Person on Chatterbox acting anoying.

Re: Police raped girl in Matthew
St., Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-09
Time: 20:04:26

The girl did something illegal. THe police
restrained her. The police searched her. The
police in liverpool do not go around raping
girls in the middle of Matthew Street.

And there is ALWays loads of police in
matthew street at night. its a trouble
hot-spot with all the drunks and so on.

You ever thought you only saw half of what
actually happened? You make a LOT of
assumptions and I bet most of them are wrong

And what it comes down to it, what good is
this going to do? If someone bad did happen
(which it didnt) someone (the girl in
question or a passer-by) would have done
something about it.

The reason you didnt see this in the echo is
because NOTHING HAPPENED. Some drunk girl
just got stopped and dealt with by the
police. The police were doing their job.

Your post is full of phrases like ‘it seems’
and ‘maybe’ and ‘i couldnt understand’
because you dont know and youve made
assumptions on what happened, or maybe what
you would have liked to have happened to fit
in with some of the other subjects on your

And for the record, it wasnt the new world
order that deleted the earlier thread, it was
the site moderators. Also doing their job.

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Re: Police raped girl in Matthew
St., Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-09
Time: 20:07:40

And furthermore, this happened like 2 months
ago. Why on earth didnt you report it the
next day? Have you actually done anything
about this besides ramble about it on the
internet? Why didnt you intervene at the
time? Why was your first instinct, on seeing
a girl in troubel, was to take a picture and
post it on your blog weeks later? Hardly the
behaviour of a good citizen.

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Re: Police raped girl in Matthew
St., Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-09
Time: 20:09:08

‘Like they had done things like this many
times before, and almost didn’t have to
think. ‘

What you mean like GOING TO ARREST SOMEONE?
Yeah, I think the police might have done that
once or twice before. Hell, it may well have
been in their training. Spooky or what?

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Re: Police raped girl in Matthew
St., Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-09
Time: 20:13:01

Oh and Erik? Gerry says hi and he’ll be
around next week.

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Re: Police raped girl in Matthew
St., Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-09
Time: 21:10:40

Sigmatix, I think you should maybe try to
calm down a bit.

I don’t think it’s alright to write people
three messages, with questions/comments.

You should only write me one comment I

And in a polite way.

First I think you should go for a walk around
the block, and calm down a bit.

Erik Ribsskog

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