From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2008 00:14:59 +0100
Subject: Being used as a ‘target guy’ by three different governments.
I’m a Norwegian citizen living in Britain.
I have to say I’m a refugee from Norway.
I know I’m supposed to send a letter to the Hich Court of Human Rights in
Europe, but I’m having some problems with my printer,
so I hope it’s alright that I’m sending an e-mail.
I’ve overheard that I have been followed by some ‘mafia’ in Norway, in 2003.
In 2005, I was chased away from my uncles farm in Norway, by some people
with guns and dogs, that I overheard saying that were going
to shoot me.
This year, I’ve overheard that I’ve been used as a ‘target-guy’.
And it seems that I have been having phoney water-meter inspectors from
probably the CIA in my flat, in 2007.
I think this started when I went to Detroit in 2005.
Then I had to wait at the imigration-control, for several hours, being
questioned, inbetwen the questioning-offices was taking phone-calls.
Then he said they couldn’t let me in, since I didn’t have a bond in Norway.
So then I think they started to use me as a target-guy.
And I also suspect that the Norwegian and British governments are involved.
Then americans sent me back to Oslo, via Paris, in what seemed like a
‘terminal’ (like in the movie) plot, since they had written something in my
that I suspect would have led the French imigration-control, to send me back
to America again, had they seen what the Americans had written in my
Also, in Britain, the Police have refused to give me any help, but I think
have just let me go on, even if I suspect there was some mafia, in the
company, Arvato
Service Ltd., that I have been working in, in Liverpool, in 2005 and 2006.
The Police didn’t give me any help or advice, even if I contacted them many
times, and they still just pretend that there is nothing going on.
And there are collegues that were working there, that I suspect something
could have happened with, but the Police just pretend there have been
nothing going
on, even if I think it is my right to know what has been going on there,
since I was working there.
It was like slavery, working there, and I’m trying to a case ran throug the
British court-system.
But the Police wont even look at the case, even if there were being used
illigal management methods there etc.
The Police sent me to the CAB, to get the case up for the Crowns Court, but
no lawyers want to help me, under the Duty Solicitors Programme, and the
British Police are just harassing and lying etc, so I suspect that there
could be some type of intellegence-activity, behind this, that no
organisations or
institutions want to help me in Norway or Britain, including Amnesty, the
Red Cross and Human Rights Watch etc.
I suspect that this could be due to some type of Goverment cover-up plan, in
connection with what went on at Arvato, where I suspect Nordic women were
being the subject of traficcing etc.
I’ve been contacting the Norwegian Special Police, Kripos, but they dont
anser my calls/emails.
The organisation responsible for them, Politidirektoratet, dont answer my
The Norwegian embassy in London, and three Norwegian ministries,
Justisdepartementet (The Justice Dep.), UD (The Foreign Ministry), and
Fornyings og
Adminstrasjonsdepartementet. (Translates to Renewal and Administration
Neighter of these institutions/ministries are answering my emails.
I contacted the SMK (The Prime-ministers Office), in Norway.
And complained on the three ministries.
But they are ignoring my complaint, they are acting irresponsible, I would
say, and are just refering me to the Sivilombudsmannen.
Who is the Ombudsman, in Norway, that deals with irregularitites from the
Goverment administration.
But I think, that the Prime Ministers Office, should have a look at this,
because this is regarding three ministries.
I think, that the SMK probably are involved, since they wont even look at
And it’s not allowed to use ones citizens as target-guys/spies, which it
seem’s to me that has been going on.
And I’m not sure if the Sivilombudsmannen, have any real power over the
And I think, using ones citizens as target-guys/spies, on some mafia etc.,
without even asking the citizen if he want’s this.
I think this is a serious crime towards the human rights.
And neighter the Norwegian or British Amnesty or Human Rights Watch, wants
to help me with this, so I think they are probably being
told by some Government inteligence not to help me, or something like this.
So I don’t really know who else that could look at this.
So I hope the European Human Rights Court have the chance to have a look at
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog