Her kan man se hvordan de frekke folka som styrer ef-net, på irc, driver og ‘fisler’

Session Start: Thu Feb 11 21:23:23 2010
Session Ident: #efnet.org
03[21:23] * Now talking in #efnet.org
03[21:23] * Topic is '2010 is dildos. '

03[21:23] * Set by root66!root66@efnet.orgy on Wed Jan 13 20:37:07
01[21:24] <cons> some sionist-mobsters, or something, are stealing my nick again
01[21:25] <cons> since i have an employment case against bertelsmann and microsoft presumably

[21:25] <@_static_> k
01[21:26] <cons> it's not a nick-collision, people with a lot of different ips are doing this aganst me daily
[21:26] <@_static_> nicks are not owned on efnet

01[21:26] <cons> i know, that's why i said it was not a nick-collision
01[21:26] <cons> this is mobster activity
[21:27] <@_static_> alright
[21:27] <@_static_> they must be pretty bored if they've resorted to nick stealing on the irc-s

01[21:28] <cons> i don't think this has to do with bordom, this is to wear me out, since i have a case against microsoft etc
01[21:28] <cons> these people probably do this for a living

[21:29] <@_static_> k
01[21:30] <cons> i've had that nick for thirteen years, i don't want my reputation to be distroyed by some sionist mobsters, or what they are, they use several isps in several contries

01[21:31] <cons> (john_cons)
01[21:32] <cons> they use a hire-a-geek.com isp today, whatever that is, normally they use .no isp's since i'm being persecuted in norway

[21:33] <svein> you're what? :p
01[21:33] <cons> being persecuted
01[21:33] <cons> 'forfulgt'
[21:34] <svein> how did you manage that feat?

01[21:34] <cons> pardon
01[21:34] <cons> feat?
01[21:34] <cons> how i managed to be followed?
[21:34] <svein> Norway isn't exactly famous for it's vendettas after innocent people.

02[21:35] * @evb (evb@terra.solta.cx) Quit (Remote host closed the connection )
01[21:35] <cons> i'm aware of that, i overheard in oslo, in 2003 and 2004, that i was being followed by the 'mafian', like they called it there, on rimi bjørndal etc

01[21:36] <cons> since then i've lived abroad
[21:36] <svein> *sigh*
[21:36] <svein> never mind
01[21:36] <cons> who are you then svein?
[21:37] <svein> someone who has heard to many such stories, and seen very few of them be anything else than the need for professional help.

[21:37] <svein> but, bbl.
01[21:37] <cons> ok, i thougt you were an inpolite b*stard
01[21:38] svein is svein@d80.iso100.no * Svein Skogen

01[21:38] svein on #efnet.org
01[21:38] svein using irc.efnet.no I am the god of hellfire
01[21:38] svein actually using host

01[21:38] svein End of /WHOIS list.
[21:38] <@_static_> I think he needs some help…more than IRC can give
01[21:38] _static_ is static@not.a.spoof * static

01[21:38] _static_ on @#maturity @#efnet.org @#chanfix
01[21:38] _static_ using irc.shoutcast.com 5O 4M 8G 9P 12O 6N 5I 4E 8Z

01[21:38] _static_ is an IRC operator
01[21:38] _static_ End of /WHOIS list.
01[21:39] <cons> i understand why you hang on #maturity, you try to learn to be more mature?

01[21:39] <cons> isn't that right, _static_?
[21:39] <@_static_> yep where we're not a bunch of paranoid nut jobs thinking people on IRC are out to get us
[21:40] <svein> _static_: You mean they aren't? Damn! :p

[21:40] <@_static_> 🙂
01[21:40] <cons> people on irc are the same people that are other places
01[21:40] <cons> you are being naive
[21:40] <@_static_> yep and there are paranoid nut jobs in the real world as well

[21:40] <@_static_> you can typically pick them out because they're wearing tin foil hats
[21:40] <svein> _static_: Does he have a carrying-permit for that nut(job)? 😉
01[21:41] <cons> _static_: but you can't see the hats on irc can you?

01[21:41] <cons> svein: where in norway are you from then, if i can ask
[21:41] <svein> cons: The Norwegian part. 😉
01[21:42] <cons> which part is that?
[21:42] <@_static_> nope, but by the sounds of it, you'd be wearing one.

01[21:42] <cons> i didn't think anywhere of norway was norwegian any longer
01[21:42] <cons> american, muslim yes
01[21:42] <cons> but norwegian?
01[21:43] <cons> _static_: can you really hear sounds thorough the internet-line?

[21:43] <@_static_> yep
01[21:43] <cons> _static_: you are the nut-case then
[21:43] <@_static_> sounds like a modem connection
[21:43] <@_static_> every time I dial into AOL I hear those sounds

01[21:43] <cons> really?
[21:44] <@_static_> yep
01[21:44] <cons> are you from nyc?
[21:44] <@_static_> nope
01[21:44] <cons> california?

06[21:44] * svein starts thinking that cons is actually from east ham. :p
01[21:44] <cons> east ham?
[21:45] <@_static_> Orofino idaho
[21:45] <svein> cons: One stop short of Barking. 😉

01[21:45] <cons> i didn't know they had sionists there
01[21:45] <cons> barking?
01[21:45] <cons> i'm from larvik, berger and oslo in norway, and sunderland and liverpool in the uk

01[21:45] <cons> and yourselves?
[21:46] <@_static_> Orofino idaho
01[21:46] <cons> ok, i meant svein
01[21:46] <cons> i'm sorry i've only been to the usa once

01[21:46] <cons> in detroit, in 2005, and then the airport-police just sent me back to europe
01[21:46] <cons> even if i've never been a criminal etc
[21:47] <svein> cons: I'm not in the habit of leaving my adress out for people of questinable sanity.

03[21:47] * _static_ sets mode: +b *!*vbeider@*.range81-158.btcentralplus.com
03[21:47] * You were kicked by _static_ (crappy toll, *flush* )
Session Close: Thu Feb 11 21:47:40 2010