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Gmail – Conplaint/Fwd: Problems with LHT/Fwd: Problems with LHT/Fwd: Security Issues


Erik Ribsskog

Conplaint/Fwd: Problems with LHT/Fwd: Problems with LHT/Fwd: Security Issues

Erik Ribsskog


Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 1:43 PM


Runcorn Office <>, Lars Aasen <>, Info <>


I wanted to complain about that when I sent an e-mail, to the Managing Director, of LHT.

(To the LHT general enquiery e-mail address).

Then this e-mail was just sent on, to the Neigbourhood Team Leader, (it seemed to me).

So I wanted to complain about this.
(Since I think I wasn’t taken seriously then.

When I send an e-mail to the Managing Director.

Then it should be sent to the Managing Director, I think.

And not to someone at a much lower level, in the organisation).
So I wanted to please complain about this.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 1:20 PM
Subject: Re: Problems with LHT/Fwd: Problems with LHT/Fwd: Security Issues
To: Runcorn Office <>
Cc: Lars Aasen <>


Leieboerforeningen in Norway told me that the tenants-organisations in the UK, were ‘struggeling’.

So I wasn’t sure if I was going to get a reply from you.

So I’m very grateful that I got one, anyway.

Thank you very much for this reply!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog
On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 12:10 PM, Runcorn Office <> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Our many years’ experience in housing shows that housing organisations always pick the most appropriate practitioner to respond to letters in the first instance.

If people are still unhappy, they can then progress their issue through the organisations Complaints Procedure.



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From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 01 February 2013 00:43
Cc: Info; Lars Aasen; LHT Customer Service
Subject: Problems with LHT/Fwd: Problems with LHT/Fwd: Security Issues

do you have any advice to give regarding this problem?

(If I send an e-mail to the Managing Director, then the Neigbourhood Team Leader replies).

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: Problems with LHT/Fwd: Security Issues
To: Info <>
Cc: Lars Aasen <>


thank you for the e-mail!

I’ve also sent to Leieboerforeningen about this, so perhaps they’ll reply.

And I’ve also posted about this on my blog, so perhaps the Managing Director reads about this there later.

We’ll see.

Thanks again for the e-mail!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 12:27 PM, Info <> wrote:
Dear Erik,

Thank you for your enquiry. As I have stated in a previous email, I am continually monitoring the emails that you copy TPAS into and we will continue to do so for as long as you copy us in. Unfortunately TPAS, which stands for Tenant Participation Advisory Service, is not an organisation that handles tenants’ complaints, we specialise in issues concerning resident involvement, providing support and training to members wanting to improve this aspect of the business.


Andrew Rynham

Research Officer

0161 868 3531 (direct line)

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TPAS promotes excellence in resident involvement & empowerment through training, advice & accreditation, representing 1900 tenant groups and 250 landlords.

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From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 29 January 2013 03:07
To: Info
Cc: Lars Aasen; Harry Erwin;; hv-02.kontakt
Subject: Problems with LHT/Fwd: Security Issues

I’ve sent a complaint about the Neighbourhood Team Leader, to the Managing Director, at LHT.

And then I get a response, to this complaint, from the person I’m complaining about.

Then it’s something wrong at LHT, I think.

The e-mails are being sent to the wrong people there.

So perhaps this is a case for Tpas and/or Leieboerforeningen?

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: LHT Customer Service <>

Date: Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 5:05 PM
Subject: Security Issues
To: “” <>

Dear Mr Ribsskog,

I write in response to your recent email dated 27 January 2013.

I’m sorry if you feel that my previous letter was impolite, it was not intended to be. Our concern is simply to prevent inappropriate emails being sent to our employees. We have not made any reference to your account having been hacked. What we have said is that you have previously made us aware of security issues around your account. Since we are continuing to receive inappropriate emails from your account, which you now inform us were not sent by you, then I would suggest that there are indeed security issues of some sort relating to your email account. We received a further inappropriate email from your account shortly after your last email on 27 January. We would again welcome the opportunity to discuss these issues with you, but we are respectful of your wish not to attend a meeting with us.

The most recent email was more direct in content, and constitutes nuisance behaviour directed at our employees (whether this was perpetrated by yourself or by people who are targeting you). Therefore we will be contacting the police to discuss the situation to see if there is anything we can do to resolve this. You have informed us that the emails are not sent by you and that you have informed the police of this in the past, so hopefully we will have more luck in raising these issues with them. I do not want to block your email address at this point as it is your preferred method of communicating with us, but if we can’t resolve the nuisance emails then we need to consider the best ways to prevent this.

You have mentioned in your email that this situation is causing you distress. Please be assured that it is not our intention to cause any upset. However, I hope that you understand that we are required to follow up on suspect correspondence primarily out of a duty of care to our employees, but also to see if we can provide support to yourself if you are being targeted.

I would like to share with you the content of the correspondence we received from your account, as I feel that you should be aware of the sort of thing that is being sent in your name. However, I do not want to do this without some assurances that you will not post these on your blog, as I do not want the officers named in the correspondence to become potential targets for the internet ‘trolls’ which appear to be targeting you.  

I would also confirm that the letters you have received were in fact sent by Royal Mail, but we do not generally use stamps due to the number of letters we send out. We have what is known as a franking machine which keeps a record of the letters we send out and prints a code on the envelope so that Royal Mail can charge us accordingly, so please do not be alarmed by this.


Allan Eveleigh

Neighbourhood Team Leader
Liverpool Housing Trust

211 Walton Road

L4 4AJ
Tel: 01928796000



Liverpool Housing Trust is part of Symphony Housing Group

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