Between You and Dörte Gensow
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Today at 12:32pm
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would you please be so nice to delete our Conversation about Sunderland from your blog? I decided that these things are to personal so I don’t want it readable for the whole world… thx
Today at 12:50pm
Hi Dörte,
what was this with, that you wanted to sit in my bed, and explained that you thought it was nice and comfertable etc, some days before Iwo went back to Germany?
And then you wanted to have a sigarette with me, etc, on your last day there.
What was this all about?
Weren’t you together with Iwo then?
Why did Brusk say that you had a sexual relationship?
Why did Iwo always ask you if you were ‘frisky’ when I went to the lounge to make some food etc.
Why did Iwo say, that his sexlife was saved, when I fixed your laptop?
I think there quite many strange things, in connection with this, so from these things, I suspect that I’m a bit involved myself here, so until I’ve got some answers to these things, then I think I’ll let the blog-posts stay.
At least till I know more about what has been going on.
And I remember you also asked me there, in Sunderland, if I wanted to borrow a porn-movie, that you had downloaded.
Iwo talked about something with a lot of girls in, that lived in the same house etc.
But I didn’t think I could sit and watch porn, by my desk, in the flat, when you and Iwo and Federica and Rosario, lived there etc.
And my room was next to the lounge, not like your rooms wich were the rooms that were furthermost away from the lounge there.
So I thought it was a bit many strange things, and you didn’t want to speak with me about this on the phone, you were only complaining, that you were going to town in ten minutes, even you posted cute pictures of cats, and girlfriend music-videoes, and wanted to be my friend on Facebook, and sent ‘have a nice day’-messages etc.
And then you didn’t want to talk on the phone.
I think this is a bit strange.
So I think the messages stays, untill I know more about what’s going on.
Hope this is alright!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
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Today at 1:57pm
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would you please stop constructing such stories? Do you have any problems? My patience is over now, i I only wanted to be nice and you are constructing strange things all the time wich is all about that other people want harm or deceive you. I would never do this and have never done things like this. So please stop doing this! I did not want to talk with you on phone because i did not understand your speech and because i was tired of you and your theories of things in sunderland happened. but I am to polite saying this loud so i told you that i have no time. If you are not able to understand that is you who creates these horrible stories about , I dont want you to contact me again.. i never had any interests in you i only want being a friend please stop imputing me other things.
I have enough problems by myself in this moment… being unemployed is not very funny you know? I have to think about paying my food every week becaause i have no money. This is much more important than thinking about your imaginations. I dont have time to correct all your interpretations of things happened.
I dont understand you, why you alway want to impute bad things to me? Have i done something bad to you?
And it’s very unfair from you to blackmail me with the deletion of our conversation in your blog.
Like i remember i was never bad to you so explain why you are doing this to me?
i am torn between being angry and being sad…. i only wanted to renew a friendship closed some years ago (so i thought) and now i have to see that this friend is contructing fairy tales and imputing me bad things…. i am really disappointed.
things happened around you where not strange you made it strange in you imagination……
I am very sad that you are so bad to me because i never have done anything bad to you…. i cant understand your behavior
i only want you to delete the conversation because i have to look for a new job so i can pay my food and dont have to starve and if a person googles me he will find this conversation and every other person will find it to …no job redruiter will give me a job by reading this…. furthermore is publishing this conversation in internet hurting my privacy…. so you want to hurt me with this?
so you understand now ?
Today at 5:03pm
I’m not constructing anything at all.
How about the cute cats you sent to my Facebook-page, and the ‘girlfriend’ musicvideo, and the ‘Have a nice day’-message.
Are those constructions as well?
It looks like you wanted to give the impression that you were my girlfriend, or something, for some phoney reason?
I’m not accepting to be treated with being sent very friendly messages, for noe reason, and then not wanting to speak with me on the phone.
And this on top of the stuff that happened in Sunderland.
You were keeping track of the things I was doing there, I remember.
I ordered a lot of books etc., from Norway, and then I overheard that you told someone that you had lost track of the stuff.
You also made a point of once, that I had two different colours of facial-hair, in Sunderland.
So, with all the strange things that has been going on, I think I’ll keep the conversations etc., and this is no blackmail, this is because I suspect that you have been doing some phoney stuff, on Facebook and in Sunderland.
So please stop sending me any more messages, I’ll block you now.
And please remember that we are adult people, who are responsible for our actions.
You can’t just pretend that what you have done, haven’t happend, and then expect people to just forget about it.
Hope this is alright!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog