Mer fra #blablabla

Session Start: to feb 10 00:06:00 2011
Session Ident:#blablabla
[00:06] ->> You are now known as _cons_awa
[00:46] ->> Takapa is (Vegard Svanberg)

[00:46] ->> Takapa is on: @#slaskeslarv #jessheim @#fæst @#inc @#ircbabes @#krise @#sAKEr @#pyse @#gjespheim @#katastrofe #Python @#pylons +#dmsetup #quiz-show @#no.teknologi.bil @#gaffa #ipv6 @#ncsc @#istid-admin @#istid @#jubel @#klager @#sukkogstønn @#monsternett @#xoip @#gravityzone #vwaudi-club #homelien

[00:46] ->> Takapa using (Who Cares)
[00:46] ->> Takapa is an IRC Operator
[00:46] ->> takapa :End of /WHOIS list.

[00:47] * blablabot ( Quit ( Remote host closed the connection )
[00:48] * blablabot ( has joined #blablabla

[00:51] * _cons_awa sets mode +o blablabot for #blablabla
[00:51] * blablabot ( Quit ( Remote host closed the connection )

[00:54] * blablabot ( has joined #blablabla
[00:57] * blablabot ( Quit ( Remote host closed the connection )

[00:59] * blablabot ( has joined #blablabla
[01:00] * blablabot ( Quit ( Remote host closed the connection )

[01:01] * blablabot ( has joined #blablabla
[01:03] * blablabot ( Quit ( Remote host closed the connection )

[01:04] * blablabot ( has joined #blablabla
[01:10] * blablabot ( Quit ( Remote host closed the connection )

[01:13] * blablabot ( has joined #blablabla
[01:19] * Einstein2 sets mode -bbb *!*@* *.trench.!*@* *.c7C355A!*@* for #blablabla

[01:24] * trench ( has joined #blablabla
[01:24] * trench ( has left #blablabla
[01:33] * _cons_awa sets mode +o blablabot for #blablabla

[01:33] * blablabot sets mode +bbb *!*@* *.trench.!*@* *.c7C355A!*@* for #blablabla
[01:36] ->> Attempting to join #quiz-show
[01:37] * OldGnom (~RS@ has joined #blablabla

[01:37] * kia (~kiiiia@ has joined #blablabla
[01:45] ->> You are now known as _cons
[02:01] * OldGnom (~RS@ has left #blablabla (hej då)

[02:02] <@_cons> hei kia, hvem er du?
[02:02] <@_cons> (dette er en kanal for meg og mine kjente=
[02:02] <@_cons> (dette er en kanal for meg og mine kjente)
[02:02] <kia> hvem er jeg? vi har da snakket sammen mange ganger

[02:02] <kia> jeg har ikke vært her på et par uker men
[02:03] <kia> jeg er fra halsa, reparerer båter
[02:03] <@_cons> åja, fra trøndelag?
[02:03] <kia> nja, ikke så langt unna

[02:03] <kia> er vel egentlig på nordmøre
[02:03] <@_cons> nordmøre ja
[02:03] <@_cons> du som dreiv og støpte båter osv ja
[02:03] <@_cons> stemmer det

[02:04] <@_cons> hva var det du lurte på da?
[02:04] <kia> jepp
[02:04] <kia> lurer ikke på noe spesielt akkurat nå
[02:04] <kia> trodde det var ok at jeg var her

[02:04] <@_cons> nei det er mest hvis det er noe spes egentlig
[02:04] <@_cons> vi kjenner jo ikke hverandre fra RL eller noe
[02:05] <kia> tenkte siden du har latt meg være her før

[02:05] <@_cons> så synes det blir litt rart at du henger her nå
[02:05] <kia> jasså ja
[02:05] <@_cons> jeg synes ikke det er noe god grunn egentlig
[02:05] <@_cons> at du har vært her før

[02:06] <@_cons> for jeg huska ikke deg dessverre
[02:06] <@_cons> beklager det
[02:06] <@_cons> og derfor synes jeg det er litt rart at du henger her
[02:06] <@_cons> skjønner ikke poenget med det liksom

[02:06] <@_cons> sånn jeg tenker nå
[02:07] <@_cons> er at jeg bare vil ha den kanalen her hvis det er noe spes
[02:07] <@_cons> så hvis det ikke er noe spes så vær grei å part mener jeg

[02:07] <@_cons> hvis det er i orden
[02:07] <kia> jada
[02:07] <kia> men jeg bare lurer på noe først
[02:07] <@_cons> okey thanks!
[02:07] <@_cons> ja hvis det er kjapt

[02:07] <@_cons> for jeg lager mat her
[02:08] <@_cons> må sjekke ovnen her
[02:08] <@_cons> brb
[02:08] * kia (~kiiiia@ has left #blablabla

[02:23] * Einstein2 sets mode -b *!* for #blablabla
[02:24] * Einstein2 sets mode -bbb *!* *!* *!* for #blablabla

[02:25] * Einstein2 sets mode -b *!* for #blablabla
[02:26] ->> You are now known as _cons_awa

[02:44] * Einstein2 sets mode -bb *! *!* for #blablabla

[02:44] * blablabot sets mode +bb *! *!* for #blablabla

[02:45] ->> You are now known as _cons
[03:10] ->> You are now known as _cons_awa
[04:19] * blablabot ( Quit ( Remote host closed the connection )

[04:22] * blablabot ( has joined #blablabla
[04:23] * blablabot ( Quit ( Remote host closed the connection )

[04:24] * blablabot ( has joined #blablabla
[04:34] * Einstein2 sets mode -bbb *!*@* *.trench.!*@* *.c7C355A!*@* for #blablabla

[04:39] * _cons_awa sets mode +o blablabot for #blablabla
[04:39] * blablabot sets mode +bbb *.c7C355A!*@* *.trench.!*@* *!*@* for #blablabla
[04:40] ->> You are now known as _cons

[05:10] ->> You are now known as _cons_awa
[05:12] * blablabot ( Quit ( Remote host closed the connection )
[05:13] * blablabot ( has joined #blablabla

[05:24] * blablabot ( Quit ( Remote host closed the connection )
[05:25] * blablabot ( has joined #blablabla

[05:44] * blablabot ( Quit ( Remote host closed the connection )
[05:45] * Einstein2 sets mode -bb *! *!* for #blablabla

[05:45] * blablabot ( has joined #blablabla
[05:49] * blablabot ( Quit ( Remote host closed the connection )

[05:51] * blablabot ( has joined #blablabla
[05:54] * blablabot ( Quit ( Remote host closed the connection )

[05:55] * blablabot ( has joined #blablabla
[07:40] * Einstein2 sets mode -bbb *.c7C355A!*@* *.trench.!*@* *!*@* for #blablabla

[09:22] * _cons_awa sets mode +o blablabot for #blablabla
[09:22] * blablabot sets mode +bbbb *! *!* *!*@* *.trench.!*@* for #blablabla

[09:56] ->> Attempting to join #quiz-show
[11:51] * h3inz (Mibbit@ has joined #blablabla
[11:51] <h3inz> _cons_awa: har du mista din eneste venn nå da?

[11:51] <h3inz> støtt fra deg den skumle illuministen skorpion?
[11:52] <h3inz> hvem skal nå hjelpe deg med å holde alle verstingene ute fra den folkerike kanalen
[11:52] <h3inz> du vet, den som er for folk du kjenner

[11:52] <h3inz> blablabot og Einstein2 med andre ord
[11:52] <h3inz> de to eneste vennene du har i verden
[11:53] <h3inz> en tysk og en indonesisk irc-bot
[11:55] * _cons_awa sets mode +b *!*@ for #blablabla

[11:55] * h3inz was kicked by _cons_awa ( Reason (h3inz)
[12:04] * Sjarlatan ( has joined #blablabla

[12:05] <Sjarlatan> Bæ
[12:05] * Sjarlatan ( has left #blablabla
[12:22] * Einstein2 sets mode -bbbb *! *!* *!*@* *.trench.!*@* for #blablabla

[12:22] * blablabot sets mode +bbb *! *!* *!*@* for #blablabla

[14:56] * Einstein2 sets mode -b *!*@ for #blablabla
[15:09] ->> You are now known as _cons
[15:19] ->> You are now known as _cons_awa

[15:24] * Einstein2 sets mode -bbb *! *!* *!*@* for #blablabla

[15:24] * blablabot sets mode +bbb *! *!* *!*@* for #blablabla

[18:24] * Einstein2 sets mode -bbb *! *!* *!*@* for #blablabla

[18:24] * blablabot sets mode +bbb *! *!* *!*@* for #blablabla

[18:25] ->> Attempting to join #quiz-show
[18:25] ->> You are now known as _cons
[18:38] * skorpion ( has joined #blablabla

[18:38] * skorpion ( has left #blablabla
[18:53] ->> You are now known as _cons_awa

[20:13] * blablabot sets mode +b *!* for #blablabla
[20:16] * galfisk ( has joined #blablabla

[20:16] ->> galfisk is (…)
[20:16] ->> galfisk is on: #blablabla #densteilendeponny #Bergen

[20:16] ->> galfisk using (much better than
[20:16] ->> galfisk has been idle for 1 minute 37 seconds (Logged on at 10.02.2011 18:59:48)

[20:16] ->> galfisk :End of /WHOIS list.
[20:17] * galfisk was kicked by _cons_awa ( Reason ((dette er en kanal for meg og mine kjente))

[20:30] * KNERTEN ( has joined #blablabla
[20:39] <KNERTEN> Har du sett Lillebror?
[20:39] <KNERTEN> Ikke det nei…

[20:40] <KNERTEN> Vi fÃ¥r se, kanskje jeg finner'n til slutt, men men, vi fÃ¥r se …
[20:41] * KNERTEN ( has left #blablabla

[20:48] * Sjarlatan ( has joined #blablabla
[20:49] <Sjarlatan> Erik: Når noen kaller deg "Miss" og Erna så tror jeg bare det bare er for å spøke litt med deg. Kan virkelig ikke forestille meg at det skal være ment som en trussel.

[20:49] <Sjarlatan> Men hva vet vel jeg…
[21:25] * Einstein2 sets mode -bbb *! *!* *!*@* for #blablabla

[21:25] * blablabot sets mode +bbb *! *!* *!*@* for #blablabla

[21:35] ->> You are now known as _cons
[21:40] ->> You are now known as _cons_awa
[21:43] * _cons_awa sets mode +b *!* for #blablabla

[21:43] * Sjarlatan was kicked by _cons_awa ( Reason (Sjarlatan)
[21:57] ->> You are now known as _cons

[23:14] * Einstein2 sets mode -b *!* for #blablabla
[23:14] * blablabot sets mode +b *!* for #blablabla