Erik Ribsskog <>
Klage/Fwd: What’s new?
Erik Ribsskog <> 25. desember 2020 kl. 11:03
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Fra: Autotype Design Club <>
Date: man. 9. nov. 2020 kl. 20:05
Subject: What’s new?
To: Erika <>
A Letter from Derek
I started Autotype to share the stories of talented designers and inspire and empower the next generation of creatives. Put simply, I wanted to celebrate design and empower designers. With your support, we’ve featured luminaries in automotive design, furniture design, and photography – and funded scholarships for aspiring designers along the way. I am so excited to close out the year by profiling two compelling designers and human beings.
First up is interior designer Pam Shamshiri of Studio Shamshiri. Pam, like all truly great designers, builds into her work an incredible amount of detail, pain-staking research, and thousands of hours, but the final product always looks effortless, composed, and finished. We’ve dreamt up some exciting and beautifully-designed home goods that will bring the deft touch of Pam’s style into your home while also funding a scholarship in interior design.
We will close out the year with Jason Gregory, founder of MAKR. Jason doesn’t just design beautiful products of considered simplicity, he is also a problem solver committed to the thankless work of endless iterations in pursuit of detailed construction that you or I might never notice, but will ensure his products become treasured heirlooms. I own a MAKR Wallet from Jason’s early days and I left it in a rental car on a business trip. While most people would be frantic about their AmEx and ID, I was crestfallen about that wallet. Fortunately, I was reunited with the wallet (cards, cash, and all), and treasure it to this day.
Thank you for being a part of our journey and our mission. I can’t wait to share the stories of these incredible designers with you. Stay tuned…
-Derek Galkin
Founder, Autotype Design Club
10% of every purchase benefits the Autotype Emerging Designer Scholarship Fund which awards students financial aid, one-on-one, mentorship, and the networking resources of the Autotype Design Club.
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Autotype 924 Anacapa Street Ste. 3-K1 Santa Barbara, CA 93101
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