Jeg sendte en e-post til Spesialenheten

Gmail – IPCC/Fwd: complaint – [Not Protectively Marked]

Erik Ribsskog

IPCC/Fwd: complaint – [Not Protectively Marked]

Erik Ribsskog


Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 11:19 PM

post <>

Postmottak Sivilombudsmannen <>

Hei, kan dere sende dette videre til deres søsterorganisasjon i England, nemlig IPCC?
De har nemlig blokkert min e-post-addresse, (av en eller annen grunn). Så mine e-poster når ikke fram til dem.
Dette er en oppdatering, siden jeg har sendt til IPCC, om denne saken tidligere, (gjennom Spesialenheten).
Mvh. Erik Ribsskog

———- Forwarded message ———- From: Cottam Jenni <>
Date: Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 1:16 PM
Subject: complaint – [Not Protectively Marked] To: “” <>

Mr Ribsskog,

I have not received any response to the letters I sent you on the 6th and 20th December 2013.

I have therefore attached the letter to this email, in case there has been a problem with your post.

Please read the letter and respond to the questions.

If I have not received any response from you by Friday 10th January 2014, I will conclude your complaint accordingly, on the evidence available to me.

Thank you

Sergeant 2158 Cottam

Liverpool North Standards Unit

Ext 74037

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Ribssokg 201213.doc