Jeg lurer på om han trench aka. Marius Lund Larsen (som er fra Stokke-distriktet, og som har rappa min irc-kanal #blablabla) er i Smiths Venner

[20:14.58] * blablabot sets mode +o john_cons for #blablatemp
[04:57.14] * trench ( has joined channel #blablatemp
[04:57.40] * trench ( has left #blablatemp ()
[07:07.11] ->> trench is (is this the point of no return?)
[07:07.11] ->> trench is on: @+#I_TAKE_IRC_SERIOUSLY @#0fucks 
[07:07.11] ->> trench using (Swepipe EFnet Server (IPv4, IPv6 & SSL))
[07:07.11] ->> trench 1 hrs 45 mins 28 secs seconds idle, signon time 18:35 22.06.2024
[07:07.11] ->> trench :End of /WHOIS list.


Her er mer om dette:

[20:54.59] * You have joined #blablabla
[20:54.59] Topic: denne kanalen er ikke tatt over, den er beskyttet så andre ikke tuller med den
[20:54.59] Channel Topic Set by: trench! on 13:38 15.04.2021
[20:54.59] Channel modes for #blablabla are :+stnl 16
[20:54.59] Channel Created on: 20:41 06.03.2016
[20:58.02] * F7 sets mode +l 19 for #blablabla
[20:58.03] * F5 sets mode +l 19 for #blablabla
[20:58.03] * F4 sets mode +l 19 for #blablabla

PS 2.

Kanalen #USA (som jeg tok over under pandemien, siden at ingen andre visst ville drive den) er det noen ganger litt tull på:

Session Start: ons. jun 19 09:31:18 2024
Session Ident: #USA
[09:31.15] * ws7ws (~onMobile@2405:9800:b510:1167:906d:17cf:7a19:3197) has joined channel #USA
[09:31.37] สวัสดีครับ
[10:47.37] * ws7ws (~onMobile@2405:9800:b510:1167:906d:17cf:7a19:3197) Quit (Quit: -a- Client closed 1.0.00)
[14:35.21] * john_cons sets mode +b *!~onMobile@2405:9800:b510:1167:906d:17cf:7a19:3197 for #USA

PS 3.

Dette betyr visst ‘hallo’ (på thailansk):