to many custommers in it.
Yesterday it was a queue, both for the chairs and for the reception, in the first floor, at Barclays Lord street.
I ended up, in an embarrasing situation, where I thought that two Chinese women, where queing, for a chair.
So I waited for them, so to let them have the only free chair, (after that I had been standing there, waiting for meeting with Carrie, for 20-30 minutes, or something like that).
But it turned out, that the Chinese women, where queing, not for the chair, but for the reception.
So they were insulted by me standing next to them, while I waited for them to grab the last chair, it seemed.
Because the waiting-room was to small.
And if I waited in the stair-case, then people thought I was queing there.
So this was chaos, and Barcalys/the Chinese women, made me look dum, I think.
So this I wanted to complain about.
(It also was a lot of circus/noise there, since a Pakistani family, had a meeting in the waiting room/reception there.
They were both parents, and at least one noisy child, and possibly also grand-parents.
So Barcalys Lord Street need more space, and perhaps they need to stop having a combined reception/waiting-room.
If they split them up, then that would perhaps be a good idea.
Even if they also have a second waiting-room, further inside, on that floor.
So it’s a bit ‘Russian’ perhaps.
Barclays should perhaps then rather open up one or two of their old Liverpool City Centre-branches.
One could think.
So that people wouldn’t stand as ‘sild in tønne’, (fish in a barrel), there.
So that I wanted to complain about).
Also Carrie still didn’t want to accept my new address yesterday.
They want me to get a new passport.
But the Norwegian consulate in Liverpool, have stopped issuing passports, (a few years ago).
And it’s quite far, to London.
And one need a special apointment, with the Norwegian embassy, (in London), to get a passport.
And that apointment, (that one get, if one call), can be, like many weeks/months, into the future.
So that could take several months for me, to get, a regular passport.
And I also have lots of other important things to do.
Like finding a flat, going to the dentist, etc.
So Barcalys are being a bit difficult and unreasonable, towards me, I think.
So this I wanted to complain about.
Carrie also wanted me to throw my expired Sunderand-Visa-card.
But that’s the only place, where I have my Sunderland-account-number now.
(Since people don’t get proper statements any longer.
People get nagged about switching to paperless statements.
And in the end it then can be difficult to find ones account-numbers etc.
So this I wanted to complain about.
Erik Ribsskog
Carrie want’s me to call the Norwegian embassy in London.
But if I put the telly on, at my hotel-room.
Then people knock on my door, (due to that they are very sensitive towards sound), it seems.
So it’s not easy finding a quiet place outdoors, (in Liverpool City Center), from which I can call the embassy, (from my mobile).
So Barcalys are being difficult, I think.
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: 2017-05-21 6:27 GMT+01:00
Subject: Re: Your complaint about The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc (Our ref: 18610099)
To: “Reyneke, Andre” <Andre.Reyneke@financial-ombudsman.org.uk>
Cc: post@finkn.no
I’ve learned about this, at business-school.
And it should be necessary, to fill out, a lot of forms, (all the time).
It should be enough, to just explain about this, in normal writing.
Erik Ribsskog
You also sent me e-mails, at 7.30, in the morning, a few years back, (while I lived, in the UK).
So this is something you do at your spare-time, I guess?
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