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Erik Ribsskog
Klage/Fwd: A New Frog For You to Eat
Erik Ribsskog 15. mai 2017 kl. 00:01
Til: juridisk

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Erik Ribsskog


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———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Brian Tracy
Date: 2017-04-13 20:15 GMT+02:00
Subject: A New Frog For You to Eat
To: eribsskog@gmail.com

Hi Erik,

I’m excited to be releasing a new book this month!

Today, there are more and more things that demand your time. It can be hard to keep organized and prioritize your most important tasks.

There simply isn’t enough time to do everything on your to-do list.

The truth? There will never be enough time.

The secret? Successful people don’t try to do everything.

They learn to focus on the most important tasks and make sure they get done.

They eat their frogs.

Based on an old saying, “eating a frog” is a metaphor for tackling your most challenging and most valuable task first.

My new book, Eat That Frog! Third Edition will show you exactly how to do that! It’ll teach you how to organize each day so you can target these critical tasks efficiently and effectively.

While we have gotten more advanced with modern technology… more obstacles, frustrations, and tasks we didn’t have to deal with before have come along with it. That’s why in this third edition, I added two new chapters:

Technology is a Terrible Master – explains how you can use technology to remind yourself of what is most important while protecting yourself from the least important tasks.
Technology is a Wonderful Servant –  offers advice for maintaining focus in today’s era of constant distractions.
PLUS, it’s going to be accompanied by an audio book, a custom card deck, an interactive workbook, and a video training. Everything else in the book is timeless and life-changing information on honing your decisions, discipline, and determination.

My new book is releasing on April 17, so keep an eye on your inbox for updates and a SPECIAL GIFT I can’t wait to share!

To your productivity,

Brian Tracy

PS. Here’s a hint…
In the meantime, if you really want to work on prioritizing your life and enhancing your productivity, check out my latest online training program — Power Productivity. If you buy it now, you’ll get a FREE copy of Eat That Frog! Third Edition as soon as it’s released…

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