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Erik Ribsskog <>
Complaint/Fwd: IOPC reference – 2021/162867
Erik Ribsskog <> 8. februar 2024 kl. 23:43
Til: Phso Enquiries <>
Kopi: Customer Services <>,, «» <>,,,, Lowell Norge AS <>,,,,, Lowell Norge AS <>, NorgesEnergi <>, Lowell Norge – kundesenter <>,, Bærum Kommune <>, LOS Kundesenter <>, Sfovpost <>, «» <>, amnestyis <>, HRW UK <>, LbF Leieboerforeningen <>, post <>, Akademikerforbundet <>,,,,, Abuse <>, «inger.lise.blyverket» <>, Phso Enquiries <>, Info <>, Postmottak ASD <>, Runcorn Office <>, Postkasse <>, Lisa Eian <>,,,, post <>, Post <>, NKOM <>, Post <>,,

I see on Wikipedia that the old British police-complaint-organisation (IPCC) has been closed down.

And that wasn’t a bad idea, I think.

Because in 2011, the IPCC told me, that they didn’t want my emails.

And the emails where copies of police-complaints, to do with internet-troll-activitiy (possibly Russian internet-trolls or something).

And the Police refused to serve me.

(Someone tried to kill me on an uncles farm in Norway, in the summer of 2005.

I fled to the UK, for the second time (the first time was in the automn of 2004, when I went to study at the University of Sunderland, and also went to London (to get air like, since I worked in a clammy part of Oslo named Bjørndal, where it’s like in Blackburn or Staines or Rotherham perhaps, with lots of immigrants) in the summer of 2003).

I contacted the Merseyside-police many times about this (and I also called the Norwegian police a lot of times about this) in the summer/automn of 2005, but the British police (and the Norwegian police) refused to serve me/do their job/investigate.

So I want compansation due to that the IPCC refused to serve me/do their job.

And also your new police-complaint-organisation (IOPC) are even worse, it seems.

They also refuse to read me emails (these are updates to do with an earlier email where I explained about the harassment from the Merseyside-police around 2013, when they knocked on my door around a hundred times (sometimes several times a day) they arrested me between five and ten times, and they also smashed my door a number of times (so it couldn’t almost be called a door in the end) and they also stole my computers all the time.

This was due to that internet-trolls (Russian?) tricked the Merseyside-police into swatting me, all time, by sending a lot of false emails in my name, to a jobcentre-staff, that was a single mum (she told me) named Sarah Bamber, from Aintree Jobcenter.

So this is like Putins wet dream I think, when your police-complaint-organisations are like this (that they refuse to do their job).

So this I wanted to complain/warn about.

Why do they call me Liying Yang?

What the hell is this crap supposed to mean.

Have Putin told them to call me a funny/Chinese name?

This I want to complain about.

Erik Ribsskog

———- Forwarded message ———
Fra: !enquiries <>
Date: tor. 8. feb. 2024 kl. 14:52
Subject: IOPC reference – 2021/162867
To: <>

Dear Liying Yang

We are writing further to your recent emails which you have sent to the IOPC.

It is noted that many of the emails you copy to the IOPC are regarding matters that do not fall under our remit. We sent you an email, dated 10 November 2023, advising you of the remit of the IOPC. To clarify, the IOPC is solely responsible for overseeing the formal Police Complaints process in England and Wales. We have no remit over issues that lie outside of this process, including criminal matters or housing.

Since this email, you have continued to copy us into emails which do not fall under our remit. We consider the level of correspondence excessive; you have sent at least 11 emails of this nature since the start of December.

If you continue to copy us into emails which do not require any action from the IOPC, we will consider restricting your email contact with us. This is not something we want to do but it is now taking a significant amount of time to file your correspondence which does not require a response from the IOPC.

Please consider this email as your first formal warning regarding your excessive correspondence.

Yours sincerely

Lucas Crossley
Customer Contact Advisor
Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC)
PO Box 473
M33 0BW
Tel: 0300 020 0096
Twitter: @policeconduct
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