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I haven’t gotten my jobseekers-allowance, since last month.
So that’s why my bank-account is overdrawn.
did sabotage against me, and wrote an e-mail in my name, to the
Jobcentre, (and Liverpool City Council), asking for my claim to end.
I was informed by this sabotage, by the Council.
And informed the Jobcentre right away, about this impersonation.
But the Jobcentre still stopped my claim.
I had to file a rapid reclaim.
To do with that reclaim, I had a phone-interview, with Sean, from Huyton Jobcentre, earlier this month.
And in that phone-call, I was told, I was going to get my allowance, on Tuesday, (that is yesterday).
But I didn’t get any money yesterday, for some reason.
(I’ve sent a complaint e-mail to the Jobcentre about this.
But have still not received a reply).
Perhaps I could have an overdraft for graduates, I was wondering.
(I’ve read about these overdrafts somewhere).
I got my Norwegian Høgskolekandidat-degree, in 2009, from Oslo University College.
(I didn’t apply for an overdraft at the time, because I had a lot of complaints, against RBS, at the time.
Which I sent to the Financial Ombudsman, etc.
I think must have been the reason.
Or that I wasn’t aware of these graduate-overdrafts, at the time).
Thanks in advance for the help with this!
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog