Session Start: fr jan 28 00:37:32 2011
Session Ident:#blablabla
[00:37] * skorpion ( ) Quit ( )
[00:53] * Einstein2 sets mode -b *!* for #blablabla
[00:55] * Einstein2 sets mode -b *!* for #blablabla
[01:19] * Einstein2 sets mode -b *!* for #blablabla
[08:17] * Lillegutt was kicked by _cons ( ) Reason (idle)
[09:11] * SkalletMa ( ) has joined #blablabla
[09:22] ->> SkalletMa is (Skallet Mannen)
[09:22] ->> SkalletMa is on: #blablabla #johncons
[09:22] ->> SkalletMa using (60 percent of the time it works every time)
[09:22] ->> SkalletMa :End of /WHOIS list.
[09:22] * _cons sets mode +b *!* for #blablabla
[09:22] * SkalletMa was kicked by _cons ( ) Reason (SkalletMa)
[09:24] ->> Socket Error: 10053 : Connection is aborted due to timeout or other failure (Server)
[09:24] ->> Goto for more Socket Error Information
[09:24] ->> Connection closed from
[09:25] ->> Socket Error: 11001 : Authoritative answer: Host not found (Server)
[09:25] ->> Goto for more Socket Error Information
[09:25] ->> Connection closed from
[09:25] ->> Socket Error: 11001 : Authoritative answer: Host not found (Server)
[09:25] ->> Goto for more Socket Error Information
[09:25] ->> Connection closed from
[09:26] ->> Socket Error: 11001 : Authoritative answer: Host not found (Server)
[09:26] ->> Goto for more Socket Error Information
[09:26] ->> Connection closed from
[09:26] ->> Socket Error: 11001 : Authoritative answer: Host not found (Server)
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[09:27] ->> Socket Error: 11001 : Authoritative answer: Host not found (Server)
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[09:27] ->> Socket Error: 11001 : Authoritative answer: Host not found (Server)
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[09:28] ->> Socket Error: 11001 : Authoritative answer: Host not found (Server)
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[09:28] ->> Socket Error: 11001 : Authoritative answer: Host not found (Server)
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[09:29] ->> Socket Error: 11001 : Authoritative answer: Host not found (Server)
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[09:29] ->> Socket Error: 11001 : Authoritative answer: Host not found (Server)
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[09:30] ->> Socket Error: 11001 : Authoritative answer: Host not found (Server)
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[09:30] ->> Socket Error: 11001 : Authoritative answer: Host not found (Server)
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[09:31] ->> Socket Error: 11001 : Authoritative answer: Host not found (Server)
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[09:31] ->> Socket Error: 11001 : Authoritative answer: Host not found (Server)
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[09:32] ->> Socket Error: 11001 : Authoritative answer: Host not found (Server)
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[09:32] ->> Socket Error: 11001 : Authoritative answer: Host not found (Server)
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[09:33] ->> Socket Error: 11001 : Authoritative answer: Host not found (Server)
[09:33] ->> Goto for more Socket Error Information
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[09:33] ->> Socket Error: 10065 : No route to host. (Server)
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[09:33] ->> Connection closed from
[09:34] ->> Attempting to join #oslo
[09:34] ->> resolved to
[09:34] ->> Attempting to join #blablabla
[09:34] ->> You re-joined channel #blablabla
[09:34] ->> Topic is: Ny Isbre-mint butikk:
[09:34] ->> Topic set by john_cons! on 13.01.2011 21:28:15
[09:34] ->> Attempting to join #quiz-show
[09:34] ->> Attempting to join #england
[09:34] ->> Attempting to join #london
[09:34] ->> Attempting to join #usa
[09:39] * tailpush ( has joined #blablabla
[11:06] -> *blablabot* op (sensurert av johncons-blogg)
[11:06] * blablabot sets mode +o _cons for #blablabla
[11:06] * _cons sets mode +b *!* for #blablabla
[11:06] * tailpush was kicked by _cons ( ) Reason (tailpush)
[12:22] * Einstein2 sets mode -b *!* for #blablabla
[12:58] * Goatee ( ) has joined #blablabla
[12:59] <Goatee> hallo?
[13:02] * skorpion ( ) has joined #blablabla
[13:02] <Goatee> hey
[13:02] <skorpion> hei, hvem er du?
[13:02] <Goatee> mysterion
[13:03] <skorpion> alias Ragnar Hansen
[13:03] <Goatee> ja
[13:03] <Goatee> er re fett å henge på #blablabla eller?
[13:04] <skorpion> det er visst ganske status, merker jeg
[13:04] <skorpion> mye misunnelse ute og går
[13:04] <Goatee> jaha?
[13:04] <Goatee> hvordan da?
[13:07] <Goatee> jaja
[13:07] <Goatee> men men, vi får se
[13:09] ->> Goatee is (Ragnar Hansen)
[13:09] ->> Goatee is on: #blablabla
[13:09] ->> Goatee using (Who Cares)
[13:09] ->> Goatee :End of /WHOIS list.
[13:09] <Goatee> Fra Oslo Skorpion?
[13:09] <skorpion> ja, ekte Oschlo-gutt jeg
[13:09] <Goatee> Schopass
[13:09] <@_cons> skorpion: hvorfor sier du 'jau' hele tida da, hvis det er lov å spørre
[13:09] <@_cons> bare fleiper
[13:09] <skorpion> hehehe
[13:09] <@_cons> Goatee: er det kronprinsen eller
[13:10] <skorpion> jo det var fordi jeg kjente en magnar fransen
[13:10] <@_cons> har ikke han sånn skjegg
[13:10] <skorpion> da jeg gikk på videregående
[13:10] <@_cons> åkey np
[13:10] <skorpion> som satt to pulter bortenfor meg
[13:10] <Goatee> denna er rå :
[13:10] <skorpion> og han magnar hadde en onkel
[13:10] <Goatee>
[13:10] <skorpion> fra voss
[13:10] <skorpion> som pleide å stikke innom med matpakka hans
[13:10] <skorpion> og da sa'n alltid: "jau jau"
[13:10] <Goatee> svarer på eget oppdrag
[13:11] <@_cons> åkey ikke dårlig
[13:11] <@_cons> jeg har vel bedt om å få sletta det mitt oppdrag
[13:11] <@_cons> men dem har ikke gjort det
[13:11] <Goatee> hehe
[13:11] <@_cons> fordi det er så mange konstruerte kommentarer der
[13:12] <Goatee> LOL
[13:12] <@_cons> har ikke fått et eneste oppdrag derfra
[13:12] <Goatee> det er deg selv som har svart på det
[13:12] <Goatee> hehe
[13:12] <@_cons> ja det er lett for deg å si kronprins Haakon
[13:12] <@_cons> jeg sier som han der på TV
[13:12] <skorpion> det er nok en impersonator tror jeg
[13:12] <@_cons> hva heter han da
[13:12] <skorpion> dan børge?
[13:12] <@_cons> at du har tatt med deg ramma til mora di, da du ble født
[13:12] <@_cons> han der morsomme/sinna
[13:12] <skorpion> hehe
[13:13] <@_cons> hva heter han da
[13:13] <skorpion> hmm
[13:13] <skorpion> hvordan ser han ut?
[13:13] <@_cons> han sa det om krompen
[13:13] <skorpion> otto jespersen?
[13:13] <@_cons> han i torsdagsklubben
[13:13] <@_cons> ja
[13:13] <@_cons> stemmer
[13:13] <skorpion> hehe
[13:13] <@_cons> den var litt stygg kanskje
[13:13] <@_cons> men men
[13:13] <Goatee> jaja
[13:13] <skorpion> litt i drøyeste laget kanskje, ja
[13:13] <Goatee> ps1
[13:14] <Goatee> ps2
[13:14] <Goatee> 🙂
[13:14] <skorpion> men jeg må få i meg litt næring
[13:14] <@_cons> Goatee: skulle du kjøpe webdesign sa du?
[13:14] <skorpion> *brb*
[13:14] <Goatee> ja
[13:14] <@_cons> k bye
[13:14] <Goatee> tenkte på det
[13:14] <Goatee> kan du lage?
[13:14] <@_cons> det er nok bare noe bullshit
[13:14] <@_cons> eller geitepiss
[13:14] <@_cons> noe sånt
[13:14] <Goatee> men jeg betaler ikke mer enn max 70.000
[13:14] * Goatee was kicked by _cons ( ) Reason (barber deg og få deg en jobb)
[13:15] * _cons sets mode +b *!* for #blablabla
[13:36] <skorpion> jaja
[13:36] <skorpion> hva står på, _cons?
[13:42] <@_cons> ikke mye
[13:42] <@_cons> jeg var på jobbmesse i går
[13:42] <@_cons> så må følge med i tilfelle noen firma ringer
[13:42] <@_cons> vi får se
[13:43] <@_cons> jeg har cirka 1000 e-poster i inbox-en og
[13:43] <@_cons> så jeg prøver å rydde i dem
[13:43] <@_cons> men men
[13:46] <skorpion> og det meste er spam/tull da eller?
[13:54] <@_cons> ja stemmer
[13:55] <@_cons> det meste er nyhetsbrev
[13:55] <@_cons> Residential News: 54 Bond; Sherry-Netherland; 4 East 72nd; Rushmore; Chelsea Deals
[13:55] <@_cons> Inbox
[13:55] <@_cons> X
[13:55] <@_cons> Reply
[13:55] <@_cons> reply-to
[13:55] <@_cons> to (Yes, this is you.) Learn more
[13:55] <@_cons> date Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 1:19 PM
[13:55] <@_cons> subject Residential News: 54 Bond; Sherry-Netherland; 4 East 72nd; Rushmore; Chelsea Deals
[13:55] <@_cons> mailed-by
[13:55] <@_cons> unsubscribe Unsubscribe from this sender
[13:55] <@_cons> hide details 1:19 PM (35 minutes ago)
[13:55] <@_cons> Images are not displayed.
[13:55] <@_cons> Display images below – Always display images from
[13:55] <@_cons>
[13:55] <@_cons> Friday, January 28, 2011
[13:55] <@_cons> Email real estate editor Tom Acitelli with tips and story suggestions.
[13:55] <@_cons> Belgian Buy Means 54 Bond Street All Gone
[13:55] <@_cons> Brazilian Beer Baron Drinks Up at Sherry-Netherland
[13:55] <@_cons> Broadway Choreographer Takes the Stage at Distressed Chelsea Duplex
[13:55] <@_cons> Katy Perry Artist Will Cotton Buys in Tribeca; Saks Fifth Ave Press Gal In on Fifth; Lit Agents Swap
[13:55] <@_cons> Tighe Breaker! Ritz-Carlton King Out at 4 East 72nd
[13:55] <@_cons> Rushing Into the Rushmore; CIA Guy Buys; a $6.4 M. Chelsea Townhouse and a BroBo Beauty
[13:55] <@_cons> Puck! Sean Avery Takes a Dive on West Chelsea Condo
[13:55] <@_cons> Our Ancestors: Italo Calvino's Daughter, Granddaughter on Fifth
[13:55] <@_cons> Kim Kardashian Did NOT Buy in Justin Timberlake's Building; Hotelier Trades Lawyer at 15 CPW
[13:55] <@_cons> Did Carl Bernstein Just Move to Soho?
[13:55] <@_cons> Belgian Buy Means 54 Bond Street All Gone
[13:55] <@_cons> By Matt Chaban | January 27, 2011
[13:55] <@_cons> Another penthouse on boffo Bond Street is gone.
[13:55] <@_cons> In 2007, Adam Gordon bought the old Bouwerie Lane Theatre, that beautiful white cast-iron building at the corner of Bond and the Bowery, and reinvented it as a condo. Then, last month, The Observer broke the news that three of its four homes had been sold, and only the penthouse remained.
[13:55] <@_cons> READ MORE>>
[13:55] <@_cons> Brazilian Beer Baron Drinks Up at Sherry-Netherland
[13:55] <@_cons> By Matt Chaban | January 26, 2011
[13:55] <@_cons> Do they serve Brahma beer at Harry Cipriani?
[13:55] <@_cons> They better start, because Roberto Moses Thompson Motta, a Brazilian-born investor and director at Anheuser-Busch InBev, just moved in upstairs. Mr. Motta purchased a two-bedroom apartment at the Sherry-Netherland, that distinguished prewar co-op/hotel at the foot of Central Park, paying $4.495 million in December, according to city records.
[13:55] <@_cons> READ MORE>>
[13:55] <@_cons> Broadway Choreographer Takes the Stage at Distressed Chelsea Duplex
[13:55] <@_cons> By Matt Chaban | January 26, 2011
[13:55] <@_cons> Sergio Trujillo has danced his way into a phenomenal Chelsea penthouse at the Lion's Head Condominiums (there's one on the facade) at 121 West 19th Street, according to city records. Mr. Trujillo, called "The Ubiquitous Choreographer" by Playbill, has staged dance routines most recently for The Addams Family, Memphis, Jersey Boys and Next to Normal.
[13:55] <@_cons> READ MORE>>
[13:55] <@_cons> Katy Perry Artist Will Cotton Buys in Tribeca; Saks Fifth Ave Press Gal In on Fifth; Lit Agents Swap
[13:55] <@_cons> By Matt Chaban | January 25, 2011
[13:55] <@_cons> –The artists are coming back to Tribeca! Will Cotton (known as much for Katy Perry's "California Gurls" video as his art) and Rose Dergan of the Gagosian Gallery have bought a full-floor loft at 14 Harrison Street. The two-bedroom is fabulously fashionable, no thanks to the sellers, Scott and Denise Schramm, who picked up $2.14 million on the deal.READ MORE>>
[13:55] <@_cons> Tighe Breaker! Ritz-Carlton King Out at 4 East 72nd
[13:55] <@_cons> By Matt Chaban | January 25, 2011
[13:55] <@_cons> Real estate runs in Aaron Tighe's blood. Not only is the Credit Suisse managing director the son of Mary Ann Tighe, a CB Richard Ellis CEO and the chair of the Real Estate Board of New York, but he also got a 25 percent discount on his new home at 4 East 72nd Street, the 15-story co-op Carter B. Horsley called "one of the city's most elegant and distinguished apartment houses."
[13:55] <@_cons> READ MORE>>
[13:55] <@_cons> Rushing Into the Rushmore; CIA Guy Buys; a $6.4 M. Chelsea Townhouse and a BroBo Beauty
[13:55] <@_cons> By Matt Chaban | January 27, 2011
[13:55] <@_cons> — More good news for Gary Barnett at The Rushmore. While some buyers continue to fight in court to get out of their contracts, others can't wait to move in. Two 80 Riverside Boulevard buyers hit public records today, one for a four-bedroom on the fourth floor, the other for a two-bedroom on the ninth floor.
[13:55] <@_cons> READ MORE>>
[13:55] <@_cons> Puck! Sean Avery Takes a Dive on West Chelsea Condo
[13:55] <@_cons> By Matt Chaban | January 24, 2011
[13:55] <@_cons> New York Ranger, Vogue intern, barkeep and general man-about-townSean Avery has just sold his two-bedroom condo at The Chelsea Club, according to city records.READ MORE>>
[13:55] <@_cons> Our Ancestors: Italo Calvino's Daughter, Granddaughter on Fifth
[13:55] <@_cons> By Matt Chaban | January 19, 2011
[13:55] <@_cons> Giovanna Calvino, an adjunct literature professor at NYU, is currently creating a new Web series of fashionable book talks called "Amateur Thursdays," which, according to a post on the Kickstart Blog, will "film the show in some of New York's wonderful cultural institutions — such as The Strand bookstore, for instance."
[13:55] <@_cons> READ MORE>>
[13:55] <@_cons> Kim Kardashian Did NOT Buy in Justin Timberlake's Building; Hotelier Trades Lawyer at 15 CPW
[13:55] <@_cons> By Matt Chaban | January 21, 2011
[13:55] <@_cons> — When it was reported earlier this week that Kim Kardashian was looking for an apartment in New York, The Observer's heart leapt for joy. Not so much because we love the voluptuous vixen–do we ever, though–but because we thought we might have found out where she bought. Yesterday, a deed popped up in city records declaring that KK SOHO 6G LLC had purchased a two-bedroom condo at Soho Mews. It was too good to be true!READ MORE>>
[13:55] <@_cons> Did Carl Bernstein Just Move to Soho?
[13:55] <@_cons> By Matt Chaban | January 27, 2011
[13:55] <@_cons> Following his Watergate days, Carl Bernstein became a fixture of New York society, living the uptown life with the likes of Nora Ephron, Bianca Jagger, Martha Stewart, and now his wife Christine Kuehbeck. Yet it seems the sometime rock critic may have gotten hip to downtown living.
[13:55] <@_cons> READ MORE>>
[13:55] <@_cons> Visit the Real Estate page for the latest in real estate news.
[13:55] <@_cons> The New York Observer LLC | 321 W. 44th St. 6th Floor | New York, NY 10036
[13:55] <@_cons> This HTML email was sent to readers who have asked to receive newsletters. You can manage your newsletter subscriptions by clicking here. If you would prefer not to receive this newsletter from, please click here to unsubscribe.
[13:55] <@_cons> Copyright 2010 New York Observer
[13:55] <@_cons> sånn som det her
[13:56] <skorpion> ser ut som du trenger et nytt spamfilter
[13:56] <skorpion> evt. en ny epost-adresse
[13:56] <@_cons> ja, det er nok ikke spam
[13:56] <@_cons> det er ikke et data-program som sender disse vilkårlig
[13:56] <skorpion> nei, skjønner
[13:57] <@_cons> det er nok mennesker som bestiller online i mitt navn/e-post adresse
[13:57] <@_cons> så hver av disse er en kriminell handling, vil jeg si
[13:57] <skorpion> men de fleste filtere har jo mulighet for å kunne legge til nye adresser
[13:57] <@_cons> men politiet bare ignorerer mine e-poster
[13:57] <skorpion> uavhengig om det er spam eller andre ting
[13:57] <@_cons> ja, det er sant
[13:58] <@_cons> men det kommer nye hele tiden
[13:58] <@_cons> så det er ikke bare bare
[13:58] <skorpion> nei, skjønner
[13:58] <@_cons> så det er noen som har tulling med meg
[13:58] <@_cons> som heltidsjobb omtrent
[13:58] <@_cons> kan det virke som
[13:58] <@_cons> men men
[13:58] <skorpion> ja, det blir jo litt jobb på deg og da
[13:58] <@_cons> men jeg sender bare de værste tilfellene til politiet nå
[13:59] <@_cons> ja, men jeg lærer triks
[13:59] <@_cons> sånn som å bare skrive 'unsubscribe' tilbake
[13:59] <skorpion> stemmer
[13:59] <@_cons> og så bare 'paste'-e det ordet
[13:59] <@_cons> så jeg slipper å skrive det
[13:59] <@_cons> så det går raskere hele tiden, å rydde opp
[13:59] <@_cons> men jeg får se det an
[13:59] <skorpion> ja, du har fått litt metodikk i det
[13:59] <@_cons> om jeg forrandrer taktik
[14:00] <@_cons> ja, jeg gjør det på en mer og mer effektiv måte
[14:00] <@_cons> så kanskje jeg kommer på enda fler nye triks
[14:00] <@_cons> vi får se
[14:00] <skorpion> jau
[14:06] * Lillegutt ( has joined #blablabla
[14:06] <Lillegutt> _cons:
[14:06] * Einstein2 sets mode -b *!* for #blablabla
[14:07] <Lillegutt> _cons: Hagen skal til psykolog
[14:07] <skorpion> sier plagiatøren Stavrum, ja
[14:14] <@_cons> ja, jeg har jo jobba for rimi-hagen
[14:15] <@_cons> farmora mi, ågot
[14:15] <@_cons> har jobba for onkelen, eller noe, til finn jebsen
[14:15] <@_cons> og jeg har klagd på han stavrum
[14:15] <@_cons> til pfu for plagiat
[14:15] <@_cons> og jeg har sendt til rimi-hagen om å sende kopi av brev jeg fikk i 2001
[14:15] <@_cons> da jeg vant rimi gullårer
[14:15] <@_cons> men ingen av dem svarer
[14:16] <@_cons> så jeg vet ikke hvor mye mer jeg kan gjøre i forbindelse med de folka der
[14:16] <@_cons> hvem vet
[14:16] <@_cons> jeg skal se om jeg finner e-posten til finn jebsen
[14:16] <@_cons> vi får se
[14:17] <@_cons>
[14:17] <@_cons> der var den e-posten, fra igår, eller noe
[14:31] ->> Socket Error: 10053 : Connection is aborted due to timeout or other failure (Server)
[14:31] ->> Goto for more Socket Error Information
[14:31] ->> Connection closed from
[14:31] ->> Socket Error: 10065 : No route to host. (Server)
[14:31] ->> Goto for more Socket Error Information
[14:31] ->> Connection closed from
[14:32] ->> Socket Error: 10060 : The attempt to connect timed out (Server)
[14:32] ->> Goto for more Socket Error Information
[14:32] ->> Connection closed from
[17:29] ->> You joined channel #blablabla
[17:29] ->> Topic is: Ny Isbre-mint butikk:
[17:29] ->> Topic set by john_cons! on 13.01.2011 21:28:15
[17:29] ->> Channel Modes are: +tn
[17:29] ->> Channel created on 31.12.2010 09:58:40
[17:29] -> *blablabot* op (sensurert av johncons-blogg)
[17:29] * blablabot sets mode +o _cons for #blablabla
[17:29] ->> Grums is (user)
[17:29] ->> Grums is on: #johncons #blablabla
[17:29] ->> Grums using (Who Cares)
[17:29] ->> Grums :End of /WHOIS list.
[17:30] * _cons sets mode +b *!* for #blablabla
[17:30] * Grums was kicked by _cons ( ) Reason (er på #johncons)
[17:30] ->> Lillegutt is (Lillegutt)
[17:30] ->> Lillegutt is on: #blablabla @#oslo #Bergen
[17:30] ->> Lillegutt using (Who Cares)
[17:30] ->> Lillegutt :End of /WHOIS list.
[17:30] ->> skorpion is (skorpion)
[17:30] ->> skorpion is on: #oslo #blablabla
[17:30] ->> skorpion using (Better than WoW)
[17:30] ->> skorpion :End of /WHOIS list.
[18:33] * tailpush ( has joined #blablabla
[18:48] * _cons sets mode +b *!* for #blablabla
[18:48] * tailpush was kicked by _cons ( ) Reason (tailpush)
[18:49] * Proactive (proactive@2001:470:1f09:b:eef::41) has joined #blablabla
[18:49] <Proactive> mafia
[18:49] * Proactive (proactive@2001:470:1f09:b:eef::41) has left #blablabla (470:1f09:b:eef::41 PART #blablabla)
[18:58] * _cons sets mode +b proactive!*@* for #blablabla
[19:17] * blablabot sets mode +o skorpion for #blablabla
[19:17] * skorpion sets mode +b *!* for #blablabla
[19:18] * Lillegutt was kicked by skorpion ( ) Reason (Dææææ-dæ-dæ-dæ-dæ-dæ-dæ dææææ)
[19:25] * Per_Krist ( ) has joined #blablabla
[19:25] <Per_Krist> Dette kan du anmelde på nett:
[19:25] <Per_Krist> Tyveri av sykkel
[19:25] <Per_Krist> Tyveri av mobiltelefon
[19:25] <Per_Krist> Tyveri fra privatperson på offentlig sted (for eksempel lommebok eller veske)
[19:25] <Per_Krist> Tilgrising eller skadeverk på bygning og kjøretøy.
[19:25] <Per_Krist> Viktig:
[19:25] <Per_Krist> Alle felter i anmeldelsesskjema med stjerne foran er obligatorisk, og må fylles ut for at anmeldelsen skal kunne sendes.
[19:25] <Per_Krist> Ved tyveri av flere gjenstander samtidig eller på samme sted, holder det å sende én anmeldelse.
[19:25] <Per_Krist> Velg politidistriktet der hendelsen skjedde som mottaker når du sender inn anmeldelsen.
[19:25] <Per_Krist> Du mottar bekreftelse med anmeldelsesnummer fra politiet innen 14 dager. (I perioden juli – august kan dette ta noe lengre tid, grunnet ferieavvikling).
[19:25] <Per_Krist> Til bedrifter og organisasjoner:
[19:25] <Per_Krist> Politiet kan foreløpig ikke ta imot anmeldelser fra bedrifter/organisasjoner via nettet. Dette gjelder også sameier og borettslag. Anmeldelse må derfor leveres ved frammøte hos politiet. Husk å ha med fullmakt fra den du anmelder på vegne av.
[19:25] <Per_Krist> Ved innbrudd/tyveri:
[19:25] <Per_Krist> Har du hatt innbrudd/tyveri i for eksempel bolig, bod, hytte, bil? Da må anmeldelse leveres ved frammøte hos politiet.
[19:26] * Per_Krist ( ) Quit ( )
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