Jeg sendte en e-post til IOPC

Erik Ribsskog
IOPC reference – 2024/200913
Erik Ribsskog 28. mars 2024 kl. 13:15
Til: !enquiries
Kopi: Complaints Resolution, Overdales Help, “”,,, Customer Services,, Lowell Norge AS,,,,, Lowell Norge AS, NorgesEnergi, Lowell Norge – kundesenter,, Bærum Kommune, LOS Kundesenter, Sfovpost, “”, amnestyis, HRW UK, LbF Leieboerforeningen, post, Akademikerforbundet,,,,, Abuse, “inger.lise.blyverket”, Phso Enquiries, Info, Postmottak ASD, Runcorn Office, Postkasse, Lisa Eian,,,, post, Post, NKOM, Post,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Studenterrådets Retshjælp,, Blogger Help, Politikk Høyre,

I think you have the wrong attitude.

You should be happy that you get emails to do with crime.

Then you get a chance to clean it up.

But you (at the IPCC’s replacer) just nag (in the same way as IPCC did, around 2011).

So this is destructive, I think.

If you haven’t got the time to do your job, you should hire more people, I think.

And stop complaining about the customers.

I’ve worked as a Store Manager.

And if someone shopped every day, then I didn’t warn them, and I didn’t tell them to shop less often.

This is idiocracy, I think.

There are some internet-trolls who contact people using my name, etc.

And the Police refuse to do their job.

And when I try to get you police-complaint-people to grasp the problem, by copying you relevant information, then you start to complain, and almost threaten.

That’s not fine and it’s also moronic, I think.

This I have to complain about.

It’s not my fault that I’m the victim in a lot of identity-theft-cases.

That makes a lot of case-work.

But then you should of course blame the internet-trolls (and the Police who refuse to do their job) and not the citizen (or earlier citizen I am now, due to this problem, with the Merseyside Police being tricked by internet-trolls (contacting a female jobcenter-staff using my name).

The Police were tricked by these internett-trolls about a hundred times.

Every time they came hammering on my front-door, they sometimes smashed it, they arrested me a lot of times (until some more intelligent cops understood that the gorillas had been idiots).

And this has been the topic of many idiotic court-cases now (or some years back).

And the Police also stole my computer (and the new one, and another one after that again).

A religious cult in Norway (Smiths Venner (translates to: ‘Smiths Friends’) aka. Brunstad Christian Church) they are based in a municipality (Melsomvik) that used to be in the same county (Vestfold) as my home-municipality (Svelvik).

And these religious people (that are maniacs according to a gypsy/’tater’-guy (Jan Snoghøj) that stole my father (and younger sister) in the 80’s.

Jan Snoghøj said that these people (Smiths Venner aka. Brunstad Christian Church) are like maniacs or zombies or robots.

And his younger half-sister (Christell Humblen) heard this, and she could have told on him (she later became a Godtemplar aka. anti-alcohol-organisation-member) and possibly put the blame on me.

And this organisation (Smiths Venner/Brunstad) has people that have roles to do with Wikipedia.

And they (a guy named Fosse) has complained about me, on behalf of Wikipedia, to Blogger/Google.

And he has made it look like I’m insane and a hacker, in a complaint that has been published by the Lumen-site (that publish files to do with copyright-infringement, etc.).

And I wonder if the ‘Gorilla-cops’ have surfed on the Lumen-website, and then been programmed by that ‘Russian’/’villedende’/’æreskrenkende’ complaint about me, from Wikipedia/Smiths Venner aka. Brunstad Christian Church.

So I want a reply from the Managing Director (or what the Police-titel is) about this.

Erik Ribsskog


The Norwegian newspaper VG have their own TV-channel, here in Norway.

And I’ve quite recently seen a British TV-programme on that TV-channel.

It was some people from Northern Ireland, who were fighting some internett-trolls/criminals.

And in that TV-programme, the Police mention that you have a ‘federal’ orgranisation named Action Fraud, who fight against internet-crime.

So I also send a copy of this email, that an email-address (

It could be, that this organisation (Action Fraud) are the right people, to deal with this (and not the Merseyside Police, who are perhaps a bit old-fashioned, and let themselves be tricked (again and again) by the criminals (so that it ended up, being like terror for me, living in the UK, because of these ‘gorilla-cops’, I think they perhaps should be called).

tir. 26. mars 2024 kl. 14:07 skrev !enquiries
Dear Erik Ribsskog,

We are writing further to our email of 26 February 2024, where we advised you that we consider the amount of correspondence you are sending to us to be excessive.

Since this correspondence, you have sent at least a further 03 emails which have been copied to the IOPC, many of which relate to matters that do not fall under our remit. To clarify, the IOPC is solely responsible for overseeing the formal police complaints process in England and Wales. We have no remit over issues that lie outside of this process.

Despite our previous correspondence, you have continued to send excessive number of cpied emails to the IOPC. As such, we have no option but to issue a third and final formal warning regarding excessive non-remit copied emails being sent to us. Please be aware, continuing to send a high volume of non-remit copied emails will result in us restricting your email contact with the IOPC; this is not something which we would like to pursue.

To be as clear as possible regarding this matter, please note that we will file any copied emails we receive for you under the above reference, however we will not acknowledge or consider them. If you have any query which falls within our remit that you want the IOPC to consider, you should send it to us and only us.

If you wish to make a complaint concerning the conduct of a police force, please complete and submit a complaint form via our website at Submit a complaint | Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC). Alternatively, please submit your complaint directly to the Professional Standards Department (PSD) of the police force concerned. Please note that the IOPC does not need to be copied into the complaint correspondence if sent via email.

I trust this clarifies our position.

Yours sincerely

Lucas Crossley
Customer Contact Advisor
Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC)
PO Box 473
M33 0BW
Tel: 0300 020 0096
Twitter: @policeconduct
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