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Gmail – Council Tax Reference No: 30345737


Erik Ribsskog


Council Tax Reference No: 30345737

Erik Ribsskog


Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 1:35 PM


Liverpool Direct <>


I'm referring to your letter, from 9/3, which I received earlier this week.
It says that £592.21 of last years Council Tax, is subject to Court Proceedings.
I wondering a bit what you mean with this.

Since I've been unemployed, during the recession, unfortunately.
(Even if I've tried to start an e-business, and more).
And I've had Council Tax Benefit, (as far as I've understood), since 2008.

So how can there be any Court Proceedings, in connection with last years Council Tax then?
(It's always said amount due: £0.00, since 2008, on the Council Tax-bills, as far as I can remember, at least).

Could you please explain more about this to me?
Thank you in advance for any help!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog