I’m also sending an update now, with scans, of the mentioned letter,
that you sent me, on 30/6.
In case you need the reference-number, (10055749).
Even if I got a letter from you, regarding council tax, (which was
reduced), so I guess you could have processed my e-mail, from 5/7,
Sorry if I’m sending to many e-mails in that case.
(But I had to send the e-mail, from 5/7, from the library, since
Virgin stopped my broadband-line from working.
Due to that I haven’t gotten to pay the Virgin-bills, due to haven’t
gotten my jobseekers-allowance.
There are four cases, about missing jobseekers-alowance, for two or
three weeks each, since January).
Just as an update.
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Jul 5, 2014 at 3:29 PM
Subject: Your letter from 30/6
To: Benefits Service <benefits.service@liverpooldirectlimited.co.uk>
Cc: Wedell-Wedellsborg <ww@bruunhjejle.dk>, “emb.london”
<emb.london@mfa.no>, HRW UK <hrwuk@hrw.org>, amnestyis
<amnestyis@amnesty.org>, Phso Enquiries
<phso.enquiries@ombudsman.org.uk>, post <post@mfa.no>,
Akademikerforbundet <post@akademikerforbundet.no>, Ribsskog
<bribsskog@gmail.com>, she <she@topdanmark.dk>, “hv-02.kontakt”
<hv-02.kontakt@mil.no>, “anne-kathrine.skodvin”
<anne-kathrine.skodvin@ica.no>, post <post@spesialenheten.no>,
“EUteam@amnesty.org” <EUteam@amnesty.org>, “SCT@amnesty.org.uk“
<sct@amnesty.org.uk>, hofmarskallatet@kongehuset.dk, ved Wenche
Molstad <vpv.kontakt@mil.no>, post@slottet.no, Office
<runcornoffice@taroe.org>, Info <info@tpas.org.uk>,
“steve.rotheram.mp” <steve.rotheram.mp@parliament.uk>, LO Postkasse LO
<lo@lo.no>, rcjchancery.judgeslisting@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk, “sande.vgs”
<sande.vgs@vfk.no>, “president@ansa.no” <president@ansa.no>, Google
Press <press@google.com>, post@canica.no, billing@spexhost.com,
Contact-Us <Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>, Politikk Høyre
<politikk@hoyre.no>, “mail.gva” <mail.gva@efta.int>,
info@linskills.co.uk, findasolicitor@lawsociety.org.uk,
admin@lpl-norwegian-consulate.org.uk, ITCGM- Norwegian Consulate
I’m refering to your letter from 30/6, where you write I’ve had a
change in my situation.
There is no such change, just ‘a group of scumbags’ who have tricked
the Jobcentre into stopping my claim, it seems.
Erik Ribsskog