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Gmail – Oppdatering/Fwd: Bunte
Erik Ribsskog

Oppdatering/Fwd: Bunte

Erik Ribsskog
Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 1:06 AM
jeg er fortsatt kritisk til dette.
Hvordan person er det som får seg Facebook-konto i 2013, (og ikke 2007), liksom.
Og hun skriver at hun er dårlig på IT, men skriver e-poster som en gud.
Noe sånt.
Jeg jobbet som Company Researcher for firmaet Positive Publications,
(her i England), i 2007 og 2008, etter å ha lest om jobbet på the
Jobcentre sitt nettsted.
Og jeg var fleksibel, (siden disse manglet nordiske, sånn som jeg
skjønte det), og jobbet med finske og islandske firma, selv om jeg
hverken snakker islandsk eller finsk.
(Men jeg sa jeg kunne prøve, da jeg ble forespurt, siden det virket
som for meg, at firmaet manglet folk, som mestret disse språkene).
Og jeg hadde ikke problemer da, (i 2008), med å finne islandske firma,
på ‘white pages’, (for Island), på nettet.
Men hun her klarte jeg ikke å finne, (nå i 2013).
Så det var litt rart, syntes jeg.
Dessuten driver jeg en nettbutikk nå, (, som en
ekstrajobb, liksom.
Og jeg har hatt markedsføring, på handel og kontor og NHI.
Og trendene nå for tiden, (har jeg lært når jeg driver med Posegodt),
er visst å bruke liten bokstav, på det andre navet, etter bindestrek.
Så det ‘kule’ er å skrive ‘Mette-marit’.
Siden ukeblader/magasiner er koblet inn, så skal det vel være både
kult og kongelig, tenkte jeg.
(Litt på fleip, men jeg undres bare litt over den oppvoksende
generasjonen, (eller hva man skal kalle den).
Kanskje noe for VG å skrive om?
Det er en Joa-kim Magnussen i Drammen, født i 1989, vel.
VG skriver jo om trendnavn som Sofie, Nora og Emma, hvis jeg husker det riktig.
Noe sånt.
Hvorfor ikke skrive om et guttenavn som Joa-kim, for en gangs skyld.
For å fleipe litt, men likevel.
Og til slottet så regner jeg med at dette navnet nå blir skrevet Mette-marit.
For å følge trendene, liksom.
Litt på fleip, (for å si det sånn), men likevel).
Erik Ribsskog
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Turid Franzen <>
Date: Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 12:45 AM
Subject: Re: Bunte
Erik Ribsskog <>, Christian Burmeister
Hello again
I went to Facebook now, and made myself an account there, to show that
I’m a real person.
And not some ‘Herr Tullballsen’.
But I’m a bit private, so I think people would have to add me as a
friend, to see my pictures etc.
But I’m not very computer-literate, so to speak, so I’m not sure how this works.
Because this Facebook-thing is all new to me.
I mostly just use the Internet, to read blogs and read/write e-mail.
But now I’m on Facebook, at least, so hopefully I’m a bit less mysterious now.
So anyone who wants to make friends with me, can contact me there, at
I’ve also been contacted by another German journalist, wanting to hear
about Mette-Marit, so I’ve added that contact to this mail list, along
with Baron Ribsskog’s CCs.
Because I thought it was unneccessary to have this ‘discussion’ going
on, in two places, at the same time(on Baron Ribsskog’s blog, and
So the journalist who contacted me last, can just read what has
already been written, in this thread, to get updated.
Hope this is alright!
– Regards
PS: My name isn’t “Hilsen Turid”, like that last journalist wrote in
her e-mail. “Hilsen” is just Norwegian for “Regards”.
So my name is Turid Franzen, and not “Hilsen Turid”.
Just to clear up that one!
PS2: Here is the e-mail I got, from the last German journalist, asking
me about Mette-Marit:
Dear Hilsen Turid,
I work for a German magazine called GALA, currently I am writing a
story about Mette-Marit of Norway.
In a blog, I read that you have information about Mette-Marit having
an affair. Can you tell me more about you and about the source of your
information? That would be very helpful to me.
Thank you very much and best regards,
Stefanie Richter
2013/12/4 Turid Franzen <>
> I should also add that this ‘scoop’ was intended, for Baron Ribsskog.
> Since Baron Ribsskog has written a lot about the Norwegian royal family, and since I’ve been a huge fan, of Baron Ribsskog, since the first time I read his blog, and got acquainted with his rights battle.
> So I’m an admirer of Baron Ribsskog, and can also empathize quite a bit with his situation, since I’m also a sort of ‘refugee’, on Iceland, after I fled Norway, because of the bureaucracy there (even though I’ve never been followed by the mafia) .
> But Baron Ribsskog dismissed the information I gave, as anti-royal bullshit, I think it was.
> So I guess I have to accept that.
> And maybe then, it’s not too bad, that a German gossip magazine picks up this story.
> Since it would have gone ‘to waste’, otherwise.
> So that’s really why I replied to this German gossip reporter.
> Just to inform a bit about this.
> – Yours sincerely
> Turid
> 2013/12/3 Turid Franzen <>
>> Hi,
>> I don’t have any other info than what I wrote to Baron Løvenbalk Ribsskog, I’m afraid.
>> And that is that this rumour has been going on, for some time, in Norway now.
>> The rumour says that Mette-Marit has fallen back, to old habits, and that she has cheated on Haakon, possibly with the wealthy ‘richman’s son’, Ole Robert Reitan.
>> So Haakon is finally fed up with Mette-Marit, and wants a divorce.
>> I have a friend who’s mom works in the government.
>> And he says that she says there’s a bit of a crisis there, on how to handle ‘this’, whatever it is, publicly.
>> These rumours are being deleted on forums, all over the Internet, it seems.
>> The Norwegian government is very protective, when it comes to the royal family, it seems, using the security service for damage control etc.
>> I believe that Baron Ribsskog once reported Mette-Marit to the Police, along with a famous Norwegian politician, after some alleged sexual abuse.
>> But the Police didn’t even reply to this report, like they are required to, by law, I think.
>> They just ignored it, and didn’t even respond with “saken er henlagt etter bevisets stilling”, which means “the case is closed due to lack of evidence”, which is customary in Norway.
>> So the government, and the Police, just give ‘the finger’, to people, who want to know the truth about the royal family, it looks like to me.
>> I CC this to Baron Ribsskog, and also to Christian Burmeister, who is a blogger who has written about this, and claims to have more information.
>> Hope this is alright!
>> – Regards
>> Turid
>> 2013/12/3 Blatt Stefan <>
>>> Dear Mrs. Franzen,
>>> I am sorry for the missunderstanding and I it is very nice that you contacted me. I am working for the german Bunte magazin. It is like Svensk Damtidning in Sweden or People in the US and I am covering European royals. Therfore I am very interested in the story about Crownprincess Mette-Marit and I would like to know if we could get any further information on this topic.
>>> Thanks so much and best regards
>>> Stefan Blatt
>>> ________________________________
>>> Stefan Blatt
>>> Chefredaktion
>>> BUNTE Entertainment Verlag GmbH
>>> Arabellastraße 23
>>> 81925 München
>>> Tel.: 089/9250-2018
>>> Fax: 089/92 50-2821
>>> Rechtsform: BUNTE Entertainment Verlag GmbH
>>> Geschäftsführerin: Manuela Kampp-Wirtz
>>> Handelsregister: Amtsgericht München HRB 108430
>>> Sitz der Gesellschaft: München
>>> Am 02.12.2013 um 22:23 schrieb Turid Franzen:
>>> Hi,
>>> Yes, I guess you are already. Although I am Mrs. Franzen, not Mr.
>>> – Regards
>>> Turid
>>> 2013/12/2 Blatt Stefan <>
>>>> Dear Mr. Franzen,
>>>> I  am working for the german Bunte magazin and I would like to get in touch with you. It would be very kind if you could contact me.
>>>> Thanks a lot and best regards
>>>> Stefan Blatt
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> Stefan Blatt
>>>> BUNTE
>>>> Chefredaktion
>>>> BUNTE Entertainment Verlag GmbH
>>>> Arabellastraße 23
>>>> 81925 München
>>>> Tel.: 089/9250-2018
>>>> Fax: 089/92 50-2821
>>>> Rechtsform: BUNTE Entertainment Verlag GmbH
>>>> Geschäftsführerin: Manuela Kampp-Wirtz
>>>> Handelsregister: Amtsgericht München HRB 108430
>>>> Sitz der Gesellschaft: München