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Google Mail – To the Superior of Complaints Manager Karen Swindells

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog


To the Superior of Complaints Manager Karen Swindells

Erik Ribsskog


Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 5:03 PM



I wanted to please complain about your Complaint Manager.
I have a _case_ against Scottish Power, which I think consists of five _complaints_.

But your organisation says it is a _case_, that consists of one _complaint_ that consists of many _elements_.

I have studied Object Orientation as part of an IT-degree at University-level in Norway, and I think this doesn't add up.
It should be one case, that consists of five complaints.

You just jam all the complaints together, so that one lose the overview.
I wanted to please complain about this.
(Also, Swindell, (or 'svindel'), means fraud in Norwegian.

Just to joke a bit).
But I think this should be one case that consists of five complaints, I think it's irrelevant if all of them were triggered by an occourence or not, since I think that means you think it's ok for a company to treat people bad, if they pay the bill to late, (or something like this).

I don't think you or a company have the right to judge me, so I can't agree with this, I think it should be five complaints.
I'm looking forward to receiving your updated case, consisting of five complaints, (and 'elements' jamed together).

Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog